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Journals of the Five: A Forgotten Realms Tale


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Finally, I know.......I am almost there. I will finish the next one today, hopefully, and another session tonight. I am never letting myself get this far behind again. And as for Karanaj, I've just given up on him.

Vallia’s Journal #9

2nd day of the Drawing Down

When I rose yesterday morning, I felt very apprehensive. Despite my confidence in front of the others, I was not sure if even the five of us would be enough to rescue Aliya. The attack the other night gave me the idea of sneaking into the citadel, rather than attempting a frontal assault. I only hoped that we might maintain the charade long enough to find her. The cloaks of the Zhentarim assassins further helped in disguising our weaponry, but I knew that would not be enough for Misha, Nym and I. I purchased several costly potions, potions made to alter one’s appearance, but I was only able to afford two for each of us. I prayed that two hours would be enough time.

Korbol seemed determined to make one more attempt to distract me from my folly, but I would not be swayed. Misha grew impatient with his attempts to dissuade me, and finally Korbol relented and led us to the portal. Wishing to appear as if I belonged, I urged my horse boldly through the portal after consuming my potion, stepping onto a windswept bluff. Wheedling our way past the gate guards didn’t prove to be too difficult, though they were suspicious. The citadel was strangely quiet, and we encountered mostly servants in our search.

I was slightly annoyed with the others, who seemed to enjoy the opportunity to loot the rooms of the Zhentarim officers. It seemed to me that they had forgotten our purpose. My only thought was of Aliya. I was not sure if I wanted to see her after her captivity, but I knew that leaving her to that captivity would be far worse.

We found some stairs leading downward, but they were heavily guarded, and we chose not to attempt to force our way past until we had exhausted every other possibility. We found a staircase in the barracks leading upwards, but found only common thugs. There was a matching staircase on the other side of the citadel, and I trudged up it with a heavy heart, sure that we would only find more of the same. I was afraid that we would be forced to fight our way down to the heart of the citadel, and I felt such evil there that I was not sure if I would even wish to try.

Corellon smiled upon us, however, and we found an empty room, with one closed door leading away. Not seeing any other alternative, we opened the door to find Aliya chained to a wall, faced by someone who seemed very familiar. Had Karanaj not been standing beside me, I would have thought we had been betrayed. Though the man shared his face, he had patches of scales upon his skin, and large wings nestled against his back. Karanaj named him his brother, Kalanthor. I suppose that must be a conversation for another time. Kalanthor was apparently a lieutenant of Mantatlus, and not very pleased to see us, particularly Karanaj. As he attacked, there was a whisper of something in the corner, and I had a sinking feeling that we were overmatched.

The battle was furious, and I do not care to relate the details here, but suffice it to say that we were able to drive Kalanthor and Mantatlus away, even could we not kill them. Teleport is a fine spell to learn, I must say. Unfortunately, my dear Misha had to fulfill his need to destroy, and proceeded to douse the room in oil, setting it ablaze. As usual, he had not the forethought to consider our plan of escape, as I was sure that Kalanthor had not gone far, and was even then rousing the troops to slaughter us. However, as luck would have it, Aliya saved the day, being just strong enough to give Karanaj a scroll of teleport, and use one herself, whisking us all away. Fortunately, there was one place in the area she was familiar with: her house in Ashabenford.

Though we were forced to abandon our horses, I believe that the foray was a success. The Zhentarim still have the jewel, but without Aliya or I, not the means to use it. Our return was anti-climactic, and Aliya is very weak from her ordeal. We will have to remain here for at least a few days, and allow her to recuperate. Karanaj has been very tender with her, and though I too am happy that she is well, I have left them to each other. After all, I know how she feels.

My companions and I have come to an agreement. We must seek first the sword, since we do not have the strength or skill to take the jewel. There has been a whisper of its whereabouts, no more, and I am told that the only ones who know the location are the Shadow Thieves. Thus we begin our journey back to Amn, the place where this all began, and I cannot say I am sorry to leave these woods behind. There is only one thing I fear: Misha and Aliya wish to return to the elven encampment. They both desire an audience with the queen, and although I understand Aliya’s motivation, Misha’s is worrisome to me. I fear he is intent on altering the course of our lives forever, and I am not sure that I am ready to take that step.

Misha speaks often of marriage, and still I am not sure if it is me he seeks or the crown. There are times when I am secure in his love for me, and others....I see the gleam in his eye when Nym calls me Princess. I am not sure if marrying him will be in the best interest of my people, but I cannot seem to make myself care. I love him...........

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Simply Brilliant

I like it bout time we got some Vallia back on the Journals. Can't wait for the next one or tonight for that mater... keep it up Tal, and I may have to retire my DM hat to you... LOL... nah that won't happen I enjoy tormenting you all too much...


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Whoo Hooo!!!!!!

Vallia’s Journal #10

9th day of the Drawing Down

Yesterday still seems like a dream to me. I never thought about my wedding day; in truth, I never saw me having one. When we arrived in the village, Misha and Aliya immediately demanded to see the queen. To tell the truth, I was not really looking forward to it, but I put on my Princess face and followed them inside.

As I expected, Mother welcomed Aliya with open arms, as always, smiling in relief at seeing her alive. The sting bit deeper than I cared to admit, for I have never been the subject of her attention in that way. She showered attention upon Karanaj as well, as I looked away, tears in my eyes as I wished for my father’s presence. Perhaps Misha sensed my discomfort, for he quickly distracted Mother from her happy reunion.

He spoke of succession, and pure blood heirs. He proposed marriage, something that I had thought I was prepared for, but which shook me nonetheless. Watching my Mother, I suddenly realized how tired, and worried she looked, and as I thought on it, there were fewer elves in the village as we entered. In a flash of insight, I knew why. It has begun, the elves have splintered, and Thain has begun his bid for power. I realized that this new development made it all the more important to show a clear succession, and Mother must have as well, for she quickly acquiesced to Misha’s request.

I had thought to have a long engagement, but Mother has never been one to sit idly. She demanded we be married that very night, citing the fact that we had a long journey ahead, and that we did not know when we would return. It is too soon, and yet, I found myself ecstatic at the prospect of being Vallia Koldun. Mother finally cracked a little, showing her obvious admiration of Misha. I am not surprised; he is very like Father in his manner, and I am pleased that she approves.

Karanaj spoke from behind us, requesting that he and Aliya be wed as well. For a moment, I was less than pleased, for I felt that a double wedding would detract from the experience, but the moment was fleeting and I was genuinely happy for my sister. They deserve each other, and I am glad that they have found a way to be together. Mother agreed to their union as well, and before I knew it, we were being whisked away.

Amidst a blur of fittings and flowers, there was little time to discuss our impending nuptials. After a quick bath, we were rubbed with fine smelling oils, and our hair brushed until it shone. Many seamstresses worked, cutting and stitching, as others wove flower garlands for our hair. All too quickly, everything was prepared, even as my Mother arrived with the groomsgift I had requested, a scabbard encrusted with gems, a fine present for a Prince, and one I hope that Misha will treasure. I did not see what Aliya had for Karanaj, although it was small.

We were dressed quickly, and all too soon, I heard light strains of music on the night air. The attendants beckoned to us, and Aliya and I made our way to the center of the village, where a dais had been constructed. The entire village was there, it seemed, and the music and the smell of the feast in the air made it as magical a night as any I have known. When I raised my eyes to see my Misha standing there, so finely dressed, I was almost overcome with emotion, and faltered slightly in my step.

I recovered quickly, and made my way to his side. I do not remember much of what was said, for all I could see was his face, and all I could think of was how much I loved him. I presented him with his gift, and I believe that he was very pleased. I am glad, for I would give him the world if he wished it. He presented me with a lovely silver necklace, one I shall always treasure. It is a delicate, lovely thing, and I do not intend to ever remove it.

The ceremony ended, and the feast began. It all seems a blur now, but the food was plenty, and the dancing.....I do so love the dancing. It was not long before we made our way to Mother, saying our goodnights and our farewells, for we are well aware that we dare not tarry too long here, for Thain has eyes everywhere. I felt a small pang of sadness at leaving this place, but I know my destiny lies elsewhere. With Misha by my side, I have all that I want, or need.

We retired to our chambers, and continued our magical night. It truly is different being a wife. There is a tenderness, a love that was not there before. I love him, I need him, I want him, I could never live without him. My Misha..........
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Aliya’s Journal #2

9th day of the Drawing Down

Long months of captivity have taken their toll, and I fear that I am not the same Aliya that I used to be. I am pleased, so pleased, to see my dear Karanaj again, for I thought for some time that such a thing would never come to pass. Still.......I see Kalanthor when I look at him. I cannot help it, and even as I reach for him, I feel myself pull away. I have not spoken of it to him, or to Vallia, for that matter, but I feel it just the same. I am not sure what to do about it, either.

The days since my rescue have been pleasant, and Karanaj has been very sweet, waiting on my every whim. He held me that first night, as I slept, and I felt safe and warm. Even as we left the Ashabenford this very morning, I felt something come alive in me, as I spurred my horse forward, racing Vallia and the wind. Misha seemed less than pleased; it is funny, Vallia had said he was carefree, but that is not the Misha I see. I think perhaps we are too much alike, but I like him anyway. I am finding that I love to irritate him in little ways; perhaps I am more like Vallia than I had imagined.

Our arrival in the village was somber, and the scouts seemed more guarded than I remember. Perhaps the recent drow infestation has had something to do with it, but I am not so sure. We were quickly ushered into Mother’s presence, and I have to admit that I was elated to see her again. I love her so, and she has always accepted me for who I am. Perhaps it is our magic that binds us, but I see Vallia in her as well. She seemed happy to see Karanaj as well, and I am glad that they like one another. Our reunion was short-lived, however, as Misha turned the conversation quickly to serious matters.

I was engrossed in Karanaj, so I scarcely heard Misha propose, but my attention was certainly riveted when Karanaj did the same. I was hesitant, I must say, for I still cannot erase Kalanthor from my mind. He almost had me convinced, before………Well, anyway, I agreed to the marriage, and Vallia and I were whisked away. I am sure Mother enjoyed the preparations immensely, although I am confused about the need for such haste. It matters little, however, for I do love him.

The preparations went by very quickly, and before I knew it, I was dressed and ready for the ceremony. The attendants beckoned, and Vallia and I stepped out on cue. Karanaj looked very handsome, and I didn’t take my eyes from him as I approached. The priest spoke, but I paid little attention to the words. I was presented with a beautiful necklace and ring as a bridegift and I was very pleased. They are truly beautiful and I will cherish them always. I gave him a plain silver band, with an inscription that read: 'All that I have, and all that I am, I give to you, my love'. It was all I knew to give him, my love.

The dancing following the ceremony could have lasted forever. It was a magical night, and one I will never forget. I could not help but to think of Kalanthor several times, which discomfited me quite a bit. We said our goodnights, since Misha insists that we leave early in the morning. Karanaj and I retired, and consummated our relationship, something both wonderful and bittersweet. I sit here now, and watch him sleep, and I hope that I can make him as happy as he has made me. I will banish Kalanthor from my mind; I only wish that I could wipe him as well from my heart.


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Success....and I beat Misha!

Vallia’s Journal
10th day of the Drawing Down, 1372 DR

Being married is quite different than I expected. I had always thought of marriage in a quiet, respectful way, two people who loved one another living together in harmony, finding peace in their happiness. I suppose I should have realized...I know Misha, I knew how thoughtless, crude, and tactless he could be. I imagine it shall always be woman’s downfall that she thinks she might change a man.

The morning after our marriage began strangely. I awoke to a light tapping upon the door. I felt as though I gazed through a fog, and my head felt heavy and stuffed full of wool. Misha was already awake, although he too seemed groggy, and he answered the door. I could see two elves in the dim light, and their faces were grim. They encouraged us to hurry, and said that we were in danger. Knowing Thain still seeks us, I immediately began pulling on my armor, and gathering my things. We travel lightly, my husband and I, and it was but a few moments before we were prepared to set out.

Stepping into the hallway, I noted that the elves had already gathered Karanaj and Aliya, who looked bleary-eyed as well. Misha mentioned finding Gruush and Nym, and the four of us turned to walk down the hallway. I noted movement out of the corner of my eye, and I twisted out of the way just in time, as the elf behind me tried to cut me down. Aliya was not so fortunate, and the elf behind her rammed his sword through her, and I saw only shock in her eyes as she fell, lying motionless on a rug that was rapidly turning red. I drew my sword quickly, and slashed at one of the elves. I must admit I acted rashly and left myself open. As a result, I saw little of the battle, for the elf was too skilled for me, and I quickly took a hit which caused blackness to close around me. I vaguely remember slumping to the floor near Aliya, and wondering if either of us would ever wake up.

My return to consciousness was slow, and I opened my eyes to find Nym kneeling next to me, pouring a potion down my throat. I finished drinking, and stood, although somewhat woozily. I noted that Aliya was still down, but Karanaj and Misha seemed to be holding their own, although both were grievously injured. I heard noises of battle behind me, and saw that Gruush had joined the fray. I drew my sword, and moved to aid Nym. Karanaj crept to Aliya’s side, pouring a potion down her throat as well.

The noise drew several guards, and the Queen, and we quickly finished off our aggressors, with a few well-placed spells by Aliya. She has grown very strong since last I saw her. Thankfully, there were elven priests about who aided my friends; frankly, I had not the strength. Once we were all mended, we set out. It would seem that Thain has been very successful in placing his spies, and we dare not trust any elf from this point on.

Misha seems so different. I know I have commented on it before, but his change was never more apparent than after the defeat of the elves. As we stood in that blood-splattered hallway, I saw him become more than the street rat he clings to. He was almost...regal. I could sense his anger at having to kill elves, his anger at Thain. I truly believe he means to rule this kingdom, and I cannot say if I’m proud or frightened of such a prospect.

We rode for many hours, and as midday approached, we entered a thick expanse of forest. The trees created a canopy overhead, making it appear twilight. The underbrush was thick, and I had the feeling of being trapped in a tunnel. After a few hours, we came to a point where a large boulder blocked the trail.

Despondent at the thought of re-tracing our steps for hours, and what is worse, chancing meeting Thain’s men on the trail, we searched for an alternate route, as we sat and ate quickly. I must confess that I packed a rather large number of apples in my pack, knowing my love adores them. Once we finished eating, Misha quickly found a trail (sometimes I wonder at the fact he was not born an elf). We followed it to a natural stone bridge over a deep gulley. Seeing no other way, and knowing that the horses could not cross, I dismounted.

Misha fought all of us. He is suspicious by nature, and in retrospect, I suppose he was right. But we ignored him, setting our horses free and making our way across the bridge. I was two-thirds of the way across when my footing gave way, and Karanaj, Aliya and I fell. We were not injured too badly, since the ground we landed on was springy and soft. Being unable to see the others, we turned, and quickly became aware that we were not alone.

A large furry creature and two spiders advanced upon us. After a quick consultation, we opted to run, Karanaj taking the rear. He turned, trying to attack the creatures, and Aliya stopped to help him. There were noises on the opposite side of the creatures, and as they dispatched of them in a dazzling display of spellpower, Misha emerged. We began to search for the others, as Misha continued to gloat, his satisfaction at our predicament radiating off him like heat.

We reached a hole in the ceiling, but it was beyond our reach. I admitted to the others that I could think of little else to do, to which Misha replied "I don't expect you to think much...” I was weary from Misha’s recriminations, and angry as well, so I sat against the wall, and waited. I am not sure what I waited for, perhaps as I told the others I was waiting for Nym and Gruush to find us, or perhaps I was waiting for an apology from Misha, a word to tell me that everything would be well. As I should have expected, Nym and Gruush found us first.

Once they had regained their footing from the drop, we proceeded to search the remainder of the maze. The only exit we could discern was yet another hole, which Misha recklessly jumped into without even pausing to consider its depth. Of course, it does not say much for me to note that I followed, as did all the others. Perhaps the results will serve to caution us in the future.

We landed hard, and I for one became entangled in a web, sticky strands winding around my legs. Karanaj was trying to help me pull free, when we heard, and then saw what could have been our worst nightmare. A gigantic spider descended from the ceiling, easily 3 or 4 times our size. Several smaller spiders attacked as well, and with three of us trapped in the webbing, things looked grim.

Aliya, my dear sister Aliya, destroyed the spider almost single-handedly. In a tremendous display of power, she launched a bolt of lightning that sent it flying into the wall. I pulled free at that moment, and swinging my sword fiercely, gutted the spider as it launched itself at Misha. We took a moment to look around and I pondered the strange sound I had heard during the battle. It had sounded like a bell, the same sound I had heard at the K’io races. I did not have time to think too long, however, for we spotted an exit, and what appeared to be a fair amount of treasure. We gathered it quickly, eager to be gone, and made our way back to the surface, emerging on the far side of the gulley.

We continued on into the night, finally stopping for camp. Misha took every chance to remind us all of our bad decision, and his wisdom, and at some point I suppose Aliya had had enough. I cannot fault her for becoming angry; in truth, there was no other course. We must never forget that we are being chased, and to move backwards means risking capture, or death. Moving ahead is our only alternative, but Misha never was one for doing things the easy way. I imagine that Aliya has also fallen into her old habit of defending me; our childhood was filled with such instances. Perhaps I too have regressed, for I have spoken very little since the time at the bridge. I have to admit, however, that I almost snickered when she told Misha that he complained like an old woman. He rather does…….

I do not know which hurts me more, the fact that Misha questioned, and continues to question, my judgment, or the fact that he flaunts his disrespect and disgust for me for all to see. I cannot allow either to continue, not if I wish to become the ruler of my people. What ruler is a laughingstock such as Misha has tried to make me today? It shames me to admit that for a moment, I regretted our marriage, though I know I could never love another. Perhaps I would have been better off alone, if this is truly the way he sees me. Perhaps I am only quiet because there is nothing left to say....except maybe goodbye.

--Vallia Koldun


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TA DA!!!

Tokiwong is such a slacker.....and Karanaj? He isn't even worth taunting anymore.

Aliya’s Journal
10th day of the Drawing Down, 1372 DR

It was a beautiful wedding...even now, I can’t get the image out of my mind. Every time I look at Karanaj, I am filled with such love for him that it feels as if I might explode. He is my ma’sheira. So why does Kalanthor’s face haunt me so? Why do I hear his voice in my thoughts? And why do I sound as though I am trying to convince myself that I made the right choice?

I have to admit that I was adamant during my captivity about my love for Karanaj, no matter how much Kalanthor and Mantatlus tried to convince me otherwise. Their arguments still ring in my head, however, and I must say that near the end, I was wavering in my convictions. How could two men be so alike, and yet so different? I was never able to make myself hate Kalanthor, for he resembled Karanaj too closely. And though he was in the employ of my captor, he went out of his way to be kind, aiding me and providing for me in small ways. In the beginning, I had thought it a ploy to lull me into trusting him, but in the end, I am not so sure. We had many pleasant talks, though I was careful never to mention anything of importance to him.

I saw tenderness in Kalanthor’s eyes when he looked upon me, and though it shames me to admit it, when he kissed me the day before my rescue, I did not turn away. Perhaps I should not linger so on this, not now, when we have far more important problems. It may be that I shall never see Kalanthor again, though I do feel a twinge of sadness at such a prospect. At any rate, I should keep my attention focused on the matter at hand.

I awoke suddenly this morning, my captivity having bred in me an almost unnatural sensitivity to movement and noise. I was aware of someone being outside our door, and I quickly roused Karanaj. Before we could investigate, however, the door flew open, and I could barely make out the figures of two elves. They warned us that we were in danger, and we quickly gathered our belongings, moving into the hallway, where two more elves waited. None were familiar to me, but I have been gone many years, so I sensed nothing amiss.

The elves roused Vallia and Misha, who joined us in the hallway. As I turned to exit the building, I felt a strange sensation. There was not pain, exactly, for the darkness closed too fast for that, but a strange sense of disconnectedness. As I fell, the last thing that I saw was the elf behind me holding his sword, which was dripping with blood.

I do not know, nor do I care to think about, how close I came to dying at that moment. I awoke some time later, in the arms of my Karanaj, as he poured a healing elixir down my throat tenderly. I quickly became aware of the battle around me, and realized that our danger was far from over. Misha, Vallia and Nym were all badly beaten, and even my Karanaj looked somewhat worse for wear. I looked up, realizing all that Karanaj had risked to save me, as an elf stepped forward, his sword already wet with the blood of my love.

I became angry, something that I must admit I have a weakness for doing, and reached out from where I was on the floor, casting already. I watched in satisfaction as his body spasmed and jerked, and as the spell finished, I regained my feet, glaring around me. The elf I had shocked was still standing, but he did not seem as sure of himself as he did in the beginning. I did the best I could, summoning magic spheres and hurling them at the elf attacking Vallia. As I fought, several elven guards entered the fray, and we quickly subdued the remainder of our attackers. We were a pitiful sight, I would imagine, and Mother wasted no time in summoning the priest to our aid. Healed, but still sore, we left quickly, Misha taking the lead, as he is wont to do.

I must say that I have had my doubts about Misha, though I would never voice such to Vallia. It worries me how seriously he takes becoming King of the Elves, though he does have a protectiveness of Mother and our people that I admire. Greed never leads to anything but evil, and I shall watch my brother-in-law closely, though I do not know if I could fight Vallia as well, should she choose to defend him.

We left the village quickly behind, moving deeper into Cormanthor forest. I have never liked this forest, there is something dark that lingers here. Our trail seemed more like a tunnel, with thick, impassable underbrush, and I began to feel trapped. We traveled on this trail for many hours, before reaching an impasse: a large boulder blocked the trail.

We had lunch, and Misha was quickly able to find an alternate path that someone or something had obviously created. We followed it a short distance, coming to a natural stone bridge. It was apparent that we would have to cross, or risk returning several hours back to the last trail, and possibly meeting Thain’s assassins along the way. Misha resisted the necessity, and I was proud to see Vallia ignore him, and begin to make her way across the bridge. It would have been more triumphant had he not been correct in his suspicion of the bridge.

Vallia, Karanaj and I fell into a hole, cleverly disguised. We were not badly injured, landing on ground that was somewhat springy to the touch. Our situation degenerated with the appearance of a large furry creature and several spiders. Our initial reaction was to flee, but when Karanaj turned to fight, I chose to stand with him. I will not abandon him, no matter what it might cost me, even my life. The creatures were not difficult to kill, and as they fell, Misha emerged from the tunnel behind them.

He would have been a welcome sight had he not insisted upon ridiculing and belittling Vallia for her decision to cross the bridge. One does not question a ruler, especially in front of her subjects. I could see his taunts were hurting her, for I can always read her eyes. I know that she feels ashamed and responsible for our predicament, but I still feel that she made the right decision.

We searched for the others, finally finding a vertical tube in the ceiling, emptying above our heads. It was too high to reach, but we had not long to wait before Nym and Gruush appeared from above. Reunited, we continued our search for the exit. I must say that I was rather amused when it was Misha who fell through another vertical tube, although my amusement was gone moments later when Vallia leapt in after him. I must speak to her about this later. A ruler cannot let her emotions override her good judgement. The rest of us followed, landing once again in a soft sort of webbing, although this webbing was sticky, and Gruush, Vallia & Nym were stuck fast.

This in itself would not have been a problem had not at that moment, a giant spider descended from the ceiling, together with two of its children, moving towards us. With three of our party trapped, there was no possibility of retreat, and they could not defend themselves. Perhaps it was rash, but I drew upon my knowledge, and cast the most powerful offensive spell, I knew. A bolt of lightning streaked from my hand, slamming into the creature, and propelling it backwards to slam against the wall. Vallia pulled free of the webbing, and swung her sword, gutting the creature as it stood.

We quickly dispatched the smaller spiders, and pulled the others free. We found some treasure webbed to a wall, even as Misha discovered an exit. We took what we could carry, and moved through the tunnel, emerging on the far side of the gulley. We trudged on until nightfall, feeling a little disheartened, and I could see from Vallia’s set expression that all is not well. Misha continued his taunting, until I could stand it no longer.

I told him he complained like an old woman, something I don’t think he appreciated. I do not care. Elves do not treat their wives in this fashion, and I had had enough. Sometimes I feel as though all I do is defend Vallia, and yet I know that should she ever decide to defend herself, she is far more capable than I. I could not even stand his presence any longer, and pulled my Karanaj away from the others, preparing to rest for the night. I sat for a moment, to write this, and I feel a sadness now as I contemplate lying down in Kara’s arms. I feel guilt, for as always, when I look upon him, I think of Kalanthor. But I cannot live a life of regrets, or questions, and I will have to be safe in the knowledge that I have done as I must, for my people, for Karanaj, and for myself. It will have to be comfort enough.

---Aliya Umian

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