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It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like RAVENLOFT

On the Down With D&D podcast, writer Shawn Merwin (who is writing at least one adventure for the next D&D Adventurers Guild season) responded to a query about whether the next season was "gothic" in nature -- "I can neither confirm nor deny that, although I've heard that much was talked about at Gamehole Con in Chris Perkins' seminar ... I think people who have heard that seminar know what's going on, but I still cannot say anything." That seminar, which I largely transcribed here, hinted really strongly at Ravenloft. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)

On the Down With D&D podcast, writer Shawn Merwin (who is writing at least one adventure for the next D&D Adventurers Guild season) responded to a query about whether the next season was "gothic" in nature -- "I can neither confirm nor deny that, although I've heard that much was talked about at Gamehole Con in Chris Perkins' seminar ... I think people who have heard that seminar know what's going on, but I still cannot say anything." That seminar, which I largely transcribed here, hinted really strongly at Ravenloft. (thanks to darjr for the scoop)


In response to comments about Dracula, Frankenstein, and the Wolfman, Merwin said "You like that kind of stuff? I get misty-eyed about it myself."

Of course, none of this is conclusive. But it's hard not to think that - if not Ravenloft itself - something Ravenloft-inspired is coming with the next D&D storyline.

They went on to discuss Baldman Games' (hosts of Winter Fantasy) announcements about D&D events at the convention in February. Regarding the Epic adventure being used to launch the upcoming season, which will debut at that convention, they have the following exchange:

Shawn Merwin: ...if you're into D&D at all, or if you're into Adventurer's League specifically, you will not want to miss.

Christopher Sniezak: I hear there may be blood and stakes involved?

Shawn Merwin: It's definitely possible.

It sounds a little to me like they have discussed this subject in more detail off-air. Whatever the case, these are not the first "gothic" hints we've gotten - it's certainly Beginning To Look A Lot Like Ravenloft, as Bing Crosby once famously sang.

If you want to listen to the full podcast, click here or on Strahd up above.

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First Post
The first rule of Ravenloft is that you don't leave Ravenloft.
The second rule of Ravenloft is that Evil reigns and cannot be defeated.
The third rule of Ravenloft is that you're totally going to smack down the big bad and leave anyway!

Horror is hard to run well in D&D due to the default genre conventions and the general resourcefulness of D&D heroes. It is hard to make players who are used to having characters face down demons from hell change mental gears and believe that their characters should be scared of strange noises in the dark.

You can do dread by making it clear that evil is stronger than good and can't be defeated only slowed down, and the horrible things can happen at any moment. But actual horror requires everyone to make a real effort to change how they approach the game.

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First Post
They could make it a sequence where Ravenloft follows the characters. It can begin by unlocking a portal through an ancient tome or location and then a psychic link is established. Then you can introduce various aspects of horror with the characters (in the prime material plane) starting to get drawn in until they are eventually in the castle to determine their fate. That give the DM leeway to control how and when horror elements are introduced. The fear is they will make it another sandbox without much help for the DM to create a cohesive story. It is a hard balance to find.


First Post
Ravenloft would be awesome. Besides ravenloft resides in a demiplane or even the shadowfell, so i doubt it would be linked to any one setting.

Xavian Starsider

First Post
It does seem like it adds up. Extra planar adventure, modular ap that can be played several different ways like the random at the beginning of the classic ravenloft adventure, then there is the tie in with today's unearthed arcana.

I agree that Ravenloft is feeling very likely. I just wanted to point out though that Unearthed Arcana has nothing to do with it. That was clearly to tie in with the current storyline, Out of the Abyss which is heavily demon-based.

Xavian Starsider

First Post
I don't think the fans overall are happy with the way things are going. I believe it's a combination of product starvation and something is better than nothing.

D&D gamers have traditionally never been happy with the way things are going. They tend to want things to stay the same or drift back to what they remember of their youth when D&D was 'at its best'.

I think conscientious players of the current system though appreciate what 5th edition is doing. It's blended the best ideas of all the editions before it and made it work and kept it simple. It's fun to run. It's fun to play. The art direction is superb. And while the books are not abundant, they are excellently produced.

Personally, I don't know what they could be doing better in the way things are going. The way things used to be is not the answer. We already have those​ books.


The original Castle Ravenloft and Expedition were both generic and able to be placed on any world. But I'd really like some acknowledgement that there is a demiplane, even if Barovia is moved back to the Prime. Something addative rather than just a retelling. Strahd doing something new.

Also it would be great to get a Bela Lugosi Strahd again rather than 3e's Dread Pirate Strahd.
My biggest disappointment with ExtCR is that it was just a generic retelling of I6 that either ignored the setting lore or actively retconned it. (Madame Eva, shudders). I'm hoping this one doesn't go Castlevania like the 3.5 module did...

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