It's Not Easy to Find a Gaming Group

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I agree with the OP. It can be very hard to find people for a face to face group.

I found my current gaming group via a website called "". (no, not a dating site...)

I got lucky.

I just happened to be looking for a group at the same time that the DM was looking for players, and he lived nearby.


The problem with a lot of these sites are the are for online games and not helpful are even useful if you are looking for F2F games.

Worse is that the don't mention that until you have signed up.

Thomas Shey

The problem with a lot of these sites are the are for online games and not helpful are even useful if you are looking for F2F games.

Worse is that the don't mention that until you have signed up.

Honestly, it really makes more sense for sites to be region-specific if they're going to be physical-game matchmaking.


It is often hard to find players for a game. So many times in the past I went through so much just to try to start a game.

So, years ago, I started to really weed out players. Using harsh judgement and zero tolerance is a great way to find good players.

I have a LOT of house rules, and most of them are MADE to make a certain type of player away from the game. Just having a lot of houserule makes some players run away from the game....and this is the type of player that I want to keep away from my game. Not only if they think "a lot of houserules is too many", but also if they do the "snap decision" of seeing "too many houserules" and then being overwhelmed with hate and worse emotions.

And finally, I'm harsh about the game time itself. Show up late or ghost...I will kick you out of the game. You want to waste two hours "ordering food", I'll just kick you from the game and you can sit at home and "order food" all day and night.


Show up late or ghost...I will kick you out of the game.
This for me. I have nearly zero tolerance of this. I don't even give a reason anymore. Just kicked out. I say nearly zero because if a player has shown up and gamed with me for awhile I am instead worried about the player.



Admittedly, you are playing the long game, but it works. My 3 sons are all grown up now and we play 2 different campaigns every other Sunday. My eldest and youngest were gamers as soon as I taught them how to roll dice. The middle one wasn't a fan, but his girlfriend wanted to learn to play so now he's all in.

If you don't feel like waiting a decade or more, I suggest (as others have) your local FLGS that has gaming tables. Go, hang out. Offer to DM a game. You'll find folks with similar gaming styles eventually.

Voidrunner's Codex

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