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Jemal's Prisoners


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Lord_Raven88 said:
"Headaches you say, um do you mind if I ask what part of your brain is currently aching, and ah did you have a head-ache before you arrived here, or only since you went thru the portal."

OOC: Assuming that the others agree to follow, then Quill will lookout for a suitable mound of earth, stone or something similar to cast his fabricate spell on to.

"What s'in m'head is m'business, not yours. Since we are all bound t'gether, I feel we should stay t'gether without others interfering, bandits or not. At least for now, maybe it would be best if we isolate ourselves for the time being, until we can get t'know each other's strengths an' weaknesses.

"I guess since it seems our guide knows th' area an' he can build us a shelter, we ought to follow 'im."

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It seems you're not leaving a moment too soon. A few moments after you begin heading SE, you notice a small cloud of dust with about a dozen figures in it heading towards the portal zone, from the direction of the city. They are still a long ways away, and you're pretty sure they can't see you, but they're moving fairly quickly, probably on horse back or something.

*Quill knows that there are practically NO horses here, though the bandits tend to ride Dire Wolves, Worgs, and similar beasts*


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Eoghan looks toward the dust cloud growing larger and larger as it looms closer. He looks at the others and then toward the mountains, where the metal platform whisking that party went. "I doubt this is th' official greeting party. An' it seems our food might be a boon in this barren land. I suggest we move quickly if possible an' cover our tracks. Are there any rivers or streams nearby?"


Quill can't think of any sources of water nearby. He didn't have a chance to 'study' this area, and didn't know at the time that he would be sent here. He knows, however, that fresh water is one of the few things that are easy to find in this world. If there's a settlement to the SE, there's probably a source of fresh water somewhere in that direction, too.


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Celes grabs the heavy food sacks and slings them over her back as easily as most people would handle a bundle of feather pillows. Having secured them she trots to catch up and then falls into step with the others as they depart.

"Not so easy to move fast and cover our tracks," she murmurs, looking back with concern at the dust-cloud marking the bandits' approach. "I say we just focus on speed for now. Covering our tracks is all very well... but if we delay, they'll be able to see us from the portal in any case. And they won't need to follow any tracks to run us down if that happens. At least if we move fast now we might be able to reach some kind of cover or higher ground by the time they catch us up."

Judging by the impetuous prance that has come into her step and the gleam in her eyes as she looks back, it seems that Celes isn't seriously expecting to be able to outrun their pursuers. It might also be conjectured that she's not entirely unhappy about that prospect.
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Valak halts to eye the horizon with suspicion. "We should make for the trees. It is the most logical place for us to go", he states matter-of-factly. "The tree's will give us cover, will hide our tracks, and remedy their mounts useless. We can lay in wait, set an ambush...." He looks back to the dustcloud, trying to discern it's speed, "Maybe have time to build a trap or light fortifications. Even if we run, the tree's will still be our safest bet."....


Eyeing the horizon, then the trees, you figure that the dust cloud is about 7 miles off to your Southwest, and the trees are about 5 miles to your East.
You estimate that if they ARE riding Dire Wolves/Worgs, they'll be travelling at a speed of about 50, and Hustling, meaning they'll be at the portal in about 40-45 minutes. It'll take you slightly longer than that to get to the trees if YOU hustle, but doing so will leave easy-to-follow tracks.
Also, the riding wolves have no more difficulty navigating a forest than humanoids do. (Or than the centaur would).


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Eoghan looks down at his bare feet and then over at the Centaur woman. He smirks slightly and lets out an exhale of irony. Having never met a half-man half-horse creature before, he figures the advantages to having an intelligent mount are unlimited, but he can see the pride in the warrior woman's face and knows the affrontery he would inflict merely by asking.

"Without a horse an' proper wear for m'feet, I fear I will slowly everyone down. I can still move quickly, but not as fast as th'rest of you, I am sure."


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Still standing atop her little glowing disc, which hovers about a foot off the ground and can move as fast as a fast person while leaving no tracks, Mei-Ying glances at Eoghan and notes his feet.

"Guide Quill," she says, "Tell him I can provide him with a disc like mine, if he wishes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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