Is Chris Perkins Working On A New D&D Setting?

Chris Perkins posted some tantalizing tidbits on Twitter last night… any thoughts on what it all means? He states that Forgotten Realms is not the default D&D setting, that he's working on something slated for 2016, and that there's non-Realms stuff in the works. It sounds like something related to an older setting. Could be good news for those hoping to see Eberron or some other setting brought back for 5th Edition!

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Wasn't Perkins the guy who posted a picture of his office at WotC in the fall that highlighted the WoG glossography on his desk? Does that mean there is hope for Greyhawk?

Sigh... Lots of FR material but no sourcebook (or so it seems).

Hopefully there is one in the pipeline as well as a Greyhawk one. Though for a DM with limited time I would be disappointed to see sourcebook materials for Greyhawk and no adventures, and the other way around for FR.

But here's hoping! :)

I'm not for sure I even want to see massive setting-bible books anymore.
I wouldn't mind small Gazetteer-type books that breakdown the setting and give player/DM options.
Small PDF releases can be done per setting to detail special areas/groups/times.

I'm not for sure I even want to see massive setting-bible books anymore.
I wouldn't mind small Gazetteer-type books that breakdown the setting and give player/DM options.
Small PDF releases can be done per setting to detail special areas/groups/times.

My ideal setup, and certainly the one I intend to do from now on, is short adventure paths each in a differently themed setting, with an accompanying player's guide. Kinda like how we did ZEITGEIST and WotBS, but smaller.

So they could have a 5-part Ravenloft AP, with a smallish downloadable player's guide. A lot of the info would be introduced in the adventures themselves.

No big hardcover bibles needed. You play an AP in Ravenloft, then you play an AP in Spelljammer, then you play an AP in Dragonlance. Paizo kinda does that thematically, but it's all in one setting. WotC has all these wonderful settings to play with.

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