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Jemal's Prisoners


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Celes looks around immediately as Mei-Ying taps her shoulder, and sees the difficulty without needing to understand the lady's words. She comes to a halt, intending to go back for him, but she is overtaken by Valak.

She's not disposed to trust the undead one with anything. Seeing his speed, though, she quickly realizes that his plan does have some sense to it - and that in any case she couldn't intervene if she wanted to. With a frown she turns back, continuing on towards the tree line at the same steady pace as before. "I hope he's okay..." she murmurs pensively, knowing that Mei-Ying won't understand her words but feeling nonetheless compelled to at least try to communicate her worries concerning Eoghan.

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I think you mean Abyssal blast.. and why is it save for 3/4? I've never seen anything like that before. Also, what type of damage is it?
And sorry but you'll have to update to lvl 13 after the battle. It's starting right now.[/sblock]

Valak quickly heads back to get the now-gauntleted man, who quickly and wordlessly dons the boots on his bloody (He's taken 4 damage to his feet) feet, before taking off at a run, Valak easily keeping pace. They run steadily for a minute, catching up to the Horse and then falling in step with them.

Whether it's the boots, the gauntlets, or sheer determination, Eoghan manages to keep pace for a long minutes. By the time he finally looks up to see how far it is, he realizes they're almost there... And that "there" Is a small Wooden Fort, with Quill waving them forward to it. At this point, the entire remaining party takes off into full speed, Eoghan gamely keeping up as best he can. With a glance back, Valak notices that the distance between them and the bandits is about the same as the distance between them and the fort, and decides to start things. He turns around and blasts

[sblock=OOC] Eoghan is going to be Fatigued till the end of the fight, and has taken a total of 8 damage allready, 3 of which is subdual. I'll detail the gloves as you discover their powers, but the one I'll give you now is that they are as a base Gauntlets of Ogre Power +6 and are Spiked Gauntlets +1 for Weapon attacks. They're made of Adamantine. Update your sheet, pls.

BTW, I'm gonna start the rounds at a point where people are in range to do something.

Quill and Xing'dao are IN the fortress. (Did They want to set up that tripline beforehand? they had some time)
Mei-Ying is on Celes' back, and if Celes wants they can be anywhere from Eoghan to the fortress (They've been running faster unless she pulls back to wait for him)
I believe Valak was keeping pace, but stopped to blast them, so he is 500 feet from the fort and Eoghan is 400' from the Fort when he realizes whats happening.
There are 10 bandits riding Worgs, about 1000' from the fortress.

If you wish to make your own rolls (And thus better describe your actions), Lets use Invisiblecastle, and link your rolls in an Sblock at the end of your post.
Please use your character name when rolling on Invisible castle, btw.
If you don't want to roll for yourself, include any relevant modifiers in your post, and I'll post your results.

Official Combat! Begin Round 1!!
Initiative order:
Quill: 24
Xing'dao: 19
Valak: 14
Celes: 11
Eoghan: 8
Bandits: 7
Mei-Ying: 5

You do NOT have to post in initiative order, just post actions and I'll arrange them in order.


First Post
Celes's first priority is of course to her charge. She races ahead at full tilt to the fort she can see in the trees and then comes to a halt just outside. "Please wait inside," she says to Mei-Ying, motioning towards the entrance in the palisade to help convey the meaning of her words. "I'll be back soon."

Once Mei-Ying has dismounted Celes turns and retraces her steps at a full gallop, unslinging her bow with expert speed as she goes.

Jemal said:
They run steadily for a minute, catching up to the Horse

Celes would be very offended. :p

Celes starts the round at the fort I guess, and will delay until Mei-Ying has taken her action.

Assuming that action is to comply with her request, she'll then move 105' to meet the others and draw her bow (free action with Quickdraw).

If Mei-Ying does something different then I'll edit accordingly.[/sblock]


First Post
Catching himself in the middle of everything, Eoghan stops his run. He doubles over and pants for breath, obviously very exhausted. While the man looks to be in incredible shape, it is clear his body does not appreciate the stress it has endured. The relief of rest, and for supple boots, come none too soon. Looking toward the fort Eoghan can see Celes charging out toward his position, and following that line, he witnesses the undead knight releasing an epic blast, falling in the middle of their pursuants.

Never being one to run, and with his newfound lobstered fists, Eoghan stands up to his full height and pushes his chest forward, flexing his back as he prepares for the close-quartered combat rushing onward. He takes a few steps toward the Knight, panting heavily, and waits for Celes to catch up of Valak to fall back.

[sblock=OOC]Eoghan will delay until he knows what he can do. He's stuck in the middle of everything. Soooo, full defense, with a 5' step toward Valak[/sblock]


First Post
"Hold the fort Quill. I want to face them head-on."

Striding out of the fort, Xing'dao Li moves closer to where most of the battle will be, right where Valak is.

[sblock=OOC]Xing'dao Li will make a double move to Valak.

Jemal: We'd like to set up the trip line before hand. Do we require to make any rolls?

-SIN-: Just noticed that you have both gauntlets of ogre power and belt of giant strength +4. They don't stack due to being both enhancement bonuses.[/sblock]


First Post
Mei-Ying nods at the horsewoman and dismounts to run into the fort. She quickly climbs up to the ledge behind the wall so she can see, and scowls at the distance the warriors are taking their stand at. Many of her spells would not reach that far. She looks at Quill and says, "Can you tell them to come closer? If they are too far away, it will limit what I can do to help."


First Post
Valak continues to run at the side of the Human, Eoghan. The dusty, stone pitted earth passing beneath them in a blur, each step crunching the scorched earth, kicking up clouds of dust that linger in the air behind them. Looking through the trees Valak spots Quill and Mei-Ying atop a small fortified wooden structure. "Hmmm, maybe the shapeshifter is not the fool I thought he was when first we met", he thinks aloud whilst instinctivly looking over his shoulder at the looming danger.

The sight brings Valak to a standstill. Taking a few moments to gauge the distance between himself and his enemies, he decides on his course of action, closing his visor slowly, the metal deathmask only enhanced by the flames that burn brightly in his eyes. Bracing himself he faces his enemy head-on, raising one arm towards them bearing a clenched fist. Quietly at first, a slight whisper resonates from within Valak's armour, which quickly escalates into a cocophany of many whispering and muttering supernatural voices, the dust swirling around his steel-clad feet. The voices continue to grow in volume, as does the dust devil surrounding his feet. Suddenly the voices stop, the dust slowly trailing to the floor as Valak unclenches his fist with a quick flick of his fingers, a ball of flame, edged with blue errupts amid his foes, engulfing them momentarily. Without waiting to see the damage caused, Valak turns on one heel, running back toward his distant allies, gesticulating to them to keep heading to the fort...


Sorry if the post was a bit long... I got carried away some!

Valak will attempt to hit them with his abyssal blast, then move toward Celes & Eoghan
(Abyssal blast: please see last post - ignore the 3/4 save thing!)[/sblock]


First Post
Quill waits impatiently for the others to reach the relative safety of his fort, when in range of his telepathy Quill quickly outlines his planned defense Come inside the fort then we can either pick them off one at a time as they try to enter or we can attack them from the walkway above while being protected by the walls of wood.

Quill then telepathically sends a mental picture of the fort to illustrate how it can be defended.

[sblock=Fort]The fort consist of a clear patch of ground 25 feet in diameter surrounded by a wooden palisade 15 feet in height, on the inside of the fort there is a walkway (which is accessed by one ramp) around the entire perimeter and which is situated 4 feet below the top of the wall. The only entrance to the fort is a opening which is 2' wide by 7' high, near the entrance is a ramp (5 feet wide) that leads to the walkway.[/sblock]

[sblock=Quills Actions]Quill is currently stnading on the wlakway directly above the entrance to the fort.

When the raiders are 800 feet away Quill will cast a sudden maximised Chain Lightning spell for 72 points of damage against a spellcaster, the leader or against the lead rider. (in that order of preference) And then 36 points of damage firstly to the riders then to their mounts (up to a maximum of 13 targets, Primary plus 12 others) Reflex Save DC 23 for half.[/sblock]


Round 1

[sblock=ooc ethandrew]
I'm gonna have Eoghan move b/c you posted him not knowing what to do, but Valak is running at him motioning him to MOVE, so I'll say he stops for a moment before getting started again (double move instead of Run). If you have a problem, please tell me.

Quill tells his 'companions' what to do while waiting for a good shot at the bandits, but is slightly flustered when Celes and Xing'dao take off again, heading back to their companions.

Eoghan sees Valak rushing at him as the bandits recover from the blast, noting that though they look angry and burnt, none of them have slowed in the least. As such, he takes off again, though they are quickly closing the distance.

Mei-ying waits patiently in the fortress, walking up the ramp to stand near Quill as he unleashes a powerful bolt of lightning. It strikes out, arcing over the heads of his fellows to blast the lead rider, who appears to be on the largest wolf, before arcing to the rest of the group. Unfortunately, despite the Blast of flame and the Bolts of electricity, not a single bandit has dropped yet. This causes a certain amount of anxiety amongst those who care to take a moment to think on it.

[sblock=new Initiative order]
Xing'dao: 19
Valak: 14
Eoghan: 8
Bandits: 7
Quill: 6 (Readied)
Mei-Ying: 5
Celes: 4(Delayed)

Fort: Mei'ing, Quill
50' : Tripwire
100': Xing'dao
105': Celes
320': Eoghan
400': Valak
800': Bandits

[sblock=OOC]: Hide check would be required for the Tripline to keep it from being easily noticed, though I'd impose a penalty to spot checks for anyone moving fast.

Here's what happened as much for my future reference as for your curiosity
They ALL have SR 15, btw, so I made your rolls for you guys
Abyssal Blast(26 damage): SR checks: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1071278 (affects 6 riders and 5 wolves). 4 riders make save, 3 wolves make save.
Chain Lightning(72 damage, 36 secondary): 1 primary- Leader. 12 secondary-other 9 riders and 3 wolves *all of them have SR 15 BTW, so I rolled it for you: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1071269 3 Failed, including the primary. 3 others make their save, including 2 of the wolves[evasion].

Also, now that they're a BIT closer, you can see that all of the Worgs are LARGE.
Last edited:


First Post
Celes watches with a hard, level gaze as the worg riders bear down on them, judging the speeds and distances as best she can. "You can make it!" she calls out stridently as she nocks an arrow to her bow. "Just keep running!"

She aims as best she can and lets the arrow fly toward the enemy, closely followed by another two. Her intention is to harry them and maybe score a lucky hit - she knows she's not good enough to attempt anything surgical at this range. She's a good shot with a bow, good enough to be a fine huntress, but she's no sniper.

Full Attack on a random bandit.
1d20+13 = 32
1d20+8 = 25
1d20+3 = 6

- range penalty which I think will be -8 for 4 range increments by the time it's Celes's turn, assuming the enemies move 200 ft.

So that gives modified rolls of 24, 17 and... uhhh... -2. lol. On the plus side if the enemies are Running then they're effectively flat-footed which might help a little.

I'll let you roll damage if any of those hit, it's 2d6+5.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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