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ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

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Da_Nah said:
Consider this... How much do you spend TOTAL (not just WoTC) on games and gaming products over one year?
((gaming books, fantasy reading books, computer games, etc... It all ties in))

Give me a minute to add it up... Because this is what WoTC is after and what they are not realizing they are losing to other companies. Alienating role players by forcing them off the site will only make them more likely to purchase products from other gaming companies.

I've got it... It took a while... Now I have a good job and ... well here it is:
I spent about two thousand dollars last year.. that is $2,000.00 --
(What can I say it was a slow year for games.) I have spent well over $7,000 in some years when you count conventions and other gaming costs.

Please consider posting how much you spent on gaming, and maybe they will hear us.

I don't want to figure the exact numbers. But I figure over the course of a year, I put about 2k into gaming. From novels to manuals to the vid games. Hell, I spent five bucks to put Baldur's Gate on my phone. Eighty into the Dark Alliance Games. The 3e Manuals, uh, I have almost all of them right now. Location kills the speed of purchase, I get stuff last here.

That's just in WotC RPG games. I can put a couple hundred a month into MtG with ease. I'm sure over the course of my life I've had a couple thousand worth of Hasbro Board games.

And in some years, of which I am actually ashamed. For I must speak the word which angers the Elder gods, Pokemon, Didn't buy them for me! I bought a couple thouand cards for my younger cousin once. I think I actually bought him one of everything in the debut card series. I even went out of my way to get him all the promo cards. I sat through that evil movie ten times to get him all the damn promo cards. I actually wonder how much of my money that actually cost . . . No I'm not going to say or figure it out. . .

I's forgot. I put 114 bucks a year into Ragnarok Online. I've spent plenty in Blizzard to. Preorder of StarCraft: Ghost, WarCraft.. Rockstar games got it in GTA. The Sims. Xenosaga. Oh, yeah, I have all six Shinobi titles. The original four for the SNES, plus the two for the PS2. I have the first Fullmetal Alchemist RPG, and plan on Preorderign the second. Harmony Gold has me biiiig, I'm a massive Macross (Robotech) fan. I've bought all the DvDs, both of the Video games, all the books. Hell, I put 50 bucks down for a Veritech Valkyrie model (it transforms to, hehe).

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First Post
I seem to have come to this rather late, and as such some of waht I would like to say is a little past it for the point the thread has reached, however I'd like to say it, and will as that is my right.

First off, I was a little shocked when I first read the news...but deep down I wasn't actually that surprised, there has been a growing, partly unspoken rift between patrons and the 'management' for a fair while now....since maybe Reesa left us perhaps? That notwithstanding, I would like to thank (and I am going to name names, if I don't name someone then it is no reflection on them, and may just be either bad memory on my part, or that we have never happened to have much to do with each other) : Siani, Pou and Reesa who have and were great in game hosts, and Adel for being a fair minded 'oversight'.

I am very much saddened by WotC's decission. I have in another thread (my total lack of understanding of CPUness aside( said that I could see that Ichat was not an ongoing possibility for here. However, the attitude that has been coming 'down from on high' about the 'new software' did feel very much like a parent telling their child to shut up, accept what it was given and be greatful. This as much as anything may have been oe of the roots of the big 'explosion' of bile from the patrons. We are by and large an opinionated, ragged bunch of individulaists, and nothing is going to 'red rag' us more than being talked down to and presented with a 'like it or lump it' proposition. That all said, I am not sure I can suggest anything to help, it does sound like the bridges have been burned as I read between the lines. Advice on what might have prevented this is just WAY too late now, but one thing was that the patrons were informed of the software change VERY late on, so late that as we have been told, WotC coud not return the software in response to a poor response from their patrons.

I never tried the new software myself, as this CPU is very old, low spec and short of spare memory, so I didn't want to risk hurting the ol gal. I thus relied on the opinions of a few good ISRP friends on the new software, and what they told me in candid terms was not at all good.

I wish Raven all the best in setting up a new site, I assume with it's own boards too as we will lose the ISRP ones here as well. I won't offer any help, at least not on the technical side....(DUH is not a very useful contribution)

I wonder what chat client h is going to use :-S

Lastly, ISRP on this site has for many years now, provided me with a place to come and enjoy the company of others, the chance to meet and make friends with people I wouldn't hae otherwise, and share some very good times. No matter what the reason, it does sadden me that in it's current form, in it's current place, it is shortly to vanish. I hope for the future, that there are new posibilites, that with less 'oversight' we can maybe evolve in a more productive way than has been possible so far. That there maybe a problem with the influx of new players is of course a concern. But all things have their good side and bad side. But all gripes aside, I think...I hope I speak for the majority...that we will miss our home here, many will never forgive those they hold 'responsible', that is their right...however it is the way of the world, the powerful will ignore the small person if they can get away with it..if you haven't got used to that yet, welcome to the real world.

Now, lets move forwards, have a fun last month and do what we do best....come up with ideas that will head us onwards, that in time we will come to cherrish and value a new site that more than ever before we will have had a hand in.

And yes, I've finished now, you can wake up from that coma I put you in!


First Post
Fatora said:
I have little to say to the effect of what is happening, other then this...

I operate an FTP server, a palace Server, and an online storage server.

IF the wizOs that are attempting to take over the ISRP chat, need server space, or any assistance.

Thanks Fatora,

If for some reason Raven or another WizO was unable to make a go of it, I would indeed look to someone in the community who would be willing to host. I know you are offering to assist the new host, but it is good to hear that someone in the community has server resources as well.



First Post
Davon said:
Advice on what might have prevented this is just WAY too late now, but one thing was that the patrons were informed of the software change VERY late on

Davon, part of the ongoing disconnect about the chat software switch is exactly here. I have posted this multiple times, but I will post it again. I am not trying to be argumentative--there is no point at this time to doing so. It is simply frustrating to see incorrect statments be repeated on and on as if it were fact.

Much advice was sought on what chat to purchase. Many attempts were offered for input. NONE outside of moving to psionics.net's IRC was given. ZERO. De Nada. Not by guests, not by hosts past or present. I took Adele on evening long ago on a tour of chat sites "out there" on the internet. I also had leads review a line up of URLs to give feedback about some interesting chat options. Patrons were offered chances to point out chat that they liked an no one ever had any suggestions of a chat for purchase that they found to be a good one. I'd like to point out no one to date--even in the most recent discussion--has said, If you have to move away from iChat have you considered the chat put out by XYZ, Inc.? I think that would have been a better option.

But, as in many many cases in life, it is easier to complain after a change has been made than give input at the stage when it would have been useful.

I am sure the impression will persist that "if only Wizards had asked us, we wouldn't be mad" despite my first hand knowledge to the contrary. So all I can say is -- I am as frustrated as guests are. But I sincerely desire that ISRP has a better life under independant management since it is clear that the communication between ISRP and "management" is so fraught with misunderstanding.

Davon said:
I wonder what chat client h is going to use :-S

Unless Raven decides to not use the assistance Wizards is providing, it is *very* familiar to you already . . .



Darrius of the Guardians

Hasbro has a market capitlization of 3.89600795 Billion Dollars ($3,896,007,950).

It has been a long long time since I paid attention to room countings, but I recall 100 unique id's as busy day. So, using that as an average: 100*$7000 (the highest amount listed spent a year) = $700,000 = 0.017% of Hasbro.

It takes 38 Million dollars (US) to equal one percent of Hasbro. Granted Market Capitlization is not the same as revenue, sadly I haven't found a list of its revenue. The reality is, there is no way there is enough patrons of ISRP that even if you did a full ban, or were able to prove that the majority of ISRPers bought Hasbro products for the sole reason of ISRP (Which is impossible) that it makes enough finical change that if their only motivation to have ISRP is money, for them to have had it, or indeed keep any form of RP.

Me, I am not surprised by this action. Not in the least, everytime the WizOs and the Techs turn around some one at ISRP is whinning, either they are changing the chat site, or they aren't, either we are leaving because we hate this place or we want to stay and they won't let us.


First Post
WotC_Mel said:
I'd like to point out no one to date--even in the most recent discussion--has said, If you have to move away from iChat have you considered the chat put out by XYZ, Inc.? I think that would have been a better option.

I'd just like to point out...

WotC_Mel said:
There seems to be a persistant belief that *which* software Wizards is implementing is up for debate. It isn't. Chatspace will be implemented sometime late this summer.

it would have been pointless.

Also, it isn't like we are, I don't know, paid to manage a community. It is also everyone elses fault that they were not tech gurus capable of spouting off various forms of chat software years ago. We ISRPers are pretty awesome, but we are not able to time travel just yet. It also isn't like, just maybe, iChat was practically all they knew? That'd be me, except for IRC, which wasn't a good option to begin with.

But, as in many many cases in life, it is easier to blame others than accept responsibility.


Darrius of the Guardians

Nevine. She was talking about when the topic first surfaced during the almost weekendly chat crashing (before the migrated Tank to its own server, or the boards I forget which), and a gaggle of posters whined about it, threatening to leave.

I remember the thread in question. People offered to host Wizards on their IRC channel, and that was all that came of her request.

nevine said:
Also, it isn't like we are, I don't know, paid to manage a community. It is also everyone elses fault that they were not tech gurus capable of spouting off various forms of chat software years ago. We ISRPers are pretty awesome, but we are not able to time travel just yet. It also isn't like, just maybe, iChat was practically all they knew? That'd be me, except for IRC, which wasn't a good option to begin with.
No instead we will whine that we were not included when we were, she listed several options. Including Global Chat (back when that could be bought), and got nothing. Nothing.


First Post
Do not start with me, Darrius.

I happen to notice that your "handle" is, in fact, not WotC_Mel. I am fairly certain she can atleast use a keyboard on her own.

If she were talking about the discussion you are refering to, then "most recent" was the worst way to describe it.

I'd also like to point at the to date comment. Which still makes what I said completely valid, even if that is what she meant. Thanks. Reading comprehension++.

You consider anyone who doesn't fall in line to be a whiner. So, at the least, stop talking to me about it. I am certain, that at this point, you have done enough to ingratiate yourself to what will be the remaining Wizards Staff. You can stop condemning all the ISRP "whiners" now.

I'm sure we will see you over at the ISRP Preservation boards where you will be offering helpful suggestions instead of either doing nothing, or calling people names.




Darrius of the Guardians

Nevine said:
Do not start with me, Darrius.
Two words Nevine, My Choice. If you wish your comments not to be replied to, do not post them in a public forum.
Nevine said:
I happen to notice that your "handle" is, in fact, not WotC_Mel. I am fairly certain she can atleast use a keyboard on her own.
She has a community to run as you so rudely point out. Or do you think its her job to answer each and every criticism leveled at her on public forums, when she has requested things get PM'd to her, or perhaps you are not as open minded as I thought, and are self-centered egotisical as the rest of whiners.

nevine said:
If she were talking about the discussion you are refering to, then "most recent" was the worst way to describe it.
That wasn't it referance to it alone, but even before her comment there was no suggestion of other chat software Nevine.
nevine said:
You consider anyone who doesn't fall in line to be a whiner. So, at the least, stop talking to me about it. I am certain, that at this point, you have done enough to ingratiate yourself to what will be the remaining Wizards Staff. You can stop condemning all the ISRP "whiners" now.
No Nevine, I find people who insicently criticize without offering valid and constructive alternatives as whiners. I find people who can only gripe and complain to be whiners.

I find people who lack respect for a company that gains nothing apperciable providing us with a place to Free-Formly roleplay (without the absolute need of their manuals) to be whiners who have been spoiled.

Stop claiming all ISRPers share your view, I am ISRPer, I do not share your view. Ergo: Your idea that I am condeming all ISRPers as whiners as none of them "fall in line".

I did not fall in line with the new chat, but instead of being immature about it, I approached some people through Emails and PMs and got most my questions answered in a civil way without resorting to petty "I'm leaving for good unless my manifesto-demands are met".

Nevine said:
I'm sure we will see you over at the ISRP Preservation boards where you will be offering helpful suggestions instead of either doing nothing, or calling people names.


You won't, because honestly? The self-centered unable to see other point of view attitude of some of the memebers of the ISRP community has driven me to the point that this has stopped being a stress reliever Nevine.

Additionally, you won't, as I don't like many of the people who are in the ISRP community right now, and I see no point in further contributions to something that I have gotten nothing out of.

You won't, because I have contributed to making This site a better place, I did most of it behind the scenes and years ago. I will say this, I have revoked most of My work.



Well, placing 'blame' at this point won't really be productive guys.

However, I have made the necessary arrangements and ISRP will have it's new home, all shiney and all that jazz by the August 15th date.

I will elaborate on the details before the weekend is out.

Let us move forward together, the 'world is our oyster' (or insert other similar corny analogy) I am excited at what the future holds.

I thank you all for your support, and we're ready to move on.
Stay tuned for the details and the soon to be grand reopening of ISRP.

Wizards has been our home for so many years, but like a growing child, the time comes when that child needs to set out on their own.

Chins up and lets embark on this crazy ride.

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