It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like RAVENLOFT

On the Down With D&D podcast, writer Shawn Merwin (who is writing at least one adventure for the next D&D Adventurers Guild season) responded to a query about whether the next season was "gothic" in nature -- "I can neither confirm nor deny that, although I've heard that much was talked about at Gamehole Con in Chris Perkins' seminar ... I think people who have heard that seminar know what's going on, but I still cannot say anything." That seminar, which I largely transcribed here, hinted really strongly at Ravenloft. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)

On the Down With D&D podcast, writer Shawn Merwin (who is writing at least one adventure for the next D&D Adventurers Guild season) responded to a query about whether the next season was "gothic" in nature -- "I can neither confirm nor deny that, although I've heard that much was talked about at Gamehole Con in Chris Perkins' seminar ... I think people who have heard that seminar know what's going on, but I still cannot say anything." That seminar, which I largely transcribed here, hinted really strongly at Ravenloft. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)


In response to comments about Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolfman, Merwin said "You like that kind of stuff? I get misty-eyed about it myself."

Of course, none of this is conclusive. But it's hard not to think that - if not Ravenloft itself - something Ravenloft-inspired is coming with the next D&D storyline.

They went on to discuss Baldman Games' (hosts of Winter Fantasy) announcements about D&D events at the convention in February. Regarding the Epic adventure being used to launch the upcoming season, which will debut at that convention, they have the following exchange:

Shawn Merwin: ...if you're into D&D at all, or if you're into Adventurer's League specifically, you will not want to miss.

Christopher Sniezak: I hear there may be blood and stakes involved?

Shawn Merwin: It's definitely possible.

It sounds a little to me like they have discussed this subject in more detail off-air. Whatever the case, these are not the first "gothic" hints we've gotten - it's certainly Beginning To Look A Lot Like Ravenloft, as Bing Crosby once famously sang.

If you want to listen to the full podcast, click here or on Strahd up above.

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First Post
Ravenloft would be a nice choice for an upcoming product. If this book does come to pass (and that's a big maybe), it should have its own look and feel, like actually use the Ravenloft logo that we're all familiar with instead of just pumping out another book that looks like all the other D&D books that have come out so far.


I don't mean to threadcrap but the adventure paths don't thrill me in the slightest. As such, as much as I love Ravenloft, I don't have much interest when it'll probably follow the same format as the adventure paths we've seen to date (including its getting shoehorned into The Forgotten Realms).
I'd much rather develop my own storylines using campaign settings with fold-out maps, story hooks provided throughout an evocatively detailed world atlas, and a book of added options for both players and DMs. Instead we get pre-packaged stories with some notes about the world beyond the scope of the adventure path. Blegh! ;)


First Post
I don't mean to threadcrap but the adventure paths don't thrill me in the slightest. As such, as much as I love Ravenloft, I don't have much interest when it'll probably follow the same format as the adventure paths we've seen to date (including its getting shoehorned into The Forgotten Realms).
I'd much rather develop my own storylines using campaign settings with fold-out maps, story hooks provided throughout an evocatively detailed world atlas, and a book of added options for both players and DMs. Instead we get pre-packaged stories with some notes about the world beyond the scope of the adventure path. Blegh! ;)

I think I know how you feel but, at this point, we should probably just be happy that the game is still in print and that we are occasionally thrown a bone. I'd much prefer a different approach from WotC instead of the all story, all the time thing but that's not likely to change anytime soon.

I am excited and anxious at the idea they might wreck Ravenloft the setting... I'd love something other than Castle Ravenloft Take Four without any acknowledgement of the setting or Strahd's recent history.


First Post
I think I know how you feel but, at this point, we should probably just be happy that the game is still in print and that we are occasionally thrown a bone. I'd much prefer a different approach from WotC instead of the all story, all the time thing but that's not likely to change anytime soon.

I'm sorry but I just can't adopt this kind of attitude. I would actually rather get nothing than mediocre products and as long as you carry this attitude then things will never change.

If they aren't going to do the settings right and give them good support then doing them poorly because it's just insulting to these settings.


First Post
I am excited and anxious at the idea they might wreck Ravenloft the setting... I'd love something other than Castle Ravenloft Take Four without any acknowledgement of the setting or Strahd's recent history.

How about a Ravenloft AP and a 160 page Ravenloft Adventurer's Guide to go with it?

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