KahunaCon '06 July 22nd and 23rd! slots still open! (greater Boston/Providence area)

MavrickWeirdo said:
Says the woman who may be playing the "Bully" character. ;)

These are the character bios from the last (North East) Underoo Avengers game, although there may have been changes
Thanks Mavrick! There have indeed been some changes, especially in the super powers, but not really in the personalities. Also, due to popular request, Art may be de-anglicanized and become a hometown baseball player. Apparently not very many people are intimately familar with the rules of cricket (who knew? :)) and had trouble RPing the character.


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Silver Moon

Jani says that her first "Underoo Avengers" character choice for this time around would be Yamka (Lily) O'Riely [The Bully].

And Feng Shui requires NO KNOWLEDGE of the game rules to play, just the ability to role play over-the-top action!


Queen of Everything
I'd like to play the Dreamer, Jillian Snow. Sounds like much fun!

(Plus Bully is already taken. But don't worry, I'll be good at this one too :p )
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Silver Moon

Queenie122 said:
I'd like to play the Dreamer, Jillian Snow. Sounds like much fun!
(Plus Bully is already taken. But don't worry, I'll be good at this one too :p )
Jani played Jillian last time and wants to try a different character this time out.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Maverick Weirdo called me a nerd.... :(

(cries in corner)

Yeah, things are coming together nicely. I will definitly play in Rob's game unless it fills up without me.


First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
Maverick Weirdo called me a nerd.... :(

(cries in corner)

Yeah, things are coming together nicely. I will definitly play in Rob's game unless it fills up without me.

The last time I played in Underoo Avengers, PirateCat played "The Nerd". It is a character that needs a strong roleplayer to do it justice. Considering that I have seen you play (convincingly) an intimidating male barbarian, while you were over 7 months pregnant, I thought you could handle Poindexter.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
MavrickWeirdo said:
The last time I played in Underoo Avengers, PirateCat played "The Nerd". It is a character that needs a strong roleplayer to do it justice. Considering that I have seen you play (convincingly) an intimidating male barbarian, while you were over 7 months pregnant, I thought you could handle Poindexter.

(stops crying)

Voidrunner's Codex

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