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Iron Heroes - Legends of Mitterion (IC Thread)


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Erik looks at Grom and smiles. As he is about to replies, all his companion put themselves in the middle. "Group? I don't need you three, if that Istramish want to throw me insult, it is just between me and him. If he want to cower behind his friends, it is up to him, but I am not this kind of man." Erik tells to Kadosh. He turns his attention on grom. "You can beat anyone of us barehanded you just pretend. Fine. I offer you that chance. Let your crude weapon aside and let my sword aside. Barehanded, one on one. The first to knock out his opponent."

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Iron Captain

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A guard captain and 3 men walk by you. The captain throws Grom and Erik a displeasing glance. Grom waits until the captain has passed before replying to Erik: "We'll meet at the Iron Fang tonight."

He pushes his way through the crowd again to his companions and is soon called into the tent.

After about a half hour or so you 4 are called to the tent by a small, wry man: "Are you four together? If so please follow me."

[sblock=OOC]The Iron Fang is a tavern that hosts bare knuckle fighting events and wrestling matches.[/sblock]


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At the question, Kadoch throws Erik a glance, raising his eyebrows. Turning his attention back to the man, he shrugs once more.

"Not sure 'bout that one, but the three of us are indeed together."


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"Hey, we will settle that tonight, and good way. And I'll teach him some manor. I'm with you. At worst, I'll haev a few bruise tomorrow morning, but nothing worst than if you had taken one too much drink." tells Erik to Kadoch.

"Yes, I'm with them."


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Kemal refastens his dagger and follows his companions.

While passing by the small man he asks him "How is the hiring going? Is there enough room for all four of us?"

Iron Captain

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The small leads you into the tent. At Kemal's question he merely shrugs. "I cannot say good sir, but I do believe my master has not chosen many men yet."

The tent is quite large and a table stands at the far end. Two Lanterns provide light that stand to either side. The bodyguard you know as Lok stands at the right side while the merchant known as Acktet sits behind the table writing something on a piece of parchment.

He looks up at you and smiles: "Ah a group, good good. We prefer men who know each other. If you would be so kind as to state your names." After he has taken down the names that you supply him (OOC: Let me know if you giva an Alias.) he stands up and inspects you. After sitting down at the edge of the table he points out Erik's Greatsword: "I see most of you carry weapons, good good. You seem to be in fine condition. Though my brother and I and our trusted servant Lok choose the men to join us ourselves, sometimes other men we have already hired are not pleased with our decisions. Have you heard of the Iron Fang? If a man has doubts about another man's abilities he may challenge him either in a bare fisted brawl or with wooden weapons. Last man standing is taken along. Nothing lethal of course. I am quite convinced that you are qualified, but our large friend... he reaches for the piece of parchment on the desk and reads a name from it Grom and his friends. Seems to think otherwise. He wishes to challenge you he motions towards Erik to a bare knuckle fight this evening. Should you win then you will join us. All four of you. But if you should lose or decline then I am afraid we will have to give "Grom's" group the position. As a group of 4 people or less is hired or declined as one." He looks at you expectantly, his arms crossed.

[sblock=OOC]Though this does seem to be unorthodox, it makes sense as the merchants will probably make a small fortune on the betting that goes on during these fights.[/sblock]


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"Ah!" exclamate Erik. "Seems fair to me. That man had already insult me, and I was planning to give him the fight he wanted. Now, not only I will have to teach him some manner, but also to make him understand that honor and business shouldn't be mixt. I don't like to do it myself, to mixt honor and business, but it seems you offer me no other choice."


Khepra scowls slightly at the idea of losing his place because of a fight. Erik was a worthy warrior it was true, and this Grom was full of himself, and much in need of a lesson. Still it was an irritating prospect to not be allowed his own path.

He holds up on finger, asking for a small pause and draws his friends in to whisper.

"Perhaps if we are to be decided as one, we should fight as one. Let Grom find some friends and we all get a hand in our fate."

Iron Captain

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[sblock=If you should agree to Khepra's suggestion then...]Acktet strokes the non existing beard on his chin. "Hmmmm. Yes. Yes I think that is very acceptable. I will have Grom and his companions informed." He nods to the small man from before who exits the tent while Acktet moves back behind the table and sits down in his chair his hands folded and a smile on his face. "I take it we will see you at the Iron Fang this evening then?"[/sblock]
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