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ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

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Once A Fool

I, at somepoint stopped reading this mutating thread, and simply began skimming since it all seemed to contain the same sort of continuous blurbing.

I don't roleplay all that often anymore, so i'm not as crushed as some are by this news. However, I am not surprised at all that this is occuring. I'll have to take the WizO's word on it that a offer was extended for an idea or two about what sort of chat software should be pursued for the future of this online community; and if no response was given, well not much we can do about that I suppose.

Reason i'm not surprised by this turn of events though, is because when the new software was unveiled to us, I would have to hazard a guess that around eighty percent of roleplayers outright complained and booed the new direction that was chosen. Well, when you bite the hand that feeds you, that hand may no longer choose to feed you. So I would have to say that we do have partly ourselves to blame for this scene unfolding before us.

I would also like to say I have the energy to sit around and blame others and bicker back and forth about it until the moon drops out of the sky; I don't though. Instead, what energy I do have, I think should be aimed at thanking people like Raven, Siani, Pou and others who have decided to volunteer their time to try and keep the ISRP going by moving it off-site.

Or players like Jardel, who has donated space from his own website forums to hold discussion threads about the direction of the new ISRP community.

That is what I would be doing with my time, instead of pointing fingers and the like. Since that will only get you no where fast. Where as helping the others build anew, might accomplish more then many in this community may have ever imagined.

Thats my piece.

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...o O (Lure them in with free candy,..yess yess..)

We all have heard or can read for ourselves the happenings up until now that let to our present situation. In that ongoing conversation there is some explanation, hopefully enough to let people transition with some inkling of an idea of why things are happening. It strikes me that that sort of thing makes people feel a little better even when ‘change’ is not something they would have chosen.

I’d like to say that I agree with this much. Now that change has come about, for whatever reasons, I think it’s time to concentrate on the transition and building from here. At this point I don’t care who did what to whom, why and when or with what cattle prod except for the simple reference for future organization of the new site.

My main worry as a player on this site was that fresh, interactive play on a wider scale than just a few people was going to be totally lost. Change has inspired people better suited than I, to respond in ways that will prevent that loss and I am thrilled. I wish I could do more personally to contribute to the building of the new site but all I happen to be able to do right now is contribute a positive attitude.

ISRP is, for whatever reasons, moving on. It’s time we prepared to do so too.

Hearts,.flowers,.puppies,.bunnies,.elves in orange feathered hats…etc,.etc,.



Darrius of the Guardians

I'm skipping most of the previous argument, as I really don't give a rat ass about anyone's opinion of me. This though, annoys me:

Nevine said:
What you did to make "this site a better place" is entirely of your own opinion. It isn't an actual "fact".

Do not claim you have contributed for the sites betterment, I do not share your view. Ergo: You claiming you have done any good.

So, my idea of creating the newbie guide wasn't a help [check]
Incdenatly, this was done in 2000 when for about the tenth time a month a thread about how horrible all newbies were was up. You know who helped with the guide?

1. Aesynil
2. Khelos
3. Dontella
4. Alyyssa

So, my idea of having a text formated of CoC for people who could access the site and to allow the WizOs a way of pointing out where soemone violated the CoC wasn't a help [check]
It was sent in 2000 to the old yahoo addy.

The time I take from my RP to help new people understand ISRP is not a help [check]
I have an email from Pounamu about an incident where she was about to come and help a newbie only to see I was already in the midst of doing so.

What have you done truly Nevine, to help. What have you done to truly interact with the ISRP community as a whole to understand my point of view?

I do see yours, I used to share it Nevine. The people here have made me jaded, as the whine inseniantly, attack each other without attempt of understanding, and when asked for any sort of help the vanish like a turkey on thanksgiving.


Oracle of Hope

Ok, that's enough - both of you. That sort of sniping back and forth might be tolerated here, but in a month you'll find that the new host will quickly ban the both of you for it.


First Post
Darrius of the Guardians said:
What have you done truly Nevine, to help. What have you done to truly interact with the ISRP community as a whole to understand my point of view?

I do see yours, I used to share it Nevine. The people here have made me jaded, as the whine inseniantly, attack each other without attempt of understanding, and when asked for any sort of help the vanish like a turkey on thanksgiving.

Okay, attacking the merits of what you have or have not done was wrong, on that point. I do have a response for your query, but I guess I should stop debating....I mean..."sniping".

In all honesty, I would rather that no one "quit". Even you. I apologize for that remark.



Originally Posted by Darrius of the Guardians
What have you done truly Nevine, to help. What have you done to truly interact with the ISRP community as a whole to understand my point of view?

I do see yours, I used to share it Nevine. The people here have made me jaded, as the whine inseniantly, attack each other without attempt of understanding, and when asked for any sort of help the vanish like a turkey on thanksgiving.




Stephanie Marie said:
I agree wholeheartedly with that. Theres no reason to complain about the move........there is nothing we can do to stop the big corporation from kicking us out. I greatly appreciate Mel and Ravens efforts to help us out with this move or else I know I would be lost trying to find the new chat..........also I have a question for any of the Wizos since the isrp boards are going after so long do we need to apply for a new screen name in order to post of the other wizards boards? Just wonderin :p

I've posted on the RPGA boards (among others) under this screen name, so I don't think it'll be a problem.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Oracle of Hope said:
Ok, that's enough - both of you. That sort of sniping back and forth might be tolerated here, but in a month you'll find that the new host will quickly ban the both of you for it.
:lol: (too funny)

Anyhow, I don’t play here but I wanted to extend my well wishes on all of your moves. :)

Be sorry it happened, look fondly upon the good times, and look enthusiastically to the future.



* Has gone to making notes in nopad for this most compendious of threads before posting *

Krystal said:
As for coming back?

I vote no. Seriously. Why would we want to come back to a site that would only restrict us, and when they get sick of us again, punt us once more? No thank you. They want the sever, then I say sever--and stay that way permanently.

Krystal> Well said... The road is ever-winding onwards and indeed one must speak one's mind... even if sometimes it causes a few crossed wires. I myself, have been guilty of that on more than a few occasions - recently included.

Fatora said:
I have little to say to the effect of what is happening, other then this...

I operate an FTP server, a palace Server, and an online storage server.

IF the wizOs that are attempting to take over the ISRP chat, need server space, or any assistance.

I will happily DONATE server space to the order of 10GB for nothing, as long as the chat can stay active.
you are welcome to e-mail me or message me if interested.

MSN: charmmingfatora@hotmail.com

Charm> Way to go Fatora!... Most kind of you

Elf_Ariel said:
This is all pretty devestating. How can we praise Wizards when they've just dug the hole and told us to jump in? I mean honestly I could rant and rave, chuck a few tantrums etc but that's as good as jumping straight in. I suppose there is one positive about this change, and that is that now we are more a community than ever. We are feeling the same, and have a similar vision in mind. All in all Wizards, previously at least, hasn't been a particularly bad provider. Lets not loose sight of all the positive times they have provided us with. Still, if they dont want us...well then we'll just have to make do by ourselves. There is not really a chance of going back; as I see it, it's like moving out of home: Once you get into the rhythm of it, there's no way you'd ever move back in with your folks! Fingers crossed the new designated area for ISRP provides a place we'll never want to come back from.

Ariel> Indeed... it was greatly upsetting to we all, yet time has told and we move on. I feel that Wiz could have handled things differently, but they chose this course. At least they have done the honorable thing by letting the system go with us... This was a huge step in the right direction, let alone offewring all the assistance with the new site. As for the new server? So far, things look good to me... lively debates and honest voices thusfar.... the important thing now is to not beat about the bush and to set things up right. This precious home online must continue....

WizO Adele> It has been obvious top me over the long years that you have always cared, and I thank you for that. You have always been rather punctual with your return contacts with me and done your duty as far as I have seen... this Old Gold will not forget that.. It will be a touch difficult to figure out a new nickname for the place as I have always called it a variant of Wizards or the said same... Ideas everyone????? Wizzies is rather a nice fit, but the waterclock in the Roads has ticked a new hour......

Dontella> Many of we share the disappointment and disgruntlement you show in your post... All of these years I have been onsite, not not know of your dedicated efforts with the art and other matters... Shame on me... You are Quite Talented and I hope that Raven chooses to take you up on your offer as I would like very much to see more of your work in the public eye... especially at the new home of ISRP...

Raven> Indeed... Melanie has indeed been most kind..even though some of we have not... I being included in that listing on an occasion or two from simple distress misdirected, for that... I apologise... After all... IT COULD HAVE BEEN MUCH WORSE. Our opinionated and blustery posterii have been given a new lease on life...so to speak... and in my personal opinion, I am well beyonde words of gladness and joy for it.... Should you need anything please ring. Despite my various tasks, I am always available in one way or another. The Duties of Interstitial Guardian never end as is with any other roll... I am thankful for all the friends I have met through this venue and the times that have been had, both good and bad and for the times yet to come with all the pressies they bring.... for they serve to broaden the skies over our lives. I cannot count the times I have virtually fallen out of my chair with raucous laughter from a patron's actions or words or both. All this back-biting and verbal fisticuffs serves only to darken the door out of which has been shown the brilliant light to our new home...

As far as another addressed in a post concerning Hasbro's earnings..... One thing should be remembered, " A drop in a stream becomes a river in due course, both lost and found in the same moment and always a part of the flow. We are fortunate that drop was retreived... still drinkable... unlike " Certian Gargoyle-Topped Fountains. " HAH! ( This axiom applies to many things in many ways )

The Grace of Bahamüt Be With We All As We Pound In The New Golden Spike In A New Track For Our Train Of Dreams, Driven By The Engine Of Imagination.

Qijdi Suthantra-Goldwing


Jaya Ballard Balla'th

Jaya Ballard Balla'th said:
I have enough faith in the mods, Mel, and the folks in charge of this affair, however, that if we can come up with reasonable suggestions to our issues, they'll look into them.
I so enjoy eating my own words..

Nevine and Rune've successfully stated and condensed anything I've had to say about the matter in the time it's taken me to read the thread. All that's left, then, is:

Hats off to Unlikely Heroes and Raven.

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