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Legend of Cataya (OoC)

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First Post
Elena Southknot

Female Half-Elf Rog1
Init +3
Spd 30
AC 13
Atk +0 base melee, +3 base ranged
MW dagger +1 (1d4); Lt crossbow +3 (1d8)
Racial Features: Immunity: Sleep (Ex), Low-light vision (Ex), +2 Will bonus to Enchantment spells, Elven Blood
SV Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0
STR 10, DEX 17, CON 13, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 12

Skills: Climb +2(2), Disable Device +5(3), Escape Artist +6(3), Hide +7(4), Listen +7(4), Move Silently +7(4), Open Lock +6(3), Pick Pocket +7(4), Search +6(3), Sense Motive +4(4), Spot +7(4), Tumble +5(2).

Feats: Alertness.

Light Crossbow, Masterwork Dagger, Bolts (20), Leather Armor, Backpack, Caltrops, Map Case (containing rough map of last scouting assignment), Belt Pouch, Rations (3 days), Signal whistle, Torch, Waterskin (full), Thieves' tools, Traveler's outfit.

Magic: Potion: Cure Light Wounds (x2).


Elena’s mother Gretchen was the serving maid at a local noble’s manor. She was married to Alexander, a sailor who spent most of his time out to sea. When he was home, he spent the entire time drunk and was both physically and emotionally abusive to his young wife.

During one of Alexander’s long trips a handsome Elf named Syl’nton came to visit the noble. He was the son of one of the noble’s good friends and wanted to see the world. He stayed in the port city at the noble’s manor for about a month. During that time he met Gretchen. He found her beautiful and charming and did not mind that she was simply a serving maid. They had several romantic interludes during his visit. He told her he would not be able to stay long, and that there was no hope for a lasting relationship. His father was arranging his marriage while he was gone, and would be married to an elf maiden he had never seen upon his return home. Thus, Gretchen never bother to tell him that she was married and just enjoyed his attentions until he left. Unfortunately he did leave her with a memento, for she was pregnant.

When Alexander returned home 6 months later to his very pregnant wife (who was not pregnant when he left) He got drunk and got went into a blind rage and beat her very badly. The local official, knowing she was an adulteress, did nothing to protect her from her husband. Three months later Alexander left again, and Gretchen gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Elena.

Alexander never showed any affection for Elena and was very abusive toward her. When Alexander came home from the tavern drunk, Gretchen would put Elena outside in one of the large trees surrounding their home to protect her from Alexanders rages. Luckily, for both of them he was still gone most of the time.

When Elena was 7, Alexander became injured and was unable to sail anymore. He got a job in the local shipping yards but was home now every night. Life became unbearable. At this time Gretchen became pregnant again and bore Alexander a son, followed very quickly by two more. Alexander doted on his sons and took all of his anger and frustation out on Gretchen and Elena. Elena had to become skilled at avoiding her stepfather and judging his moods. Alexander turned the three sons against their mother and older sister, and they often suffered abuse from them and they got older.

When Elena was 17, Gretchen fell off the loft in the barn to her death. Though there was no evidence to support it Elena believes Alexander pushed her. The only thing that had kept Elena in that house was her mother, so now she set off on her own.

She moved into the city, but had no relations or friends to stay with. During the last 10 years, Alexander had made a good name for himself and was a well know shipping manager. She looked for honest work, but since most knew her background and were afraid of angering Alexander she had no takers. She ended up on the streets stealing and selling her body to make ends meet.

Then one day she heard of the King’s offer to pay 100gp to anyone willing to fight the Greenskins and decided that was the way she was going to get out of her dead end situation. She went to the local recruiter and said that she would fight. Many of the other recruits laughed at her, for she had been in many of their beds, but when she insisted they gave her transport on the next wagon to the front lines.

Elena was employed mainly as a scout, for she was fast and silent. But during the battle she was struck down by an arrow and carried off to the temple to recover. Now she has sworn her life to help the King rid the land of Greenskins and is anxious to return to service. She has a good heart and works for the common good, but since the local government did not protect her mother from Alexander she has little faith in the law and is rather chaotic in her actions.


Her Stepfather

Her Stepfather is a cruel man who resents her. He is an Expert (Sailor and Merchant), he probably does not have any PHB class levels but has the money to hire people who do to carry out his dirty work. He has a violent temper and abusive tendancies. The people who work for him fear him.

Her Brothers
Her Brothers were still at home when she left and she does not know what path they chose. The DM could bring them in as any profession or class. They were taught by their father to be abusive to Elena, whether this feeling would continue after they left home would be at the DM’s discretion.

Her Biological Father
She does not know anything about her father other than the fact that he is an elf. She does not know that he was from a wealthy elven family and was to be married off for political reasons. He did not know that Gretchen was pregnant and has no idea that Elena exists. At the time that he knew Gretchen, he had not chosen a profession though he probably would have become a respected wizard or sorcerer.

Possible Weakness/Character Traits:

Will not associate with drunks (or their drinks) or abusive personalities
Strong distrust of local authorities (constables, guards, etc.)
Believes that men who show interest in her only want to use her.
Is ashamed of her elven heritage and the fact that she was born from an adulterous relationship.
Distrusts the motives of all elves, believing (incorrectly) that her father callously used and discarded her mother.


Anyone who would like to link their character to this background in any way shape or form feel free.

This is a 25 point buy character. I will edit the stats when I get your verdict on how many extra points I am awarded.

Edited to 32 point buy
Last edited:


First Post
Very nice background :) ... Your making it not easy to be Elena. For the background and the personality trades/weaknesses I award you 3 extra points.

You automaticly get one for being good aligned.

And if you give your brothers names and professions as well as your biological father youll be awarded an extra 2 points more. (By Giving them names and professions i mean like write them out to be a bit more npc. Its ok if you write more than your character knows. For instance that your biological father is indeed a wizard try mixing that a bit for my Convenience if you want. Same goes for the brothers.) The father is enough for now :) ... Ill see what I can do with him and maybe enhance him to my discretion.

That leaves em to one more thing. I suppose you hate your father. But what about the brothers. Do you intensely hate them or do you cherish a secret love for them since they are partly your blood as well ?

Its best if you mail them to me i guess.
If you wanna mail them you could do it at the following mail address : Q.Emondt@quicknet.nl

Just to sum it up.

You get a bonus of 4 points. You can add the 2 for the npc if you have mailed them to me. (That is at your discretion)


Rogue Warrior
I would like to play, but I am afraid I do not understand the 25 point buy system. Can you explain please, I have always just rolled my characters up.
I would like to play a male, human, ranger. I will give you a brief background so you now what I am looking to make.
Shelton Kristoph grew up the son of a military man. He looked up to his father(Grant). His mother(Wanda), proud of her husband, encouraged this. Grant helped safegaurd the lands of a mighty lord. When Shelton turned 14, he was finally allowed to accompany his father and the other soldiers and rangers on a real patrol. The party soon found evidence that strangers had been through the area. The party tracked the group and was ambushed by them (a mercenary group enroutre to a well paying job). The party was slaughtered by the superior group. Grant died protecting Shelton, who was the only survivor. Shelton laid silently as his faher instructed him, listening to the laughter of the mercenaries as they looted the corpses. When one of the strangers approached Grant, Shelton lept at him in a fury and was quickly knocked out and left behind.
Shelton returned to his mother in dissgrace. He had failed at his dream of protecting the realm with his father. When the lord of the realm offered Shleton a position replacing those who died, he would not accept, he did not feel worthy. Wanda tried everything she could to encourage him to pursue the life of a soldier and protector, but Shelton did not feel he deserved the chance. He kept up his skills by hunting the forests for food, but refused to join the lord's patrol forces.
One day Wanda asked Shelton if he heard about the troubles in Cataya and explained the situation to him. Shelton found it hard to believe that such a land had no protective forces. He finally decided to journey there for a chance to prove himself. This would not be easy.
Shelton fought fiercely in battle. He found a new determination in the overwhelming odds. This was not like the stories his father had told him of fighting off random bandits. The people of this land depended on him and he would not let them down. This was his last thought as his position was overrun by greenskins...


First Post
Point buy works like this:

You start out with an 8 in all your scores. You then buy extra points according to the number of points awarded by the DM using this table:

9 : 1
10: 2
11: 3
12: 4
13: 5
14: 6
15: 8
16: 10
17: 13
18: 16

As you can see if you would use 25 point buy and you would like to have an 18 in a score (say in INT if you are a wizard), you have to use 16 points, and you now have only 9 points left to spend on other ability scores. The higher score you want, the more points it will cost you. So can make general moderate characters, or they could excel at one ability, but at the cost of another. With 25 point buy you could make all your ability scores 12 (6x4) making you real average.

Hope this clears it up a bit. My character will be posted shortly.


First Post
What sullaf said :)

But what i stated in the beginning as well So if you make an extra npc or a mayor background you get extra points to buy skills with :)

Well if you find it hard to build your character this way and you end up with more questions just say so. Ill be glad to help :)

Welcome aboard i guess :)

Grtz Q


Rogue Warrior
Shelton Kristoph grew up in a good home with his mother Malinda and his father Geoff. Shelton idolized his father who patrolled the lands of the realm as a ranger. Shelton loved to hear the stories his father and the lord's soldiers would tell about fighting off occasional bandits, outlaws, invaders and maybe even a few goblins or gnolls. Malinda was very proud of her husband and encouraged Shelton's worship of him, knowing that one day he would surpass his father's great deeds. This was further amplified by Shelton's natural abilities as a ranger.
Shelton could not have been more eager for the day after he turned 14, when he got to go on patrol with his father and the realm's soldiers. A few hours into the patrol, Geoff found signs of hunters in a section of the land not sanctioned for it. The patrol immediately began to hunt the invaders, but things did not go as planned. The patrol was ambushed and attacked by a powerful group of mercenaries. The battle was brutal and the soldiers and rangers stood little chance against the band of killers. The massacre was quick. Geoff's first concern was Shelton's safety, before he was struck down he told Shelton to escape and not look back. But, after watching his father, his hero, killed before him, Shelton went into shock and sat motionless at his father's body. When the mercenaries moved in to ransack the corpses, Shelton charged the man trying to loot his father. The large man, with long brown hair, wild eyes and dark colored armor and robes knocked Shelton to the ground and looted his unconscious body too.
Shelton returned home the next day, carrying his father's lifeless body. He also led a patrol out to recover the rest of the dead. When the lord of the realm met Shelton to offer his condolences and an opportunity to serve as a ranger, Shelton flatly refused all such offers and returned home to tend to his mother's house.
Malinda tried everything she could think of to return Shelton to the life he had dreamed of, but nothing seemed to work. She even tried to entice him by buying the finest equipment and weapons she could find. At this point he began to hunt again, but only for provisions.
One year after Geoff's death, several soldiers stopped to check on Shelton and Malinda.. Talk soon turned to events in Cataya and the threat the greenskins posed to it. Shaelton was in disbelief that the king would have to offer to pay all comers to protect his people. It was during this conversation that Shelton decided to travel to Cataya to help protect it's people and lands.
Although overwhelmed by the intensity of war (this was not like the stories he had heard of stopping poachers or ruffians), Shelton proved himself to be a strong fighter. Unfortunately, the greenskins numbers proved to be too much for Cataya's defenders. One moment Shelton was preparing to be overrun by a mass of greenskins, the next he was coming to in some temple. Did someone say the king was here...

***The man who killed Geoff can be used as an npc. I did not include a name, because Shelton would not know it. The mercenaries could have been travelling through and got caught by the group or have been in the area for some other evil deeds.


Rogue Warrior
Ranger Level 1
Human, Male
Neutral Good, Ehlonna (deity)
15 years old, 5'7", 165 pounds, green eyes, brown hair

STR (12), DEX (14), CON (14), INT (10), WIS (12), CHA (12)
HP (1d10 + 2)
AC (14)
Int (+2)
Base Attack (+1)
FORT (4), REF (2), WIL (1)
Melle Attack (2)
Range Attack (3)

Animal Empathy (2), Concentration (3), Handle Animal (2), Heal (2), Hide (4), Intuit Direction (3), Jump (2), KNowledge Nature (2), Listen (3), Move Silently (4), Ride (3), Search (2), Spot (3), Swim (2), Use Rope (3), Wilderness Lore (3)

Track, Favored Enemy (goblin), Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow)

Common, Elven

Mighty Composite Lonbow (+1)
Arrows (80)
Daggers (3)
Throwing Axe

Leather Armor

backpack, caltrops, chalk, fishhook, flint & steel, grappling hook, belt pouch, trail rations (3 days) 50' silk rope, waterskin, (2) cure light wounds potions

I took a +1 Ability for being human. Any others I should apply, please let me know. I thought for alignment and possibly 500 word background (I didn't count). But let me know for sure. And an NPC point would be your call as well. No biggie, just checking.


First Post
Nuke ..

You already took the one for being good thats correct.

You surely get anotherone for having such a background.
But i need more on the npc however. You can give him stats and lvls the way you see fit. For instance make him a lvl 5 rogue/lvl5 fighter or such. When you have given me those stats youll get the extra point gained for an npc.

You can also give him a name. See it as building an extra char. You can give him information your character does not yet know.

Now for Emerald. Im impressed you did alot of work making usable npc's there. I decided to give you an extra point of bonus. So instead of giving you 2 points for the npc'c ive decided to give you 3 :)

Nice work. Dont be surprised when you might actually meet one. :)

Grtz Q

Ps. I will be posting my stat tomorrow evening Dutch time :)
Still hoping for one more player. But well if i have to ill invent one myself :)

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