It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like RAVENLOFT

On the Down With D&D podcast, writer Shawn Merwin (who is writing at least one adventure for the next D&D Adventurers Guild season) responded to a query about whether the next season was "gothic" in nature -- "I can neither confirm nor deny that, although I've heard that much was talked about at Gamehole Con in Chris Perkins' seminar ... I think people who have heard that seminar know what's going on, but I still cannot say anything." That seminar, which I largely transcribed here, hinted really strongly at Ravenloft. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)

On the Down With D&D podcast, writer Shawn Merwin (who is writing at least one adventure for the next D&D Adventurers Guild season) responded to a query about whether the next season was "gothic" in nature -- "I can neither confirm nor deny that, although I've heard that much was talked about at Gamehole Con in Chris Perkins' seminar ... I think people who have heard that seminar know what's going on, but I still cannot say anything." That seminar, which I largely transcribed here, hinted really strongly at Ravenloft. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)


In response to comments about Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolfman, Merwin said "You like that kind of stuff? I get misty-eyed about it myself."

Of course, none of this is conclusive. But it's hard not to think that - if not Ravenloft itself - something Ravenloft-inspired is coming with the next D&D storyline.

They went on to discuss Baldman Games' (hosts of Winter Fantasy) announcements about D&D events at the convention in February. Regarding the Epic adventure being used to launch the upcoming season, which will debut at that convention, they have the following exchange:

Shawn Merwin: ...if you're into D&D at all, or if you're into Adventurer's League specifically, you will not want to miss.

Christopher Sniezak: I hear there may be blood and stakes involved?

Shawn Merwin: It's definitely possible.

It sounds a little to me like they have discussed this subject in more detail off-air. Whatever the case, these are not the first "gothic" hints we've gotten - it's certainly Beginning To Look A Lot Like Ravenloft, as Bing Crosby once famously sang.

If you want to listen to the full podcast, click here or on Strahd up above.

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5ever, or until 2024
its going to be PLANAR.

As for that (demi)planar being Ravenloft, I am still not sure if they are saying it will be, or if others are saying it will be, and they are just saying "maybe".

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I'm sorry but I just can't adopt this kind of attitude. I would actually rather get nothing than mediocre products and as long as you carry this attitude then things will never change.

If they aren't going to do the settings right and give them good support then doing them poorly because it's just insulting to these settings.
... But if you don't want a mediocre product and don't buy it, isn't that *exactly* the same as not getting anything?? (Except that people who like the product or are happy with anything still get something. )

How about a Ravenloft AP and a 160 page Ravenloft Adventurer's Guide to go with it?
I doubt they'd go that route.


Eternal Optimist
That is great news!

Ravenloft will fit into the Sword Coast with no problems I am sure.

It's worth noting that the original Ravenloft adventure was on the Prime Material Plane. It wasn't its own setting. It was just a place.

However, I doubt this is going to be "horror-themed Sword Coast adventure". More likely, the characters begin on the Sword Coast (or wherever you like), are surrounded by mists, transported to Ravenloft, play the AP, then are transported back to the Sword Coast (or wherever) at its conclusion, just like the classic Ravenloft setting adventures. The Ravenloft setting was built around that concept: characters would be dragged there for a time before returning.

Chris Perkins also noted that this will be a shorter AP (the one after will be even shorter). It's unlikely to be a level 1-15 adventure. Just because the first three adventures follow a certain format doesn't mean the next one will!



First Post
... But if you don't want a mediocre product and don't buy it, isn't that *exactly* the same as not getting anything?? (Except that people who like the product or are happy with anything still get something. )

I don't think the fans overall are happy with the way things are going. I believe it's a combination of product starvation and something is better than nothing.

I don't want to see D&D turned into a shell of it's former self in the name of never satisfied profit.

Settings like Ravenloft have a reputation as a great setting that lots of people love and cutting it down into some poor AP is an insult and cheapens the setting.


Maybe Thay is close enough to the Sword Coast to make Szass Tam the new Strahd?

Otherwise we can just sacrifice Neverwinter again I guess.


First Post
It's worth noting that the original Ravenloft adventure was on the Prime Material Plane. It wasn't its own setting. It was just a place.

However, I doubt this is going to be "horror-themed Sword Coast adventure". More likely, the characters begin on the Sword Coast (or wherever you like), are surrounded by mists, transported to Ravenloft, play the AP, then are transported back to the Sword Coast (or wherever) at its conclusion, just like the classic Ravenloft setting adventures. The Ravenloft setting was built around that concept: characters would be dragged there for a time before returning.

Chris Perkins also noted that this will be a shorter AP (the one after will be even shorter). It's unlikely to be a level 1-15 adventure. Just because the first three adventures follow a certain format doesn't mean the next one will!


I see a problem here.

If they decide to carry Ravenloft along then it could be fine, but if they don't then there will be a major problem, especially if they decide to lower the level cap of the AP. One thing about Ravenloft is you don't leave. I know Vecna, Lord Soth, and Azalin Rex escaped but those are very rare cases and shouldn't be something that is readily available, kind of defeats the purpose the setting. So anyway, if this is the case then players may want to continue their characters after the adventure is over so they may want to continue a Ravenloft campaign which would require more Ravenloft products.

I'm not going to hold my breath.

I say they would somehow have this happen in a pocket dimension on Toril.

In the 3.5 Expedition to Castle Ravenloft, one suggestion was to place the castle in Damara. That would suck, but I wouldn't rule it out. They also suggest placement for Eberron and D20 Modern, which would be even worse than Damara.

Crawford stated in a recent interview that the next big thing that he was working on was something he's been looking forward to for a long time. His home-brew world is the land that hosted Barovian landmass before the domain was drawn into Ravenloft. I believe his favorite setting is Ravenloft.

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