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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Galzadar sense that these foes are more dangerous than Tarrak realizes. He pulls out a scroll and reads its incantation while holding twirling a glass bead between his fingers. A shimmering globe surrounds the elven wizard, as he bolsters his own protections.

Scarborax blinks his eyes and notes the ghast hovering over him. 'This is bad,' he thinks. 'But least I'm not dead.' He could use his own claws against the ghast but better to hit the undead creature with a disrupt undead spell. He hopes. He mumbles his incantation but his own spear lying across his chest gets in the way. The spell fizzles and the ghast notices. It hisses at him.

"This is very bad," the Stump Sorcerer says. "Someone get this thing off me!"

Syndra steps towards one of the rooks while avoiding Tarrak's stench and stabs at it with her spear. The weapon cuts deeply through its skin.

Galzadar casts a protective spell from scroll. Spellcraft check (DC 19) required to know what spell he cast

Scarborax - Cast Defensively (DC 15): 1D20+5 = [2]+5 = 7 -2 = 5 (failed, loses spell)

Syndra - shortspear with magic weapon on it: 1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17
1D6+2 = [6]+2 = 8 (hit)
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World of Kulan DM
After knocking the priestess down the crevasse he pushes the palisade on top of her, looks to Caerth Dire-bat and says with a shrug, "oops".
Quinn looks back at the shelved elf but sees Caerth dire-bat screech something and nasty jaws springforth and attack the trator. He then looks up and sees a flying .. .. .. .. thing .. .. .. ..in one direction, and his bow 5 feet away in another. he steps to the Bow, picks it up while drawing an arrow smoothly from his quiver, nocks it and shoots.
OOC: too bad I can't use spring attack here

[if he gets a second shot] he then, since he is hasted still, shoots again.

da big battle: 1D20+16 = [10]+16 = 26
da big battle: 1D8+6 = [3]+6 = 9
I have it separated incase he only gets 1 attack with the haste effects.
OOC: haste only adds an extra attack for a full attack action. Only one shot.

Quinn's shot hits the flying ghast. While the thing flew high, it isn't so high as not to be in range of the newly ordained knight's bowshot. The ghast hisses in discomfort but shows no sign of coming back down into the damaging light.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
TL;DR: troll damage: 33 = 27 magic, good +6 from celestial brilliance
Smite hits with 36 for 27 damage
Haste misses with 20
Last attack misses with 11 :(

brilliance adds additional 6 (again max!! :) )
Total damage taken by Maur so far 27

"Die, already, abomination!"
Maur seethes at being held here by the troll while Tarrak rips through their weaker members and his current liege, lady Pandour.

Fort vs troll stench: 1D20+15-2 = [19]+15-2 = 32
Aaaargh! 19 could've been a nice hit :)

Full attack vs troll
Smite attack vs Troll; smite damage: 1D20+17+3-2 = [18]+17+3-2 = 36
1D8+8+4+10 = [5]+8+4+10 = 27

Haste attack vs Troll; damage: 1D20+17-2 = [5]+17-2 = 20
1D8+8+4 = [4]+8+4 = 16

Attack vs Troll; damage: 1D20+11-2 = [2]+11-2 = 11
1D8+8+4 = [5]+8+4 = 17

Celestial Brilliance: 1D6 = [6] = 6

Current AC: 27/14/27 while immobile (+ haste)
+4 against chaotic due shield of law
AC 30/17/30

When moving: lower all AC numbers by 2

Smites: 3/6

HP 54/81

+3 vs poisons, spells and spell-likes
+1 vs evil creatures (vestments))
Fortitude: +8+3+1+2(heroism) = 14
: +2+0+1+1 (haste) +2 (heroism) = 6
: +8+4+1 +2 (heroism) = 15

+2 alchemical silvered warhammer of disruption with heroism

Attack: +16/+11 (undead Will DC 14 on hit or be destroyed)
with haste, it is +17/+17/+12
Damage: 1d8+8+4
Critical: 20/x3

Active spells:
14 hours Consecrate gives -1 penalty on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saves to undead
the area covers front barricades and 30' beyond (20' radius burst cast just beyond barricades)
Consecrate gives +3 to turning check

70 minutes Mass Conviction gives EVERYONE +3 MORALE bonus on saving throws
(cast while speeches were given so everyone should be inside the radius except maybe for the scouts)

7 days Celestial brilliance 35' emanation for damage with light reaching 70'
Undead creatures take 1d6 points of damage each round they are within the bright light.
Evil outsiders, as well as undead creatures that are specifically harmed by sunlight, take 2d6 points of damage each round in the bright light.

Shield of Law
SR 25 vs chaotic creatures, +4 deflection AC; chaotic creatures need to make will save on attack or be slowed.

Turn undead
Check: 1d20+1 (cha) +2 (religion bonus)
HD turned 2d6+9 (level)+1 (cha) +1 (ephod od authority)

Smite: +1 (cha) to hit / +10 (effective turning level)

6/6 Amanuensis, Create Water, Detect Magic x3, Purify Food
4/5 Bless x2, Foundation of Stone, Hide from Undead, Lesser Holy Transformation, Animate Rope (D)
2/3 Consecrate, Ghosttouch armor, Remove Paralysis, Spiritual Weapon (D)
2/3 Holy Storm, Mass Conviction (+3), Downdraft, Stone shape (D)
1/2 Celestial Brilliance, Recitation, Spike Stones(D)

Basic non-magic stats
AC: 10 + 9(plate +1) +4 (heavy shield +2) +0 (DEX) +1 (deflection)
Total / Touch / Flat Footed
AC: 24 / 13 / 24
Initiative: 12


World of Kulan DM
TL;DR: troll damage: 33 = 27 magic, good +6 from celestial brilliance
Smite hits with 36 for 27 damage
Haste misses with 20
Last attack misses with 11 :(

brilliance adds additional 6 (again max!! :) )
Total damage taken by Maur so far 27

"Die, already, abomination!"
Maur seethes at being held here by the troll while Tarrak rips through their weaker members and his current liege, lady Pandour.
Maur smite finally brings the undead wolftroll down. He crushes the monster's head with his first strike. The ordain champion has to step back to avoid getting crushed by the wolftroll falling off the wall onto the cave floor. Undead ichor oozes from the dead thing and it smells even worse.

Parts of the creature begin to disintegrate under the damaging light of Maur's gem. Without the celestial brilliance, the fight could have gone against him. Soon there isn't much left but decaying hide and ichor hissing on the stone floor.

"YES!" Aureus yells in approval.


World of Kulan DM
"I can't hold her," Zephora yells. "I need help!"

"Wieland, go help her!" Lady Pendour orders the young soldier.

Wieland nods and moves to help try to save the woman hanging from the ledge of crevasse.

"No! Wieland, don't move!" Sir Ghal counterorders.

"Too late," Tarrak laughs. "Time to die, pup!"

Tarrak reaches out with one hand and grabs Wieland by the throat. A putrid energy washes over the young guard and he screams in pain.

"Wieland!" Sir Ghal yells.

Lady Pendour looks on in horror as the life drains out of the the young guard. Tarrak's laughter fills the cave.

Somehow, Wieland manages to pull away from the ghast lord and move towards the two woman near the ledge. He is reeling, already sickened by the rook's cawing, He doesn't see the rook in the air near Zephora and flying creature swings its club at the young guard and connects, hard.

Somehow, Wieland manages to stay upright but he looks like he could topple over at any moment. Wieland grabs a hold of Annabel's other hand. "We will try to lift her together," Wieland gasps. Zephora nods. The two of them heave and mange to pull Annabel up over the ledge of the crevasse.

Wieland topples over in a heap with Annabel on top of him and Zephora.

"That was too close," the young warrior says.

Lady Pendour sighs in relief.

Ailward swings his ironwood staff as hard as he can at the rook that attacked him and the young battle sorcerer connects with the thing's head. It squawks in anger.



World of Kulan DM
Henry finishes loading the crossbow and takes aim at the enemy wizard. The bolt is soon flying through the air towards the wizard but it misses and hits the stalagmite behind Galzadar.

Sir Ghal loses it and puts all he has into taking Tarrak down. He strikes with power but not precision, and the ghast lord easily avoids the knight's bastard sword. Sir Ghal screams in anger as he swings his blade.

Tarrak continues to laugh manically. The rooks echo his laughter.

The female dwarven fighter tries to cut down the rook in the air between her and Ailward. Her axe cuts part of its wing. Elle stabs out at the rook between her and Syndra and is pleased to see that she cuts the flying foe.


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Angus spits in anger, "Ah, so ye're thae blading lood-muthed sot what staenks say bad. Ae'm plazed t'maet ye. Ah be Angus Alexander McKillan, o'thae Clan MacKillan. Ae'm 'ere ta wape thaet smoog grain effin' yer face, an't' shoot yer trap far ye, oonce and fer'ale. Kaelin' th' lady wooz a mestek, ye oogly crabapple. Woon thaet'll cust ye yer unlaef. Ae'm the hand o' Meilikki's joostice!"

"Ah, so you're the bleeding loud-mouthed sot that stinks so bad. I'm pleased to meet you. I am Angus Alexander MacKillan, of the Clan MacKillan. I'm here to wipe that smug grin off of your face, and shut your trap for you, once and for all. Killing the lady was a mistake, you ugly crabapple. One that will cost you your unlife. I am the hand of Meilikki's justice!"

Angus takes a big swipe at the Ghast Lord, but his anger gets the best of him, and the cretin is able to sidestep the big blade.... this time.



World of Kulan DM
Angus spits in anger, "Ah, so ye're thae blading lood-muthed sot what staenks say bad. Ae'm plazed t'maet ye. Ah be Angus Alexander McKillan, o'thae Clan MacKillan. Ae'm 'ere ta wape thaet smoog grain effin' yer face, an't' shoot yer trap far ye, oonce and fer'ale. Kaelin' th' lady wooz a mestek, ye oogly crabapple. Woon thaet'll cust ye yer unlaef. Ae'm the hand o' Meilikki's joostice!"

"Ah, so you're the bleeding loud-mouthed sot that stinks so bad. I'm pleased to meet you. I am Angus Alexander MacKillan, of the Clan MacKillan. I'm here to wipe that smug grin off of your face, and shut your trap for you, once and for all. Killing the lady was a mistake, you ugly crabapple. One that will cost you your unlife. I am the hand of Meilikki's justice!"

Angus takes a big swipe at the Ghast Lord, but his anger gets the best of him, and the cretin is able to sidestep the big blade.... this time.

Tarrak looks warily at Angus. Or maybe it's confusion.



the magical equivalent to the number zero
With a stretch of his bat wing, Caerth directs the spell aimed at the wizard to harrass Tarrak instead. The spectral dinosaur jaws reappear next to the ghast lord and make a biting motion against it. They fail to grasp the undead, however.

Not wasting time, Caerth casts another spell, this time directed at the ghast hovering over Scarborax. Then the wildshaped druid motions for Screech to harrass that same target, hoping his owl friend understands him.

OOC: Move action: To redirect the spiritjaws spell to Tarrak, as discussed in the OOC thread.
Spell attack: 1D20+6+3 = [5]+6+3 = 14 (miss)
Damage if applicable: 2D6 = [5, 3] = 8
Grapple check if applicable: 1D20+6+4 = [15]+6+4 = 25

Action: Cast baleful polymorph at the ghast on Scarborax.
To overcome spell resistance: Another caster level check: 1D20+9 = [13]+9 = 22
Target has to make a Fortitude save (DC18) to avoid being polymorphed into a harmless white mouse.

Can I direct Screech in this form? (If the spell is succesful, Screech will know what to do with a mouse. :) )

Current stats:
Shaken: -2 attack, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks (not included below)

Dire Bat shape:
AC 21
Str 17, Dex 22, Con 17
Fort 13, Ref 12, Will 12
Speed 40, fly 70 (Haste + medium armor)
Melee attack: +12/+7/+7 bite (1d8+4)
Non-wildshaped stats:

AC 19
HP 58/58
Fort 12, Ref 9, Will 12
Speed 40 (Haste + medium armor)
Base attack: +6/+1
Melee attack: +13/+8/+8 spear +1 (twohanded, damage 1d8+8, crit x3)
Melee attack: +13/+8/+8 Kang (magical dagger, damage 1d4+6, crit 19-20/x2, thrown 10ft)
Ranged attack: +12 composite longbow +1 (+4 str bonus) (damage 1d8+6, crit x3)
Note: Extra 2d6 damage on charge attacks (wild rhino hide); power attack means up to BAB penalty to attack and same amount bonus on damage; Haste means extra attack when using Full Attack action

Level 0 (6): create water, create water, detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink, read magic
Level 1 (5): cure light wounds, entangle, magic fang, obscuring mist, speak with animals
Level 2 (5): flaming sphere, lesser restoration, mass snake’s swiftness, master air, summon swarm
Level 3 (4): giant’s wrath, snare, remove disease, spirit jaws
Level 4 (2): spike stones, ice storm
Level 5 (1): baleful polymorph

Wild Shapes 2/3
HP: 32/32
AC 24
Fort 8, Ref 12, Will 7
Speed: 10 feet, fly 40 feet (average)
Base attack: +5
Melee attack: +13/+11 talons (multiattack, 1d4, distracting attack)
Special attacks: Flyby Attack, multiattack
Special qualities: low-light vision, link, share spells, evasion, devotion, multiattack
Skills: Listen +15, Move silently +20, Spot +8 (in shadows +16) (not sure if these numbers are correct... haven't adjusted for level-up)
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Toughness (racial sub level 1), Flyby Attack, Distracting Attack
Tricks known (max 10): Attack (all creatures, counts as 2 tricks), Come, Down, Fetch, Seek, Stay, Work, Defend, Heel
Hide From Undead active until it attacks (or until after 90 minutes)


World of Kulan DM
With a stretch of his bat wing, Caerth directs the spell aimed at the wizard to harrass Tarrak instead. The spectral dinosaur jaws reappear next to the ghast lord and make a biting motion against it. They fail to grasp the undead, however.

Not wasting time, Caerth casts another spell, this time directed at the ghast hovering over Scarborax. Then the wildshaped druid motions for Screech to harrass that same target, hoping his owl friend understands him.
Caerth casts his spell but is surprised when it has no effect on the ghast. It seems the nonliving thing is immune to being changed into a mouse.

JustinCase said:
OOC: Move action: To redirect the spiritjaws spell to Tarrak, as discussed in the OOC thread.
Spell attack: 1D20+6+3 = [5]+6+3 = 14 (miss)
Damage if applicable: 2D6 = [5, 3] = 8
Grapple check if applicable: 1D20+6+4 = [15]+6+4 = 25

Action: Cast baleful polymorph at the ghast on Scarborax.
To overcome spell resistance: Another caster level check: 1D20+9 = [13]+9 = 22
Target has to make a Fortitude save (DC18) to avoid being polymorphed into a harmless white mouse.

Can I direct Screech in this form? (If the spell is successful, Screech will know what to do with a mouse. :) )
OOC: Undead have immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). I'm assuming that since the spell couldn't work on the ghast that Caerth won't direct Screech towards the undead foe.

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