Critical Role's animated show (originally funded by a $10M crowdfunding campaign which broke $1M in under an hour, and then picked up by Amazon for 2 seasons) launches on 4th February 2022. You can now see a preview.
Monstrous Menagerie II: Hordes & Heroes is live! 300+ more monsters for your D&D 2024, or Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition games, plus new horde rules and rules for heroic monsters who level up alongside you--whether they be allies, companions, or foes! Back it now on Kickstarter!
The first season is going to cover the Briarwoods arc. I doubt they'll get anywhere near the end of these characters' stories anytime soon.It is a shame that it is with Amazon, but I hope that it turns out well. The second season has already been ordered, which is positive.
Any idea how many arcs they'll cover in this season? Should inform whether this show will transition to Cammpaign 2 after season 2 or not.
The first season is going to cover the Briarwoods arc. I doubt they'll get anywhere near the end of these characters' stories anytime soon.
Think of Amazon as a $10 per month streaming service (with a 1 year commitment) that gives you all sorts of crazy perks, like free shipping!It is a shame that it is with Amazon, but I hope that it turns out well.
Sweet valar let it not suck…Think of Amazon as a $10 per month streaming service (with a 1 year commitment) that gives you all sorts of crazy perks, like free shipping!
EDIT: And, you'll also get The Wheel of Time, The Expanse, The Lord of the Rings . . . . .