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Legend of Cataya (OoC)


First Post
Wilt, male human Rog1: CR 1; ECL 1; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD1d6+3; hp 9; Init +3; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17 (14 flatfooted, 13 touch); Melee masterwork short sword +4 (1d6/19-20x2); Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20x2); SQ sneak attack 1d6; AL CG; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills and Feats: Tumble +5 (4), Spot +4 (4), Listen +4 (4), Move Silently +5 (4), Hide +5 (4), Disable Device +6 (4), Use Magic Device +4 (4), Bluff +4 (4), Search +6 (4), Open Lock +7 (4), Sense Motive +4 (4); Weapon Finesse: Short sword, Weapon Focus: Short Sword
Equipment: Chain Shirt, Masterwork Short sword, Dagger, Backpack, Soap, 10 days rations, Manacles, Bedroll, Inkpen, 10 flasks oil, 10 sheets parchment, Small Mirror, Waterskin, 10 Candles, Flint/Steel, 50 ft. Silk Rope, Grappling Hook, 10 Pitons, Hammer, Hooded Lantern, 1gp 2 sp.
Languages: Common, Thieves Cant, Elven

Wilt was born the son of an honest fisherman. Wilt's father often tried to apprentice his young son as a fisherman too, but Wilt was nothing but a handful of trouble. From an early age, he was running amok with the local gangs of street urchins, begging, stealing fish, running underfoot, and generally making a nuisance of himself. Instead of becoming an apprentice and helping his family, like the other fisherman's sons, Wilt was a burden.
Although Wilt was always trouble, his father never used the belt or the whip in disciplining him. His father would patiently explain why stealing was wrong, and why it was better to live a poor and honest life than to try to become rich by stealing. The laws of man, his father explained, were in place to serve everyone. Breaking these laws was selfishly trying to place oneself above ones neighbors.

Wilt listened to and respected his father, but he could never see eye to eye with his conclusions. Wilt felt that laws were just there for most people -- they didn't seem to apply to him. Despite not agreeing with his father's respect for the law, Wilt did respect his father's kind and gentle nature. His father never beat him or his mother, unlike the many other fisherman that worked in the port. For that Wilt acquired his father's respect for life and other people.

One of the members of this gang was [Robert's Character]. They often caused mischief together, and would run small assignments as part of the gang. To them, the errands, petty thievery, and begging were all a part of a game. Little did the two suspect that the gangs were just one very small arm of a large organized crime syndicate in the realm.

Another person that lived on the street was a girl named Elena. She was about Wilt's age, but usually avoided the gangs. She was a competent thief, but hardly ever used her skills except in cases of dire hunger. Wilt often approached her and asked her to join the gang, but Elena always refused. Perhaps Elena was able to see what the gang really was. Nevertheless, Elena did sometimes do work, or sell her body to the gang in exchange for shelter or food. Wilt geniunely liked Elena, and never asked for her attentions when she needed help, instead trying to get her assignments of a different nature.

As Wilt grew older, his skills attracted the attention of Rat-Eye, one of the older and more vicious gang leaders. Rat-Eye was a less than pleasant person, and Wilt shyed away from his attentions. But when Rat-Eye ordered Wilt to follow him around on his errands, Wilt had no choice. Wilt ran "errands" for Rat-Eye, and as he did so, he liked less and less what he saw. He saw the gang extort farmers and fishermen, dealing out brutal beatings when money was not offered on the spot. He saw the robbing of poor people who went hungry afterwards, not being able to afford food. He saw younger gang members, not unlike him several years earlier being intimidated and forced to deliver packagaes with stolen goods and drugs. Wilt realized that the game he thought he had been playing was no game at all. It was a ruthless criminal organization .

One day Rat-Eye had a special mission for Wilt. Wilt was to punish a woman who had been refusing to pay protection fees to the gangs. This woman had been trouble in the past, and was encouraging her neighbors to stand up to the bullying gangs. Rat-Eye told Wilt this woman had to be made an example of. Wilt was told to sneak in her house at night and slit her throat. When Wilt balked at this, Rat-Eye grabbed Wilt by the collar and shoved him against a wall, holding a sharp dagger to his neck. "You're gonna slit that wench's throat or I'm gonna do it, and then I'm gonna slit yours. You got that you little punk? I'm sick of you not earning your keep around here. It's time you proved your use." With that, Rat-Eye shoved Wilt into muck and sewage in the gulley below. The other gang members laughed with coarse laughter as Wilt scurried off.

Wilt knew he could never murder this woman, and he also knew that by refusing to do so, he was putting his life, and the life of his family in danger. He went home and packed his bags, leaving a note of apology to his father and mother. Wilt ran away from the port that night and hasn't come back since.

Terrance, Wilt's father:
Terance, male human Commoner2: CR 2; ECL 2; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD2d4+2; hp 9; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10 (10 flatfooted, 10 touch); Melee club +3 (1d6+2); AL LG; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12
Skills and Feats: Profession: Fisherman +5 (5), Use Rope +5 (5), Swim +7 (5); Toughness, Iron Will

Rat-Eye, gang leader:
Rat-Eye, male human Rog3: CR 3; ECL 3; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD3d6+3; hp 17; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (13 flatfooted, 12 touch); Melee short sword +3 (1d6+1/19-20x2); Ranged dagger +4 (1d4/19-20x2); SQ sneak attack 2d6, evasion, uncanny dodge; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +6 (6), Bluff +6 (6), Climb +6 (6), Open Lock +8 (6), Spot +6 (6), Diplomacy +6 (6), Read Lips +7 (6), Pick Pocket +8 (6), Escape Arist +8 (6), Move Silently +8 (6); Dodge, Leadership, Improved Initiative
Equipment: Studded leather armor, Shortsword, Dagger (2)

Edit: Added in Elena.
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Rogue Warrior
I posted my character and background to the Rogue's Gallery. I added 2 Ability points for a total of (+3).
+1 for human
+1 for good alignment
+1 for 500+ word background

I am working on that npc from my background. I will let you know when he is ready.


First Post
- One thing concerning the roleplaying. You throw your own dice if you like. If you don't have dice or the situation requires a immediate dice roll not made ill make it.

Things like initiate will be done by me to speed up the pbp.

- It would be easy if you could also pick a color and make that the color you type in if you Character talks. For an example see the Nurses first post.

Im of to work now. Ill post these rules and some others i may think of on top of the game later :)

Enjoy the game

Grtz Q

Robbert Raets

Emyndar Sollen, LG male human apprentice level Fighter/Wizard
Str: 13
Dex: 11
Con: 13
Int: 15
Wis: 10
Cha: 12
BAB: +0, AC: 13
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +1
Feats: Mounted Combat, Point-Blank Shot, Mounted Archery
Skills: Ride +5, Swim +5, Craft (Bowyering) +6, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +6, Spot +2
Spells per day 2/1, Spells know: all cantrips, Mount, Magic Weapon & Protection from Evil.
Equipment: Masterwork Studded Leather, Shortbow, Scimitar, Spellbook.

Because he and his 'friends' (see Wilt's description) were always getting into or causing trouble, Emyndar's parents eventually sent their son to a military school (or whatever fantasy equivalent is available). (This would be well before Wilt met Elena and the gang getting even tougher.) There, it was discovered that he was a lot brighter than most people assumed when dealing with him. Though the school's main objective was to teach him to fight and build up his power and stamina, he was also given books to study and eventually enrolled in the school's Arcana class. He has worked hard to mend his ways and serve his King and Country with honour and dedication.
With the threat of war, Emyndar's class was rapidly drafted even though most students weren't ready to graduate yet. Many of them were slaughtered on the front. The few survivors vowed to take revenge on the Horde. Of course, he was very surprised to see Wilt among the gathered rescue party...

NPC's: Drill Instructor Ovark
hum Ftr4: Str15 Dex8 Con14 Int10 Wis12 Cha14
WeapFoc&WeapSpec (Longsword), ImpInit, Mounted Combat
Intimidate +5, Climb +9, Ride +6
Ovark has been at the Cataian Academy for the Martially Gifted for his entire adult life. His own Drill Sergeant saw much potential in him, and he never felt the need to leave there again. He is the inventor of 'tough love', and went with 'is boys to make sure they got through the fight without casualties or deserting. He's been overcome with grief and self-doubt because of the defeat, and is currently recovering from serious injuries.
Quote: "Save the lying down and whimpering for when yer wi'h a woman, now get up and charge that course!"

Rico ;)
1/2elf Ftr1: Str13 Dex15 Con12 Int10 Wis8 Cha14
MountComb, ImpInit, Ride +6, Climb +5
Ricono Jonnis was squadron leader of Emyndar's class at CAMG. He doesn't have a squadron to lead anymore, and blames himself. Is becoming more apathic and introvert by the second.
Quote: "C'mon Apes! You wanna live forever?!"

Staff-Sergeant (;)) Galfridell Hyryon
elf Wiz4/Ftr1: Str10 Dex10 Con10 Int16 Wis13 Cha14
Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Combat Casting, ImpInit
Spellcraft +10, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Concentration +7, Climb +4, Ride +4
Lady Hyryon is the CAMG's main spellcaster and mage-tutor. She herself was trained at a hidden but renowned Elvish University. Haughty but willing to acknowledge human potential. Believes Emyndar is capable of great things. Tends to call any non-elves without gray hairs 'children'.
Quote: "Now, children. Who can tell me after which mage the Crushing Hand spell was named?"


First Post
Thordain ... what is your alignment ?

Robert... Try typing something more about your relation with Wilt please. Did you leave eaachother. What did you do when wilt was Kicked out ? What are your relations towards Elena ?

Well thats it for now..

Ow one more thing ... Thordain. I like your enthusiasm .. but please Let me tell the story. And let me tell you when your character wakes up. ill grant it this time but i had different plans with you... So please dont do it again :) ...

Grtz Q

Ps post characters in the Char threat please. Its located Here
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Robbert Raets

Q-Ball said:
Robbert... Try typing something more about your relation with Wilt please. Did you leave eachother. What did you do when Wilt was kicked out ? What are your relations towards Elena ?

"One of the members of my gang was Wilt. We often caused mischief together, and would run small assignments as part of the gang.
"I was brash and foolish in my younger days. But those boys were my friends, and we didn't know any better. We never saw the harm we caused.
"Wilt had a thing goin' for some girl called Elena. I met her once or twice, but we never really got to talk. I wonder what's happened to the two of them since then...."

(This is Emyn opening up to one of his squad members, preferably one that's dead now. Angsty, eh? ;))

Edit: D'Oh. I should read what I quote. Emyn got sent to Military School long before things got bad and Wilt was kicked out.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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