D&D General JMISBEST's questions. Most of them about campaign ideas that either he or A GM he knows has and wants to know what people think


A new Thread

1 of The GM's I know has had the worst idea I've ever heard for A Dnd Campaign, and trust me those few words speak volumes for how bad the idea is

His idea is for of The Pcs is A Paladin, the main villains a anti-Paladin and actual reincarnation is possible and when it happen its easy to prove, Bet you can guess where this is going

You likely guessed that The Pc that's A Paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived, and somehow he persauded the player to agree to this, this will be fun, just not for anyone in the campaign, and the main villain whose a anti-paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived

Now we all know that even with actual reincarnation being both known to happen and when it happen its easy to prove that people shouldn't be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives

Saying that though with A Paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived and the main villains being a anti-paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc ans he main villain will be judged by the gs they did in their prior life/lives
Whys their no answers?

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Whys their no answers?

Idk if I had to guess it's to much quantity and no one can keep up.

It's great you're enthusiastic but you're essentially repeating contrived situations over and over.

There's no right or wrong answers it's up to the DM or if you're the DM it's up to you. This answer works for essentially every question you've asked over and over.
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greg kaye

Whys their no answers?
If you're talking in reference to your most recent
...new Thread
there may be a few reasons. It's partly because moderators have, I think fairly, asked you to:
... to keep these posts to one thread ...
and partly because, when you have then come up with a new thread idea, you haven't edited this into the OP that the original thread started with.
Another reason is that your "new thread" post didn't contain any question marks. There was nothing specific to answer, just a content that no one responded to.
This problem was exacerbated because, as chance would have it, your "Whys their no answers?" post happened to appear at the top of a new page which meant that, unfortunately, this left people without immediate reference to your new base of reference. Another issue is that the new content appears to be dissing a DM and, as many contributors here are themselves DMs, they may not have been inclined to contribute.

If you want to continue posting here, what you might do is start a new post in the normal way but then copy that content, go up to your OP (opening post of the "how would.." thread, and edit it so as to insert your new thread topic content above previous topic contents. Something like this may make it easier for other contributors to follow what you're saying/asking.

Anyway, here, again, is your last major post (with my emboldenings and [additions]):
A new Thread

1 of The GM's I know has had the worst idea I've ever heard for A Dnd Campaign, and trust me those few words speak volumes for how bad the idea is

His idea is for [one] of The Pcs is [to play] A Paladin, the main villains a anti-Paladin and actual reincarnation is possible and when it happen its easy to prove, Bet you can guess where this is going

You likely guessed that The Pc that's A Paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived, and somehow he persauded the player to agree to this, this will be fun, just not for anyone in the campaign, and the main villain whose a anti-paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived

Now we all know that even with actual reincarnation being both known to happen and when it happen its easy to prove that people shouldn't be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives

Saying that though with A Paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived and the main villains being a anti-paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc an[d]s [t]he main villain will be judged by the [thin]gs they did in their prior life/lives
(Whether this is from one of the GMs you know or whether it's your own creation wouldn't matter).
I guess you're asking for confirmation on the ways in which the idea in question fits in the descriptor "worst" that you applied.
If the party is starting at a low level, if the paladin joining them is at a high level or "best" in some other way, then that character would likely not feel relatively challenged by various of the DMs scenarios so I doubt it would be fun for them either.
We don't know that. If "people shouldn't be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives" then that would be great for anyone who believes in a heaven. We all get in.
It really sounds to me like you are coming up with this scenario yourself because you end saying: " I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc an[d]s [t]he main villain will be judged by the [thin]gs they did in their prior life/lives" thus contradicting your we all know statement which I'm guessing you added as an attempted gotcha. Yeah, if the reincarnated paladin had the likes of the recollections of atrocities and the disposition to continue doing likewise, I agree that they'd likely be judged.

But I don't think that the general premise is bad. Handled by a DM like Matthew Mercer and with an ~infiltrator played with the skill of Erika Ishii, scenarios where a one-party member has a different from the rest agenda can work really well. On British TV Traitors took a directly confrontational take on this. We've all played wink murder.

I really can't judge if the idea is bad.


Its not my idea, let me explIain

When I said, and you qouted, I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc an[d]s [t]he main villain will be judged by the [thin]gs they did in their prior life/lives that's my way of showing that I'm 100% certain I am that both The Pc and the main villain will be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives

greg kaye

Its not my idea, let me explIain

When I said, and you qouted, I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc an[d]s [t]he main villain will be judged by the [thin]gs they did in their prior life/lives that's my way of showing that I'm 100% certain I am that both The Pc and the main villain will be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives
Never-the-less, I'm not sure what question you were asking or what feedback you were seeking.
Is the DM's and, for want of a better word, infiltrator's objective to achieve a situation where the anti-Paladin wouldn't be judged or are there other ideas that they have?
But, like I say, infiltrator concepts can work.
But I don't think that the general premise is bad. Handled by a DM like Matthew Mercer and with an ~infiltrator played with the skill of Erika Ishii, scenarios where a one-party member has a different from the rest agenda can work really well. On British TV Traitors took a directly confrontational take on this. We've all played wink murder.

I really can't judge if the idea is bad.


Dusty Dragon
A new Thread

1 of The GM's I know has had the worst idea I've ever heard for A Dnd Campaign, and trust me those few words speak volumes for how bad the idea is

His idea is for of The Pcs is A Paladin, the main villains a anti-Paladin and actual reincarnation is possible and when it happen its easy to prove, Bet you can guess where this is going

You likely guessed that The Pc that's A Paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived, and somehow he persauded the player to agree to this, this will be fun, just not for anyone in the campaign, and the main villain whose a anti-paladin is the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived

Now we all know that even with actual reincarnation being both known to happen and when it happen its easy to prove that people shouldn't be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives

Saying that though with A Paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the worst anti-paladins that ever lived and the main villains being a anti-paladin that's the reincarnation of 1 of the best paladins that ever lived I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc ans he main villain will be judged by the gs they did in their prior life/lives
Well, I'm glad to see this isn't some other feudal/monarchist tangle...

I think it's important here that you explain what reincarnation is. Are you talking about the druid spell, or are you talking about reincarnation as it is used in the "real" world?

Because if it's the second, you can't be "judged" for what you did in your prior life, because it already has happened - your "new" life is a reward/punishment/etc based on "how well you did" in your previous life.


Dusty Dragon
I'll bet you whatever you want that both The Pc an[d]s [t]he main villain will be judged by the [thin]gs they did in their prior life/lives that's my way of showing that I'm 100% certain I am that both The Pc and the main villain will be judged by the things they did in their prior life/lives
Ok, and why is this such a bad idea?


Ok, and why is this such a bad idea?
Is that a bad attempt at a joke?

To make it clear the idea use's the real life version of reincarnation

Should 1 of the worlds greatest paladins be punished simply because the paladin in question is the reincarnation of 1 of histories most evil anti-paladins?

Or should people be willing to give 1 of the worlds most evil anti-paladins a chance to turn their life around and become a good person simply because even Anti-Paladins can turn their life around and become good people and the anti paladin in question is the reincarnation of 1 of histories greatest paladins


Is that a bad attempt at a joke?

To make it clear the idea use's the real life version of reincarnation

Should 1 of the worlds greatest paladins be punished simply because the paladin in question is the reincarnation of 1 of histories most evil anti-paladins?

Or should people be willing to give 1 of the worlds most evil anti-paladins a chance to turn their life around and become a good person simply because even Anti-Paladins can turn their life around and become good people and the anti paladin in question is the reincarnation of 1 of histories greatest paladins
Why are you so sure they would be judged by the actions of their past lives? The people they were are long dead and buried. It’s not like they’re the same people, but with amnesia or something. With that scenario, you could get some traction.

If the past lives are truly dead, and the people have no memory of having lived those lives, I can’t see why they would be judged for them.

It does make a good afterlife question. The horrible anti-paladin is supposed to move on to the appropriate afterlife for him, but instead gets himself reincarnated for some reason - maybe he's trying to avoid a terrible punishment, it's not really important. Then some outsiders come searching to collect him and take him to his "rightful" place.

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