Is the Pathfinder Core Rulebook Too Big For You? Check Out These Pocket Editions!

Paizo has just announced new softcover pocket editions for the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the first Bestiary. They have the same page count and content, but are just 6.5 inches by 8.4 inches (the type and images are smaller, and the paper is thinner). The price is smaller, too - $24.99 for the core rules and $19.99 for the Bestiary. You can get 'em direct from Paizo - click on the images below!

Paizo has just announced new softcover pocket editions for the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the first Bestiary. They have the same page count and content, but are just 6.5 inches by 8.4 inches (the type and images are smaller, and the paper is thinner). The price is smaller, too - $24.99 for the core rules and $19.99 for the Bestiary. You can get 'em direct from Paizo - click on the images below!



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Blistering Barnacles!
I saw these in my FLGS a while back, they look great!
I'd buy a 5E PHB, MM, DMG if they ever printed them, not that they are likely to...


I saw these in my FLGS a while back, they look great!
I'd buy a 5E PHB, MM, DMG if they ever printed them, not that they are likely to...

They're not likely to, I think, even though I'd love one. Bookbinding is my hobby, so I've been tempted to type it all out (since I type 85 cwpm anyway) and then bind them up in nice, leatherbound hardcovers, but that would be rather expensive in the end.


I saw the softcover corebook at a gamestore in San Francisco 3 weeks ago.

Seems that Paizo's sales and logistics department has outpaced their marketing department on this one :)

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