Knightfall's World of Kulan Art Challenge Thread!

Working on Dracovaran concepts now...(Query to Knightfall: The blue dragon element of the dracovaran...are you envisioning the "Draconomicron" model of blue dragon? i.e. should the "rhino horn" a trait I should worry about? In all honesty, it is my LEAST favorite re-design of dragon WotC came up with. But my personal feelings are irrelevant to your image of your world.)
While I like all the dragon artwork in Draconomicon, I'm not to concerned with how the specific chromatics/metallics look in that book. Draw in whichever way inspires you. FYI... some of my favorite dragon artwork is from the early covers for the various Dragonlance novels.

...and honestly, I know it's years old, but I'm really interested in giving the desert elves a shot. My mind IMMEDIATELY goes to the desert elves of Elfquest...but I know, from their description that they are not necessarily like that...hope you don't mind if I give them a shot.
Not at all. The point of this thread was always to inspire and to be inspired. Pick whatever inspires you and run with it.




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Here's my art showcase thread for Kulan....

World of Kulan Art Thread (a lot of broken links need to be fixed)

That thread showcases art that has been done for Kulan by anyone, not just artists who hang out here on EN World. Monsters, characters, etc.

I'll post Meatboy's sketch on it when he feels it is finished. (I won't assume that he's made that choice yet.)
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Right there with ya on the Dragonlance images. Those book covers were a HUGE inspiration for me.

Larry Elmore was a GOD to me growing up. haha. Hands down my favorite D&D/TSR/fantasy artist.

???...Ok. I don't know what's wrong but I've tried putting them up here 3 times.

They went up on my Steel Dragons Art thread with no problem. So...guess you can check them out there.


Probably you have used up your allowed mb for storage. I use photobucket to host my pics and then I use an html link so that they can be viewed on the forums here.

Oh right. Guess I could just add them here. haha.

Here you go...hope they're alright.

???...Ok. I don't know what's wrong but I've tried putting them up here 3 times.

They went up on my Steel Dragons Art thread with no problem. So...guess you can check them out there.

No worries,

I'll just link to them with the IMG tag. Dracovaran images first...
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And now, the two elven images...

The first one is my favorite of the four. Very cool. :cool:
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Thanks KF. Glad you like it.

Meatboy, I thought Photobucket was defunct? Every site I've been on recently with photobucket links don't work.

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