It's Not Easy to Find a Gaming Group


Towards the end of of 2019, I tried to start a Vampire 5th edition campaign with some people I didn't know very well. I posted on my FLG's Facebook page that I was looking for a group and I managed to put together a group of five people. After some back and forth, we picked a day for us all to get together for a session zero and to make our characters. Only two people showed up on time, a third was pretty late, and a fourth showed up really, really late and one person didn't show up at all. Ultimately the campaign never got off the ground because so many people couldn't commit to showing up on a regular basis even though we all settled on this specific day, time, and place. I had forgotten how flakey gamers can be. C'est la vie. (Give that COVID would hit shortly thereafter it was probably a good thing the campaign didn't get off the ground.)

I'm spoiled. For a little over a decade, I've had a regular group of players I've been meeting with every Sunday. Four of the players (plus me) make up the core that's been there the whole time, and we've rotated another 1-2 players every few years. They're a reliable bunch of people and I could depend on them to show up for game night. Not all the time of course, life happens, but as a general rule I could count on them being there. They made good characters, they were always fun to game with, and while I was the primary DM, there were four other people who would occasionally run a game!

You may have noticed I'm writing in the past tense. Alas, two members of the group are moving out of the country, probably for at least five years, and when they return to the states there's a real possibility they won't settle here. While I'm happy for my friends, it's the end of an era for all of us. The remaining members of our little group are making plans on where we'd like to play, but we'll need to see about getting more players. So we're going to have some trial an error when it comes to getting more people in our group. There are going to be folks who we don't really care for and there are going to be folks who end up not caring for us.

Anyway, just thought I'd vent my spleen.

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I feel you. My wife just took a job on the other side of the country, and we move this fall. I leave behind my beloved game store and my fantastic gaming group (whom I am currently running through a Star Trek Adventures campaign. I think to end it I’m gonna bring back the WHALE PROBE.

When I do settle in our new home, I know I’ll be proactive seeking out a game store I can comfortably frequent and hopefully pull together a group in time. But I know it will be a challenge. So, solidarity, you aren’t alone in feeling this.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I'd skip Facebook but thats just my dislike of the platform. Though, I have taken to new methods because of the difficulty getting a group going. I never, ever, start a long term campaign with folks I do not know. I start with one shots or short campaign ideas that take a few sessions. The idea is try before you buy. Flakiness is only the first of many issues. You also need to account for attentiveness, engagement, playstyle, etc..

Also, anything not D&D or PF will likely be twice as difficult as it already is.


I feel you. I think persistance is the only way out. Even when I seem to get a group that can meet regularly, it takes a while before the group forms properly, with some people leaving and others joining. My both long-term campaigns ended up being like ships of Theseus, with so many members of the group changing over time.

I can see that being one of the big advantages. And it's a much larger pool than your local area meaning you're more likely to find players for obscure games.
It is. And I have found that removing the stress of GMing (and being invested in) a long-term campaign with the sword of RL pulling players out has utterly transformed the gaming experience.

Not to mention the creature comforts of gaming from my man-cave, with everything at my fingertips.

I'll never game F2F again.


I can respect people who say they will never game face to face again, but it isn’t for me. I hope to never play (unless I’m getting paid) online ever again. Some can experience social validation and engagement through a zoom game or whatever, but I can’t. I find my online games, my players, less creative, less exciting, less alive. This is just my experience, others clearly have had better experiences than I have. But my love for face to face, around a table, gaming abides true. And when I move in a few months, I’m gonna do my damndest to get me a working game group haha

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