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Knights of the Old Republic - OCC

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Karl Green

First Post
Falkus said:
I'm interested, but I don't have the rules.

We might be full BUT I would be willing to help you make a character and we will see who else sticks with it... if you have an idea please let me know and I will see what we can make out

Karl Green

First Post
ValenarJaeldira said:
Jamin Starke

Medium Male Human Soldier 5/Jedi 1, CL6

Skills: Mechanics +8, Perception +10, Use the Force +9

I believe you get 1 more Trained Skill because you are Human (3 for Soldier and 1 for Human) unless your first level was Jedi, then you are correct


First Post
Okay, took some time, but here it is:

Elan Xandar Renn

Medium Male Human Jedi 6, CL6
Destiny 1; Force Points 11; Force Boon
Init +11; Perception +10; Use the Force: +15
Languages Basic
Defense Reflex: 20 (flat-footed 17); Fortitude: 18; Will: 19; Block, Deflect, Redirect
Hit Points: 36 + 5d10 = 68 Threshold: 18
Speed 6 squares
Base Attack Bonus +6, Grp +9
Melee Lightsaber +10 (2d8+3)
Melee +6
Ranged +9
Atk Options Acrobatic Strike
Special Abilities Redirect shot
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +15): Force Disarm, Force Slam, Mind Trick, Move Object, Surge, Battle Strike
Force Secrets: none
Force Techniques: none
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 16, Con13, Int 12, Wis14, Cha 14
Talents: Deflect, Block, Redirect
Feats: Force Training (2), Weapon finesse (lightsaber), Skill Focus (Use the Force), Force Boon, Weapon Focus (Lightsaber), Acrobatic Strike, Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsaber), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Skills:Use The Force (+15), Acrobatics (+11), Perception (+10), Initiative (+11)
Possessions: Lightsaber (blue), Utility Belt, Jedi Robes, Basic Datapad, Holorecorder, Aquata Breather, All-temperature cloack, 50 credits
Experience 10,000
Height 1.77m, Weight 80kg


Elan Xandar Renn was born in a backwater world, the Siul system, where contact with the Republic had been lost for many years. The planet had regressed to a sort of Dark Age. When Elan spontaneously manifested Force abilities as a child, he was feared as a witch, was apprehended by the local authorities and was set to be executed.

He was rescued by wandering Jedi Knight Arios Vol, an explorer for the Republic, who had just rediscovered the system during a blind hyperspace jump. Arios sensed the strong potential in the child, and took him to raise as his own.

Elan is eternally grateful to Arios for having saved him, and for teaching him the ways of the Force. Elan lives and dies by the Jedi code, and is the quintessential jedi padawan.

Recently, Elan had returned from a solo mission, and expected to rendez-vous with his master. After the appointed time, Arios failed to show. Having waited a prudent amount of time, Elan left a message for Arios at the space station where they were supposed to meet, and took passage aboard a transport bound for the Devlak V system, there to seek Jedi Master Nomi Sunrider, and complete his training, as he had been instructed to do by Arios, in case of his disappearance.

Physically, Elan is slightly below average in height, slim and wiry. He wears the traditional brown jedi robes and uniform. His lightsaber, given to him by Arios, is blue. He has black hair, worn at medium length, and brown eyes. He is in his mid to late twenties, and now sports a goatee to appear older.

**Please note that this background may be altered as the DM sees fit :)

Well, there you have it!

Wow, it looks like quite a few people have shown interest in the game. I hope you will allow me to play. I can promise at least one post a day, plus over 25 years roleplaying experience ;)

In any case, thanks for the opportunity
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First Post
Karl Green said:
Yea that would be cool, you can assume that it has the basic stats of the Corellian YT-1300 transport in the book (maybe purchased not completely used) with biggest difference would be that a standard Hyperdrive is x7 with the backup at x15, and about 1/2 the Cargo and Consumables lengths (looking of wookiepidia most of them are in weeks also).

With your extra cash you get a shield rating of say 20, have the two Quad Laser turrents, Increase the Fly speed to 14 squares (max. velocity 1200km/h), fly 4 (starship scale), and Hyperdrive down to x4. Of course no hard and fast runs in Saga about this so if you want we can up or down some of these.

She wouldn't buy a used craft, that would just be tacky. I was thinking that she wouldn't actually have bought it with credits, the family would just make it availible to her for her personal use, she'd just put the money she gains from the wealth feat into it without an actual transaction taking place. That would let us just keep pumping the money in it from leveling up until she pays it off entirely. With a family that owns a 1/10th interest of the most profitable business in the galaxy they would be known to be good for it even if it weren't given to her outright, especialy since they are the one building the starship. She has a garaunteed 15,000 credits every level so it could be looked on as financing if informal. If I take a 4th level of noble that would go to 20,000 credits per level.

As far as the stats, the ship is a pleasure yacht and not a cargo ship like the YT-1300, it only has a cargo capacity of 20 tons vs 100 tons, so the lost 80 tons could be a fair trade for shields. Here is the description of the ship.

The Starwind-class pleasure yacht was a luxury starship produced by Kuat Drive Yards. It was originally intended to compete with CEC's YT series, which it bore a slight resemblance to, especially in the cockpit. Before the design was completed, it was repackaged as a yacht for wealthy customers. Overall, the 50 meter long ship had a flattened ovoid shape. It had a cargo capacity of 20 tons, and was configured to mount a pair of quad laser cannons, though the cannons were not included as standard. The Starwind-class yacht was also equipped with a single escape pod, which was based on the Star Galleon-class frigate's main cargo bay. Unlike other escape pods, it was equipped with its own hyperdrive, and was programmed to make random jumps until reaching the nearest habitable planet or major spacelane, where the ship's crew and passengers could be rescued.
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might be full BUT I would be willing to help you make a character and we will see who else sticks with it... if you have an idea please let me know and I will see what we can make out

Thanks. I'm planning on getting the rules myself, but what with an upcoming change of address and an according increase in my rent, I can't really spare the funds right now.

Name: Talesa Nell
Race: Miraluka
Age: 18

Description: Talesa stands at five feet three inches, with very pale, white skin. She has long, purple hair, and a very narrow build. Her eyes, like all of her species, are solid, white orbs, vestigial organs that have no purpose. She normally wears a white blindfold on her face to conceal them.

The war between Stratos III and Stratos V was one of those small conflicts that flare up all the time in the Republic, and that everybody on both sides tries to pretend never happened.

The war was caused by both governments with opposing ideologies discovering a valuable mineral resource on the uninhabited planet of Stratos IV. Both sides wanted it, and failures in negotiations eventually lead to a small war over it. The war lasted all of three hours, and killed seventy-six people total, before Jedi and Republic negotiators brought an end to it. Of the casualties, forty were passengers on the Borelias when it entered the combat zone, unaware of the war, and was destroyed by trigger happy defense forces. Talesa was the forty-first passenger, a young Miralukan child with her parents. They were travellers, a rather among their species, and had brought their child with them to 'see' the universe. Talesa was the only survivor, being placed in an escape pod seconds before the ship blew.

She was quite heavily traumatized by the loss of her parents, and was taken in by the Jedi negotiators after the hostilities had seized, and her lifepod recovered. Initially, the Jedi planned to return her to her homeworld, but she begged them to allow her to join the Jedi order.

This was partially because her parents wanderlust, a rarity among the Mirulka, had been encouraged in her, and partially because she didn't believe she had anything to return to. Her entire life had been spent with her parents, she'd only spent a few years on Alpheridies. Their death's had removed everything in her universe, and the only real connection she ever had to her species. With her natural potential, the Jedi agreed to her request and, at the age of twelve, Talesa joined the Jedi and was sent to be trained.

She became the Padawan of Nomi Sunrider, and has spent the last six years training the ways of the Jedi, honing her natural talent for the Force into a powerful tool.

She's made no real attempt to rejoin with other Miraluka in the years since. As said, her only connection to the rest of her species were her parents. The few times she has met other Miraluka has left both parties feeling somewhat uncomfortable, due to the changes she's undergone because of her time with other races.

Talesa , in her years of training, has taken the Jedi code to her heart. She lives and breathes it, and tries to follow it with all of her actions and thoughts.

She also still has her species natural inclinations towards pacifism. She reconciles that by only killing at a last resort, even in situations where other Jedi would kill. She uses her lightsaber skills and talent with the force to disarm, disable, stun, etc. her enemies, only ever killing when it is absolutely necessary to save an innocents life.

Her primary flaw is her refusal to acknowledge her life before the Jedi order. The loss of her parents traumatized her severely. Despite the best efforts of Jedi counselors and psychologists, she considers her life to only have begun once she entered the Jedi order. She will not talk about anything in her life that happened before that day.

Brother Allard

First Post
Karl Green said:
Sure... give me a basic idea and I can certainly help. You should be able to do your Attributes if you want as it is the standard point buy. The classes are pretty simple to 1st and the Revised (more or less but with Talent Trees). Give me some ideas and we can work it out.
Jarec Noscondra
human male soldier 2 / jedi 4
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11

Jarec was a Republic soldier stationed on a backwater world in the Outer Rim. It was a lackluster assignment which completely failed to satisfy his dreams of glory and adventure. Until the Mandalorians attacked. Unprepared and undermanned, the Republic force was instantly overwhelmed and Jarec - badly wounded - would prove to be one of the few survivors. He managed to retreat to a nearby settlement where he was hidden by the brave farmers and kept alive, if only barely. The Mandalorians held the outpost for a brief time until word came of the imminent arrival of a delegation of Jedi. Rather than face the order, they retreated, and when the delegation arrived they found little but smoldering ruins and a contingent of locals with a small piece of news. The Jedi removed Jarec from the planet, treating his injuries aboard the starship, and gathering what information from him they could about the Mandalorians. The force was strong with him, and when he finally appealed to them to let him join them, they agreed.

Jarec had thought his outfit in the Republic military was an exemplar of fitness and ability, but they had been like children when faced with the Mandalorians. That the Mandalorians had then fled at the news of the Jedi's arrival left a strong impression. Jarec does not ever wish to find himself in a position of such weakness again. His obsession with readiness and martial prowess is a matter of some concern for Master Sunrider, and she has been working to teach him the value of patience and inner peace. He has proved rather less adept at these lessons than in his lightsaber training.

The Jedi were able to nurse Jarec back to his former strength, but he has refused to allow the removal of his scars. He bears them as a reminder to himself. The most impressive of these runs from the left corner of his mouth to the base of his left ear, a substantial portion of which is still missing.

Notes: Jarec is totally focused on his martial abilities and his lightsaber technique.

Voidrunner's Codex

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