D&D General JMISBEST's questions. Most of them about campaign ideas that either he or A GM he knows has and wants to know what people think


It seems that you roll separately for each parent. Is this correct? If so, the chance of having one parent of noble birth would be substantially higher?
Somehow that didn't occur to me but when I thought about it I realized that you are right and yes the chance of having one parent of noble birth is substantially higher

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As this is the post for all my new threads here's 1

I've had A Idea for A Dnd scenario were someone plans for revenge ended up better then they'd ever dared dream

85 years ago The guys father was A Viscount who lost all his lands, titles and holdings had almost his entire family executed for treason and the only reason the guy was spared was because he was only 20 weeks old and was deemed too young too be guilty

The bad thing is that of the 40 other people that at the time were in the at the time 20 week olds family only 7 were involved in the plot but none of the other 33 could prove their innocence, and any that could have proved their innocence would have been spare, and as a precaution were executed and the person that at the time was 20 weeks old has wanted justice for as long as he can remember, meaning 79 years

85 years to the day, because the villain liked the irony, after the executions, or murders as some would call them, the recently turned 85 year old has his justice, as he see's it, within his grasp, he has kidnapped the kings 17 year old son and plans to kill him by torturing him to death, but in the end the royal guard arrives with literally seconds to spare, they save him, the plot is ended and he's executed

But he does get a sort of justice, that's because during the time he had the boy his 15 year old grand daughter met and almost instantly befriended the kings 17 year old son and its thanks to the villains 15 year old grand daughter that the royal guard arrived in time to save the kings 17 year old son, that's why she's spared

What's more thanks to the kings 17 year old son and the villains 15 year old grand daughter literally becoming friends at 1st sight and within 14 months of meeting falling in love with each other even though the villain will never see it within 2 and a half years, the girls now recently turned 18 so she's old enough to marry, of his execution with 15 year old grand daughter with be a queen by marriage and 58 years to the day from the villains execution his oldest great grand child, whose A girl, will be crowned queen


OP you need to check out a game called Crusader King's II or III lol. Basically it's about plotting, scheming, murder to get your way to the throne and hold it.

Or marrying right and going from Duke to Emperor in one jump.


As I'm very bored I decided to use tables A Mate sent me but won't let me share to generate things, several of which can be unusual, that have something to do with both the number of people and the number of families in A Domain. Here's what I ended up with. Your thoughts

Because the domain was only founded just under 13 months ago their haven’t been any births yet and all the children that are in the domain immigrated to it with their parents

That's the reason why the number of adults in the domain is a lot higher then it would normally be and its also the reason why the number of children in the domain is a lot lower then it would normally be

All in all the domain has 796 that consists of 551 Adults and 245 Children

The 551 Adults consist of 281 men and 270 Women and that The 245 Children that consist of 126 Girls and 119 Boys

When it comes to the number of children each women has had 58 of the women have no kids and of the remaining 213 women 183 of them all have 1 child, 28 of them have 2 kids and 2 of them have 3 kids

Of the 28 women that had 2 kids only 4 of them had twins and of the 2 women that had 3 kids neither of them had triplets

Of the 4 women that had twins 2 were none identical boy twins, 1 was of a boy and a girl and the 4th set are of identical girl twins

Of the 183 women that have 1 child 44 of them had adopted their child and of the 28 women that had 2 kids 8 of them had adopted 1 of their 2 children

Of the 44 women that had adopted their 1 child 11 of them had adopted a niece and 6 of them had adopted a nephew and that of the 8 women that had adopted 1 of their 2 children 5 had adopted a nephew and 3 of them had adopted a niece


(He, Him)
I've just remembered A Idea I had for The Background of A Npc in A Dnd Campaign I made and was going to use but moved home and as a result never used back in 2,008 were A Senior Baron with 2 younger brothers and a younger sister learns that his only sister whose the youngest of his 3 siblings has earned herself the position as his new lieges after she not only prevented a attempt against the king by his old liege, she's also proven that him and the treacherous Earls 3 other vassals weren't involved in the plot and his own little sister is now both A Minor Earl and his liege

So how would The Senior Baron feel when his only sister whose the youngest of his 3 siblings earns herself the position as his new liege?

In case your wondering why I referred to his sister as A Earl rather then A Earless in the idea in the world the campaign would take place in all noble titles are gender neutral, meaning that the title is the same regardless of the title holders gender. For example in most settings and campaign The Ruler of A Barony is called A Baron if Male and A Baroness if Female, in this world The Ruler of A Barony is called A Baron regardless of if their male or female

PS I've forgotten what edition it was intended for, but I do remember that it was either 1st edition, 2nd edition or 3rd edition but because I couldn't find the old prefix I choose The Dnd General prefix
[In reply to the OP] Proud that his sister has achieved that status, and glad to support her in any way he can.


New Thread

Several nights ago, I can't remember how many, I had A rather unusual Dnd Dream and I have a question about it. How wrong was it of the king to use, manipulate and take advantage of 14 year old daughter and heir when doing so will hopefully save her, his country and a lot of the adults in the country. PS this includes several dozen things, and several hundred words, that I forgot to put in the revoked post on this

In my Dnd Dream the king send his 14 year old daughter and heir to negotiate with foreign invaders that he knows have a strict code of honour that everyone, meaning not just the members of the countries army and navy, in the country follows that will not allow them to harm a child, not even a child that's a member of the royal family of a country their invading

Thanks to magic his 14 year old daughter and heir is as good at diplomacy as a adult in their mid 50's, so she's as good as someone that's roughly 4 times her age, and she has the added bonus that because she's a child the invaders code of honour that everyone, meaning not just the members of the countries army and navy, in the country follows that will not allow them to harm a child, not even a child that's a member of the royal family of a country their invading

The dream also showed that the king knew that the invading force was big enough that it was a matter of when would it win not would it win and that he had a ulterior motive in sending his 14 year old daughter and heir that was both very well intended and very maniputive

His ulterior motive was that he'd learnt that the invading countries rulers 17 year old grandson and heir was accompanying the invaders in order to see the glory of war but would be distant enough from all fights that he'd never be at any risk and the king was hoping that he'd meet his daughter and heir and fall in love with her

This way the king of the country that's been invaded ensurea that his bloodline will 1 way or another ruler both his country and a invading country that he knows they can't defeat. Surprisingly, to the people in the dream, his plan worked

As to what the king was thinking the dream showed that the king wasn't thinking straight and that he decided to try and go for the scenario that was the 2nd to worst, the invaders holding his heir and using the fact that their holding his heir to control his country without conquering it, rather then the scenario that is the worst, a war he knows he can't win

Like I said earlier thanks to magic his 14 year old heir is as good at diplomacy as a adult in their mid 50's, so she's as good as someone that's roughly 4 times her age, and she has the added bonus that because she's a child the invaders code of honour means they won't harm her

I will say that d even though the dream didn't specify the level of the Spell tin my opinion A spell that powerful must have been A 6th level Spell and I suspect that the spells unique to the setting the dream happened in
Post edited by marshalljames1 on June 12

New Thread

Really depends on what system of morality you are using. Modern west? It would be seen as pretty darn bad. A sign of reckless negligence and poor parenting at best. Something more ancient? It might be seen as a gesture of incredible bravery - or a ripe opportunity to capture and detain the heir as a hostage.

It could really go a lot of different ways.


A new Thread

1 of The GM's I know has had the worst idea I've ever heard for A Dnd Campaign, and trust me those few words speak volumes for how bad the idea is

His idea is for of The Pcs is A Paladin, the main villains a anti-Paladin and actual reincarnation is possible and when it happen its easy to prove, Bet you can guess where this is going

You likely guessed that The Pc that's A Paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived, and somehow he persauded the player to agree to this, this will be fun, just not for anyone in the campaign, and the main villain whose a anti-paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived

Now we all know that even with actual reincarnation being both known to happen and when it happen its easy to prove that people shouldn't be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives

Saying that though with A Paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived and the main villains being a anti-paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc ans he main villain will be judged by the gs they did in their prior life/lives

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