It's a little apples and oranges. It's also hard for me to take "evil mega-corporation" invective seriously, since, even if WotC was a mega-corporation, calling an artificial entity "evil" makes no sense to me. Kind of like calling your car evil. The car might be broken, but its not really capable of making a moral choice. Of course, the guys who drive a broken car and then shrug their shoulders when its breaks don't work and it kills some pedestrian might be in a different moral camp...
Anyway, when Paizo makes a product I want, I'll be happy to patronize them further.
WotC isn't a mega-corporation. Hasbro is.
The current corporate structure is poisonous to capitalism. The current corporate structure is more alike to feudalism. You have mega-corporations purchasing assets they have no passion or interest in other than to milk the maximum amount of profit from the product and eliminate it as a competitor through acquisition rather than competition.
These corporations have been destroying product lines for many years now. Everything from Snapple and Breyer's Ice Cream to games like D&D to the movie and publishing industry.
I prefer to spend my hobby dollars at a smaller company run by people that enjoy the game as well as want to make a profit off it like Paizo. Hasbro could care less about D&D or the RPG industry unless they are meeting their profit margins and making as much money as possible regardless of quality or creativity.
When a company lacks passionate leadership when it comes to their product, I don't want to support that company unless it's something like toilet paper that I need and does't really require a great deal of creativity. When it comes to my RPG games, I want a company that cares.
Even take a company like Blizzard. They really care about their games. They won't put a game out until they really feel it is ready to go the majority of the time. That's why when they do put out a game, it is usually high quality. Those are the types of companies I like to support.
Not the creativity destroying black hole mega-corporations buying up everything, sanitizing it, and shoving it down our throats with their voracious acquisition-to-destroy competition strategies that are destroying the benefits of capitalism. Makes me sick to see it.
I hope WotC/D&D is freed from the tyranny of Hasbro one day. They don't love D&D. It's just a product line to them. Free WotC! I say. Free them.