Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1

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Hey, if you guys (Mowgli and renau1g) want to work out some shared history and know each other from wherever, that's perfectly cool with me, and will make things that much easier for me, too. :)

renau1g: First you may need to make Mowgli stop calling you a French car, though! hehe

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Really? Durpar background? Hmmm . . .

I'm up for some shared history. We could come up with something clever dealing with Aimhirghin's (that's pronounced AV-ir-yin, btw) shape changing ability, or a chance meeting on the road early in Spike's journey out of the Beastlands in which they saved each other's lives.

It's up to you, renau1g.
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First Post
Really? Durpar background? Hmmm . . .

I'm up for some shared history. We could come up with something clever dealing with Aimhirghin's (that's pronounced AV-ir-yin, btw) shape changing ability, or a chance meeting on the road early in Spike's journey out of the Beastlands in which they saved each other's lives.

It's up to you, renau1g.

I think that sounds good, perhaps during my PC's (Note: I've changed the name to Khellek, Spike just wasn't doing it for me) investigations to find Winterhaven he entered a tavern in a town that Aimhirghin was stopping off in. These people had never seen a shifter before and mistook him as a werewolf (or other full lycanthrope) and attempted to lynch him, when you stepped in and calmed the situation (being all charismatic and all). They still ran him out of town, but didn't kill him. Aimhirghin might have followed Khellek and spoken to him about the shifter's search for the town (perhaps he was the source that told me where it was? Bardic knowledge and all that). Khellek would tell him the reason for his search (trying to find his sister) and probably as him to accompany him, safety in numbers after all.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I think that sounds good, perhaps during my PC's (Note: I've changed the name to Khellek, Spike just wasn't doing it for me) investigations to find Winterhaven he entered a tavern in a town that Aimhirghin was stopping off in. These people had never seen a shifter before and mistook him as a werewolf (or other full lycanthrope) and attempted to lynch him, when you stepped in and calmed the situation (being all charismatic and all). They still ran him out of town, but didn't kill him. Aimhirghin might have followed Khellek and spoken to him about the shifter's search for the town (perhaps he was the source that told me where it was? Bardic knowledge and all that). Khellek would tell him the reason for his search (trying to find his sister) and probably as him to accompany him, safety in numbers after all.

Sounds good. I'll put it in Aimhirghin's recent history. I'm also thinking that his sensitivity to mood/personality in others (Perception skill plus making a living by knowing what entertains others) allowed him to pick up on Khellek's aversion to lying. That being the case, he would have revealed his shapeshifting ability as soon as he was comfortable enough in their growing friendship.


First Post
And Khellek would be surprised at first, but would respect Aimhirghin's decision to stay in a more accepted form, having experienced first-hand the problems that arise from judging individuals based on unfounded prejudices.

Voidrunner's Codex

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