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D&D General Joe Manganiello's D&D Campaign Includes a Game of Thrones Creator & Vince Vaughn

The entertainment magazine Variety has joined the long list of mainstream publications who have published articles about D&D in recent years. They take a look at Joe Manganiello's home game, which includes Vince Vaughn, plus the guitarist from Rage Against the Machine, and one one of the Game of Thrones creators!

The entertainment magazine Variety has joined the long list of mainstream publications who have published articles about D&D in recent years. They take a look at Joe Manganiello's home game, which includes Vince Vaughn, plus the guitarist from Rage Against the Machine, and one one of the Game of Thrones creators!



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Lowcountry Low Roller
Well, if people were not actually demanding that Joe change his home game to comply with what they believe would be a proper representation, they were at least making a huge deal out of this whole "lack of diversity" thing.

Not that I believe that diversity doesn't matter in a wider cultural context, but analyzing the issue of representation on someone else's wednesday-night Grey Box-only Realms campaign, no matter how famous that person happens to be, is just too much.
No one is making any such demands! Seriously the pearl clutching going on here is shocking. ;D

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
No it wasn't. It was something somebody pointed out. Sheesh. I’d bet that if the comment was made to Joes face he’d probably shrug and say “huh, good point, but the group is already kinda too big”

Naw Darjr you're acting like it was one comment. It was not. Here is the progression:

"needs more ladies."

"it’s such a sausage fest."

"a community of influential men with no women in it is not a good look these days..,if you are going to play the PR game, exactly what image you're projecting is up for criticism...He's choosing to make it a public display of it, and that display has meaning to people. That is open to critique."

"I would expect to see more diversity, and so should everyone. "

"I'm sure Joe understands cause and effect."

"Access to particular individuals, especially in informal settings, is a huge advantage..If Joe and Vince Vaughn, are just handed roles in the Weiss helmed Star Wars movie, then the game goes from a “Mostly Harmless” rating in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, to:“Most definitely harmful”."

So yeah, this is language of demand. This is what demands look like on the Internet. Using words like it "needs" X, using the derogatory phrase "sausage fest" to make it clear that should be something to find embarrassing, claiming something is "not a good look" which "has meaning"...saying you "expect" more diversity...saying the lack of diversity is something Joe should understand has "cause and effect", that this is something which could become "most definitely harmful" to society.

Yes, Darjr, this is exactly what it looks like to make demands on the Internet with a mob implying things about expectations about your behavior and ramifications thereof.

And you trying to portray it as just a minor thing one person said diminishes what actually happened - a ton of people building a case for why Joe's actions are harmful to society as a whole.

It was a load of BS and should be called out. Fortunately it is being called out. Even if you're going to jump in an suddenly pretend it didn't happen.

Methinks you doth protest too much.

There was no nerdrage, just some mildly expressed disappointment in the homogeneous make up of his table.
There was immediate judgement by some that his group must not want to play with girls and only wants to play with guys.
There was immediate judgement by some that his group lacks representation and that the people playing in his group must only be in that group because of who they are.

There was immediate judgement by some because of the above and because of the seemingly publicity seeking nature of the article that his group is able to be freely publicly criticized.

Everyone please relax and realize we all have opinions that might not be in line with your own.

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