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Is the Premium Store Thing Working?

Has your shopping changed as a result of "Premium" stores?

  • My shopping at "Premium" FLGS has increased

    Votes: 33 48.5%
  • My shopping at "Premium" FLGS has remained the same.

    Votes: 35 51.5%


First Post
It feels no different than paying for super-fast shipping, except for the fact that I get it even sooner.

Of course, this is somewhat offset by not wanting to use any character options before they get into D&DI, which means you're not saving any time by waiting for Amazon (well, if you live in the US and have Amazon Prime, anyway).

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Holy Bovine

First Post
We are a Premier Store, and our 4E sales have increased noticeably!

That's great! I know my FLGS that is also a Premium store (and runs D&D Encounters and stocks tons of 4E stuff) told me that this is their best summer in ages - thanks in part to getting to sell the D&D stuff before anyone else in town. One drawback is - if I'm not there the first weekend they get their shipment I have to wait for the re-stock! (I don't put stuff on hold as I always want to read through a new book a little before hand before buying).

Scribe Ineti

No change for me. I buy some minor stuff at my LGS, like paint and dice and the odd board game, but all my 4e stuff is coming from Amazon or Borders when there's a nice discount coupon from their free membership program. I budget myself $X each month for gaming swag, and I get more for my money by not buying 4e stuff at the game store.

Is there a list of premium stores up on WotC? And are they all US?

EDIT: very us centric. I found the google map powered thing, doesn't even list a single one of the stores (not that there are more than a hand full!) in the entire country.

Not really much point here in NZ we get everything months late and massively overpriced so I stick with Amazon. And my FLGS is about 1.5 hours drive away.

the Jester

Wow. Have you discussed this with the store owner? I mean, getting the books two weeks before anyone around would equate to a sale to someone, even if you only ordered a couple copies.

I have tried, but he's quite busy in there and usually has a gaggle of people talking to him all the time. At least, when I'm there- and it isn't worth another hour's drive to make a special trip for it, you know? Anyway, I haven't been able to have a real discussion with him about it at all yet.

The real question is, is the shop in question an earnestly run business, or one of those geniuses who runs a hobby shop as his own personal discount outlet and never orders anything he doesn't play? :)

Umm, not sure- I think more an earnestly run business. But the first time I went in, he had a lot more War Machine going on at the tables than anything else; also, he has a bunch of Pathfinder on the shelf, though I don't know if it sells. I just don't know what's up with him- and given the hour-away part of the situation, I'm not sure it's worth the effort for me.


First Post
I stumbled across the Premiere store concept back around the time MM3 had come out. I randomly wandered by my local FLGS in search of a different book, when lo and behold, there sat MM3 --and lots of it-- well before what I understood to be the release date.

I blinked a bit, looked at the fellow minding the counter and said, "I can buy this NOW?" He said, "Yep," and a little voice in my head screamed out, "MINE!!!!" so loud it startled a fellow halfway across the store who happened to be checking out the Psionic classes in PHB3.

The day Dark Sun hit the Premiere stores, I was there. In the war between NOW and CHEAP, for me NOW will always win.


I want to support my awesome FLGS. Sadly, the location and hours are just inconvenient enough that I don't. My wife and I had a son back in February, and even the routine stuff like going to the grocery store is a lot more of a hassle. :) That, and Amazon's discount is a lot more important, with his day care costing about a grand a month. Factor in the fact that my home game is on Wednesdays, thereby blocking Encounters out entirely, and it's just the wrong time for me to support my FLGS as much as I want to or as much as I should.


It's working on me in a really kooky way.

See, I was already buying everything 4e-related from my FLGS. But ever since it became a Premium store, I buy more stuff. It's like because they get it early, I have to buy it.

Darn you, Wizards!


I haven't changed my buying patterns due to the local stores getting things sooner. However, Essentials could change that. I am very excited about Essentials and will probably pick them up as soon as they are available at the local store.

The Red Boxes should be hitting the stores next week.

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