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KidCthulhu's Scarred Land story hour


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Game write up

I have decided to post the stories in reverse order. Partly because I have the most recent stories already written and partly because I cannot get to the old site to access the other parts of the story we posted there. 'Sides, I didn't want to keep you all waiting in suspense anymore.

For a little background, we are currently in Morgaine's hometown of Otenazu. We left Amalthea under....suspicious circumstances and are trying to secure evidence of our innocence. This story -- broken up into parts is our most recent adventure.

without further ado.....
Thomas arrives at the inn shortly after daybreak to find an elf who doesn’t sleep eager to get started. Unfortunately, some of the party does not share Deke’s proclivity for limited sleep and stagger bleary-eyed into the common room one by one. Borin is wolfing down breakfast when Marja makes her way downstairs, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. She is still feeling the lingering effects of her hangover from the previous day. Once again, she argues with Garnet over the choice of her recent tattoo -- a snake with a circlet of lavender around her navel. Morgaine is also a late-riser but since she has spells to prepare, spends breakfast studying and pouring through her spell books. Deke swipes some of the meat from Borin’s plate and receives a grunt and a smack for his efforts.

“You were done with that right?”
“I’m done with it when my plate is clean.”

With Thomas is a young man in full plate armor with the holy symbols of Corean emblazoned boldly on the breastplate, helm and hilts of his gleaming long sword and great lance. He introduces himself as Kelley, a cleric and fighter for the Church of The Iron Gate (the local Church of Corean). The party members warily introduce themselves. Given all their recent tribulations, they are less than eager to embrace a stranger into their midst, even if that stranger looks young, strong, powerful and righteous. Especially because that stranger looks strong, powerful and righteous. Borin – as the troupe’s meat shield –does, however, gratefully acknowledge the addition of another healer in their fold. Thomas seems to sense the party’s hesitation and vouches for Kel’s trustworthiness. “Besides, two guides are better than one.” Xenia comments on Kel’s plate mail and how nice it looks. She also points out his lack of spikes but that she doesn’t hold it against him.

Finally the heroes are ready to head out. Kel’s steed is massive and outfitted to match his armor, replete with sparkling holy symbols. Deke tries not to shudder in the face of all the virtue oozing out of Kel’s pores. Backtracking to Penderwen’s Rest they retrieve the horses “borrowed” from the bounty hunters. Borin has a second breakfast, then he, Deke, Gemma, Kalina, Marja, Morgaine, Kel and Thomas wave goodbye to Fergus as he plays his poorly tuned bagpipes in honor of their departure. Taylor howls in unison from his perch atop Morgaine’s horse and the sounds are indistinguishable. Fergus has opted to remain in Otenazu to work for the local tavern and promises to keep his eyes peeled for any strange happenings in their absence.

The winds are brisk as they whip down from the Keldar Mountains, rustling the trees and leaves overhead. In Otenazu, the natives have 15 different words for the air currents that buffet the town on either side of the Canyon of Souls. It is a mild zephyr that blows today and the adventurers take in the warmth of the rising sun and the still-damp morning mist clinging to the air. Gemma scouts ahead of the party, keeping an ever-watchful eye and alert ear for anything amiss. Her vigilance pays off when she hears the faint whispers of a guttural language not far off in the distance. Deke and Gemma sneak forward to assess the situation and discover 14 Goblins lying in ambush just over the next hill.

I'll post the next installment tomorrow.


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As a quick explination, Thomas is the local guide the party hired to get them out to the hunting lodge in question.

Good work, Morgain. We sound all noble and heroic and stuff.


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KidCthulhu said:

Good work, Morgain. We sound all noble and heroic and stuff.

well, yeah. If I painted us as really are, no one would like us very much -- sniveling, no account liars...oh wait, that's just Deke:p


First Post
Deke becomes one with the grass while Gemma reports their findings back to the group. Kalina asks the rest of the party to wait while she casts “entangle” into the middle of their foes. She manages to ensnare several of the Goblins in the roots, brambles and hedges that begin to snake their way around the hapless creatures. At this, the Goblin leader jumps onto the road and threatens the party, while an illusionist behind him creates his much-enlarged image – ostensibly to intimidate the group. Borin dismounts and picks up the transmutation club, grows to 12 feet tall and taunts the Goblin in front of him. “Mine’s real,” he growls. Morgaine casts “sleep,” and triumphantly listens as several loud snores fill the air from over the hill. At this, the Goblin leader scolds Morgaine and threatens that the “King” shall rise up from the earth and seek his vengeance. Gemma plants two arrows neatly into his throat and his guttural warnings gurgle and die with him. Ironically, his enlarged image still shimmers above him. In an impressive display of cooperation and tactical maneuvers, the adventurers manage to dispense with all of the goblins in seconds without a single injury to party members. Thomas lauds their efforts and they continue on their way to the hunting lodge of Lord Duncan of Windhill.

About a quarter of a mile from the lodge, Thomas draws the horses to a halt. Down through a clearing he stares at what used to be the house. Perhaps it is the distance or his eyes playing tricks on him, but there doesn’t seem to be a building, just a dense grove of trees. Yet when he turns his head at a certain angle, the building seems to shimmer in the sun. Kel, being more familiar with the lodge, concurs that something is not right. Unfortunately, they are too far away to truly discern anything. As the entourage slowly makes its way to the hunting lodge, what appeared to be a copse of trees and bush turns out to be a brown shield encasing the entire cottage. Trees, branches, dirt and debris are strewn all over the covering, almost as if to disguise or camouflage the building. Fang smells something unpleasant and the horses begin acting skittish and jumpy. This unease spreads quickly to the humans who hesitate to advance further. The area is home to an unusually large number of spiders, scurrying in different directions as the riders pass by. Several party members shudder involuntarily as they dismount to investigate. After debating for a few minutes about their next course of action, the party decides against Marja’s idea to burn the house down. Kel especially denounces that idea since this lodge does belong to his uncle. (Somehow knowledge of the fact that he is related to Lord Duncan of Windhill and Baronet Gobrey has escaped the other members until now.)

Instead, Marja casts “spiderclimb” on Kel who reluctantly swallows a live spider and then feels his hands and feet stick easily to the tree he climbs to get a closer look at the lodge. The whole cottage is wrapped in this weird casing and he can even see several birds flapping helplessly against the roof, trapped in the sticky substance. Once again Marja voices a request to burn the house, seconded by Kalina and Morgaine. Once again, the others shoot the idea down. Marja casts a second “spiderclimb” on Deke who swallows the requisite spider with something akin to relish. He then makes his way into the stable building to explore further. Inside he finds several large creatures encased in webbing and extremely large spider egg sac. There are thick cobwebs covering every surface, blocking the sunlight and creating opaque shadows throughout the small outbuilding. There is a strong smoky stench here, mixed with a foul, rotting odor. He also finds traces of a white foam-like slime throughout the stables. Upon reporting his findings, Gemma and Borin burn the egg sac, then burn away the webbing on the creatures. They find the desiccated remains of two horses and one dog. Another dog, while terribly poisoned and partially dehydrated, is alive and Gemma does her best to heal and revive the poor canine. When she is fairly certain it will survive, she focuses her attention on the cottage itself. With a torch she begins to carefully burn away the webbing on the lodge, revealing the door underneath. The sizzling sound that accompanies the burning, smoky stench assailing their nostrils again causes Morgaine to shudder. Marja places Garnet in her hair to eat any of the spiders that get in there.

Eventually they are able to open the door wide enough to fit through, though few members are eager to do so. Kel moves into the doorway and hears the raspy, thin voice of something speaking in harsh common from the darkness of the room. After a lengthy discussion, where Kel demonstrates his spiderclimb abilities, it invites him in to search the cabin for his relatives. Morgaine moves closer to the door in an attempt to discern the location of the voice, using her magically enhanced hearing. The voice floats down from the middle of the ceiling, but is moving slowly toward the door. Once Kel enters the building, he sees the giant spider above the chandelier and gasps as the 8’ arachnid trains eight eyes right at him.
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Morgaine Le Fay

First Post
It casts “web” at the party, ensnaring Xenia, Morgaine, Kalina and Kel, whom it promptly releases. It expresses excitement over all the “juicy” creatures at its door. Gemma, adroitly avoiding the sticky mass, easily sidesteps inside the door and fires one flaming arrow at the creature. Thanks to Morgaine’s “Liliandel’s Flurry” that one arrow becomes three, two of which easily find their mark, badly scorching the giant spider. She quickly shoots her second arrow, which also buries itself deep within the hairy, black flesh. Marja, who was already inside the house, was also able to dodge the web and quickly attacks with “ice knife” which pierces and freezes the creature’s flesh, leaving it shaky and unsteady.

The spider hangs from the ceiling ten feet above their heads and attacks its nearest foe, Marja with eight legs and a giant mouth. Because of its freezing wounds, Marja deftly avoids the poison-filled pincers. Unfortunately, two of its eight legs find their mark and leave large gashes across her chest, wounding her badly. Kalina casts “flame blade” and masterfully burns a path through the sticky web inside the cottage, where she uses her slingshot to pelt the creature with stones. Borin also makes his way inside the building, grabbing the transmutation club as he does. Standing eye to eye with the creature, he uses it for piñata practice and “squashes it like the bug that it is”.

By this time, Xenia has struggled free of the web, sword drawn, ready to fight and makes her way inside the building, carefully following Kalina’s path so as not to entangle herself again. Thomas has burned a path for Morgaine, burning her in the process. Deke, using the still powerful “spiderclimb” scampers to the ceiling that is draped in cobwebs and draws his dagger, hoping a berserk Borin does not mistake him for one of the spider-creatures. Meanwhile, three more giant spiders scuttle down from the ceiling and attack. Marja casts “ice knife” at the one closest to Borin. The frozen dagger arcs neatly from her hand, puncturing the giant arachnid to its hilt. Bursts of frost sweep over the creature and it seems to shiver, hindering its movement. Kalina then scores holes into its abdomen with her flaming sword, making a wide sweep into the burning flesh.

Morgaine casts “Melf’s Acid Arrow” at another, the glowing green shaft searing a hole in the spider’s soft underside, as it shrinks back in pain. Gemma neatly sinks two arrows into its hide, the feathers quivering with the impact. Deke shimmies across the ceiling, cuts the creature from the silk threads suspending it and watches gleefully as it crashes to the floor with a splat, nearly landing on Kel. Borin (in Ogre form), feral and raging, swings the heavy club with such force that the giant spider in front of him is driven into the wall, where it splatters messily. Xenia swings her long sword with a vengeance, piercing the creature closest to her between several of its eyes. This last spider attacks Kel who finally gets upset enough to fight back and neatly slices it in half.

Barely catching their breath, they notice an enormous, gorged, slimy spider making her way into the room, leaving trails of white, foam-like slime in her wake. Her stench is almost unbearable and the party watches, horrified, as she moves towards Borin with huge dripping pincers clacking wildly. Morgaine surges forward and uses her “wand of color spray” to stun the creature, giving Borin a chance to attack it with the club. Unfortunately, when she tries this a second time, Borin is in the line of attack. Yelling to close his eyes, she fires the wand again and watches the brilliant cone of scintillating colors explodes from the end of the wand. Of course, what she doesn’t realize is that this mama spider also speaks common, follows her directions and is therefore unaffected. Morgaine realizes lamely that she should have called out in dwarvish. Mama arachnid grabs Borin in her giant pincers and he feels the poison quickly spread through his body, causing his muscles to seize and shake violently.

Up close, they can see that her “skin” is moving. She is literally alive with millions of tiny spiders wriggling all over her massive form. Kalina uses her “avalanche” sling shot to hurl a small stone at the spider. Just before it hits its target, the stone expands ten times its size. They watch as a large boulder catches the hulking mass squarely it its engorged abdomen. Morgaine casts “cat’s grace” on Borin to help reduce some of his shaking. Kel “commands” it to sleep. Instantly, its limbs go limp, the pincers stop clacking and the soft sounds of sleeping fill the room. Borin pummels the creature with the club and Kalina finishes it off with a brilliant use of “cold snap,” sending hundreds of thousands of spiders scurrying in all directions. Instinctively she and Morgaine back up.

Once they are sure the creature is dead, Kalina (with the aid of Gemma and Morgaine) successfully draws the poison out of an exhausted, weary Borin, applying their healing arts to Marja as well. Sure that neither is in immediate danger, Kel, Gemma and Kalina scour the house in search of the caretakers and any other survivors in the lodge. They discover the horribly poisoned caretaker and his wife, barely clinging to life. Between Kel, Gemma, and Kalina they are able to stabilize the couple who remain unconscious and in grave condition. Deke, Marja, and Morgaine burn away most of the cobwebs in the main rooms and begin the arduous task of clearing away the spiders’ remains. The sun is very low in the sky by the time the party finishes cleaning the whole lodge. Once done, they search the building for the clues they originally set out to find.

Love letters from Gobrey to Lady Cosette Slaint are hidden underneath the floorboards in Gobrey’s room. It is obvious that Gobrey is consumed by a fierce love for her, yet the flavor of some letters is a wild jealousy that she has had other lovers in the past. One letter even mentions his slight hesitance to be married in her faith, but that he would “defy the Gods if need be to be with her.” The party stores this information away for later use.

The obvious next step is to talk with Lord Duncan of Windhill, Gobrey’s father. A day later, the adventurers arrive at his manor, with Kel seeking audience with his uncle.


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Morgaine Le Fay
After debating for a few minutes about their next course of action, the party decides against Marja’s idea to burn the house down. Kel especially denounces that idea since this lodge does belong to his uncle. (Somehow knowledge of the fact that he is related to Lord Duncan of Windhill and Baronet Gobrey has escaped the other members until now.)

I take exception to the characterization of our assent to the idea of not burning down the lodge as deciding against it. It was much more, an 'Oh, all right, if you insist' sort of giving in to Kel's wishes.

-- Aravis


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Aravis said:

I take exception to the characterization of our assent to the idea of not burning down the lodge as deciding against it. It was much more, an 'Oh, all right, if you insist' sort of giving in to Kel's wishes.

-- Aravis

yes but that makes us sound so....impulsive and destructive. We are impulsive and destructive, I just didn't want to make us sound that way.

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Morgaine said:

yes but that makes us sound so....impulsive and destructive. We are impulsive and destructive, I just didn't want to make us sound that way.


Me, I figure go with our strength!

-- Aravis

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