D&D 5E Latest D&D Errata: Drow, Alignment, & More

Sage Advice is a series of articles in which Jeremy Crawford, one of the D&D Studio’s game design architects, talks about the design of the game’s rules and answers questions about them. https://dnd.wizards.com/dndstudioblog/sage-advice-book-updates D&D books occasionally receive corrections and other updates to their rules and story. This Sage Advice installment presents updates to several...

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Sage Advice is a series of articles in which Jeremy Crawford, one of the D&D Studio’s game design architects, talks about the design of the game’s rules and answers questions about them.

D&D books occasionally receive corrections and other updates to their rules and story. This Sage Advice installment presents updates to several books. I then answer a handful of rules questions, focusing on queries related to Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons and Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos.

Official errata has been published for the following books:
Here's some of the highlights.
  • Alignment is removed from the Racial Traits section of races.
  • Drow have undergone lore changes which reflect the different types of drow. The 'darkness of the drow' sidebar which portrays them as only evil has been removed.
  • Storm King's Thunder alters references to 'Savage Frontier' and 'barbarians'; Curse of Strahd alters references to the Vistani.
  • The controversial Silvery Barbs spell has been clarified.
As a drow, you are infused with the magic of the Underdark, an underground realm of wonders and horrors rarely seen on the surface above. You are at home in shadows and, thanks to your innate magic, learn to con- jure forth both light and darkness. Your kin tend to have stark white hair and grayish skin of many hues.

The cult of the god Lolth, Queen of Spiders, has cor- rupted some of the oldest drow cities, especially in the worlds of Oerth and Toril. Eberron, Krynn, and other realms have escaped the cult’s influence—for now. Wherever the cult lurks, drow heroes stand on the front lines in the war against it, seeking to sunder Lolth’s web.

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For orcs in my campaign it's not that I need orcs to be vicious monsters, it's that if they are not vicious monsters I have no need for them. There's not much to an orc, or the majority of races or monsters, if there's nothing that sets them apart. I understand people want unique cultures, but how does anyone do that when anything that slightly resembles a real world culture gets labeled as cultural appropriation?
Combine a couple of individual aspects from several cultures (don't just make a race into your not-Celts or not-Feudal Japanese or your not-Apache; instead, take an interesting tidbit from each culture), file off the serial numbers, and modify for fantasy elements and for unusual physical aspects of the race.

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how about just sex work is work...
farmers and serf were little more then slaves so why not remove that too.
heck most of us sell our bodies to companies that treat us bad and don't care about us... some even falling into the abusive line.
When was the last time you saw true feudalism in D&D?


Victoria Rules
Sweet summer child.

Drizzt is like an 8 on a 1-10 scale of terrible D&D lore.
For you, maybe. For me, on that scale he goes to 11.
Elminster, specifically sexy, sexy Elminster is at least a 9. There are plenty of other FR characters who are a 9 or 10, but luckily I've forgotten most of their names and details, and only remember how completely, truly awful they were.
I mean, FR lore in general ain't great but given the choice between Elminster and Drizz't I'll take Big E all day long.
That's without even starting on how bad stuff like the lore changes to Athas was, or the Prism Pentad in general.
Bad lore changing to other bad lore comes under "so what?" for me. :)


When was the last time you saw true feudalism in D&D?
um... I don't know... I don't follow FR (as I am sure you can tell by the Elmunchkin comment) and I don't think they really have any other settings for 5e. SOmeone with better Realms lore then I can answer you I am sure (maybe Cormyr I think, maybe)

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