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Justice League 12-6-03


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takyris said:
Lemme just chip in that Hawkgirl is hot. And about ten times cooler than Wonder Woman -- at least, this show's version of her.

Lemme just chip in an "amen."

takyris said:
Not saying that I dislike it, but AM saying that kids under, say, 12 no longer seem to be the audience they're aiming at. As a person over 12, I like it, but I hope it doesn't start taking heat as a "kid's show that's too violent and dark", because I don't think it's a kid's show at all anymore.

Quick, hide! Its Joe Leiberman's Super(cillious)hero alter ego, Captain Warning Label!! He'll protect us from the the dastardly villain "ourselves" and make parenting obsolete!

(Believe it or not, I really like the guy...Its just some malice-free ribbing for an unusual policy side-obsession he's got)
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DM_Matt said:
Quick, hide! Its Joe Leiberman's Super(cillious)hero alter ego, Captain Warning Label!! He'll protect us from the the dastardly villain "ourselves" and make parenting obsolete!

How about we keep the politics out of it eh? There are numerous Republican references we can go to for the same kind of baloney...

Diversion over.

(Back on topic)

I'm glad Batman was affected. I'm tired of "Bat-God," I prefer seeing "Bat-MAN." The guy who knows when he needs to get help even if he doesn't like it. Or getting help when he doesn't want it and has to eat it because it would be weakness, but the help saves his behind never-the-less. I like seeing Batman make mistakes and have flaws that affect his ability to act and the other Leaguers catching the slack for him.

Batman is much more interesting to me. BatGod, not so much.


I don't know, there was certainly a moment of Bat-God while he was telling Flash how to disarm the bomb, while being smacked around.

Hawk-girl - nice :D

Ace was alright, but I was enjoying the Queen scenes myself, especially wrapping the coins around herself as armor.

And yes, if insanity really was some kind of defense, Bats should have been immune. I'd have loved it.

You know, I don't see this show being too mature for kids, certainly no more mature than most comics being published these days. In fact, for as much violence as exists in the show I think it would be irresponsible to never show any consequences of it.


First Post
Vocenoctum said:
The circlet was what they put on her to make her docile and control her powers that way. Hence why she was mad that he had it. She figured out he was going to use it on her when he was done with her.
The helmets that kept them from being affected by her powers were actually helmet looking.

Yeah, granted it's just my interpretation, but it seems to fit how things happened. Joker was just fine untill that circlet got taken away. Once it went, it was all over. If his insanity made him immune, as he claimed, he should have been fine. The fact that he only got in trouble once he lost it leads me to believe it was protecting him.


Aaron L

GMVictory said:
I'm tired of "Bat-God," I prefer seeing "Bat-MAN."

The reason I wanted him to not be affected is because he was as insane as the Joker. Not because he had such a strong mind he could resist it.

Aaron L

buzzard said:
The fact that he only got in trouble once he lost it leads me to believe it was protecting him.


The reason he was "immune" was because Ace was actively excluding him, I'm pretty sure. Having her control circlet in his coat wouldn't have been much protection to him, I don't think.


Registered User
I have to agree that the Joker was not affected by Ace until later simply because she wasn’t Trying to affect him.
Joker may have Thought that because he is crazy that he would be immune but when she wanted to affect him she did.

I also agree that the helmets were to protect the wearers mind and the circlet was to shut down Ace's mind.
Otherwise the guards would have just carried the circlet rather than wear the helmets. ;)

I do hope that they show up again as a sort of evil Fantastic Four.
They Were being trained by the government (and the Joker!) so I guess they were maybe more skilled than we might think, but I do think that if the League hadn't been doing the 'race against time' thing they could have dealt more quickly with them.
I don't think they were supposed to be 'mutants' but the MetaHuman gene or whatever it is DC has is just as much a quickly origin as the mutant thing is for Marvel so...

I was starting to think the helmet was Hawkgirl's face too... ;)

My lack of enthusiasm for the CPR scene wasn't Hawkgirl not being human ;) and doing it wrong.
(I really liked that though Villano - "Dude, she's an alien. Her biology is different. On her planet, you have to press on a person's spleen and pound on their kidneys to restart their heart. ")
It was the lack of detail to the animation. Hawlgirl, a character shown to be Very strong, is pumping away on
Green Lantern's
chest and Nothing is happening. I don't mean there is No Result, I meant there is No discernable interaction between her hands and (his) chest! It just would have been nice to see a little interaction there... ;) It just made her look weak.
I don't mean weak as in "She’s being careful not to break ribs there." I mean she looked like she was too weak to compress his chest! Feeble...and then the "Hitting the chest" part....bad movie medicine there, But Then the Elctro_mace, ahha!!! Good thinking sister!! :cool:


takyris said:
Although, as the user with a kid posted awhile back, this season is pushing the envelope a bit in terms of what's allowable. They had a dead body in the other ep that was on this week -- and the only reason it was legal was because it was just the arm falling out from the sheet limply.

Not saying that I dislike it, but AM saying that kids under, say, 12 no longer seem to be the audience they're aiming at. As a person over 12, I like it, but I hope it doesn't start taking heat as a "kid's show that's too violent and dark", because I don't think it's a kid's show at all anymore.
Heh. I've been relegated to "user with a kid". :)

Great episode, IMHO. I fully agree that it's nice to see Batman fallible, again. Not incompetent, just not perfect. And he was. The B:TAS Bats, here, who make mistakes, gets lucky and doesn't give up. He's not insane, just driven. Could he use counseling? Sure. But he's not a madman. (as a sidenote, I was thrilled that Efram Zimbalist Jr. showed up last week to do Alfred....I consider him to be the quintessential Alfred voice as much as Conroy's Batman and Hammill's Joker). But, yeah, he walks the edge.

I personally believe that Joker wasn't immune, but he was less vulnerable. Let's face facts, he is insane, and radically so. Seeing his arm turn into a lug wrench with teeth isn't going to unnerve him the way that it would a normal person....but he has limits, too...Ace just never used the whole of her powers on him. I like that we weren't shown what she did to him, just the results.

As to the Flash...well, he's difficult to do a good story with, all the time...but there are plenty of reasons that he couldn't just run every bomb out of town. It's clear that he's not that fast all the time, and we've already seen that, unlike the Silver Age Flash or even his comics counterpart, he doesn't have the same degree of stamina for high bursts of speed. A better question would be why Superman didn't do something similar, as he was the only one who knew or could see the locations of the bombs using his X-ray vision, other than giving the other members vague hints. Of course, he was having problems with Ten, who can only be assumed to be able to have held his own because Supes was distracted by the bombs and all.

Mark Hammill's IS the Joker, and this was a classic story that highlighted him well. Suitably dark and comic, every moment, especially the clock, was gold. I loved when he puts on the glasses: "Oh, that's not very much time at all, is it?" Biggest suprise for me, of course, was that Ace wasn't a robot, which is the usual tradition. The RFG in Batman Beyond was an actual family, but I don't recall right now if they actually had powers, or were all just well-equipped (which is traditional for the RFG).


First Post
By the way, I also enjoyed the whole "Real Time" concept. Thought that that was great.

I really love the fact that the writers have gotten more power this season -- at least, I'm assuming they got more power, since things are clicking so much better, like Season One was "establishing character" and this season is "Okay, they know who everybody is, now we can have fun with it."

Also also loved Joker's line to the effect of, "Is it just me, or is there something going on there?" after looking at Hawkgirl and Lantern arguing in front of the bomb. And Joker's "Huh. Didn't see that coming," whe Harley slugs Batman instead of giving in to her jealousy like she always does.

And yeah, consistency of names good. Liked Alfred, as well as the occasional Lois. And MH is, I agree, the Joker.

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