Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1


My employees aren't cooperating by taking up my time this afternoon. I may need to extend that to "by this evening." :D

And for the record I'm very much pro-human, "normal" races nearly to exclusion. This is me going outside of my comfort zone with the shadar-kai. (Who, technically, are human.)
No sweat, whatsoever. That just gives me some MORE time to dread this... :eek: j/k

Are you sure that you wouldn't rather slide back into that COMFORTABLE comfort zone?? j/k again. :p

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First Post
All done. Formatting to post now in the gallery thread.

If you prefer human just give the word and I'll make it so!


Well, I appreciate that. Thank you. But I have a new, experimental D&D philsophy that I'm finally trying out much, much, much too late:


So, please, tempt me no further! Just go forth and be a happy Shadarkai (or whatever). :p

And, also, while I'm thiking about it: Anyone out there have any reason why the game should not begin this weekend? Lou?? Is your character finished? If not, get renau1g to help! He's a 4EWhizKid! Link to IC thread (when it's opened) will be in the first post of the RG.
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I still can't see Mowgli's freakin' character. I need to have a copy I can see before we start. For real. Mowgli, if you can't do anything else, EMAIL me a pdf, and I'll make the bloody ENWorld post for us poor, underprivileged humans who can't do your computer voodoo.


First Post
Anyone out there have any reason why the game should not begin this weekend? Lou?? Is your character finished? If not, get renau1g to help! He's a 4EWhizKid! Link to IC thread (when it's opened) will be in the first post of the RG.


You're too kind...


First Post
The character is posted in the gallery.

He's technically a defender but more of a mobile defender that pops around and harries foes. Can mark to hopefully pin down targets that go for the healer or wizard (or bard). Enough HP and defense to (hopefully) stay on the front line with the fighter to hold the line and setup CA opportunities/burn down foes. Has some good minion clearing abilities, too. Can also pull foes to him to annoy enemy artillery. Isn't going to pump out a lot of damage. His AC and HP should be high enough to not be a healing liability but honestly I don't see that as much of a problem with the self-healing battlerager. :)

In other news I hate the character builder. Locked up my VM and I wasted hours troubleshooting. Grr! Just ended up doing the character by hand in about 15 minutes!


Yes, Abulia, I've seen Taldan. Very quick and good work! Overall, I'd say this has shaped up to be a highly versatile and effective party, which is something of a surprise to me, considering that I fully expected this to be a 'flying-by-the-seat-of-my-britches affair' from start to finish! Now the pressure is squarely on ME to devliver a gaming experience worthy of your impressive characters. (I'll have a wee bit o' help from the WotC module design team, thank goodness!)

So. Let's plan to get this shew on the rewd tomorrow, shall we?

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I still can't see Mowgli's freakin' character. I need to have a copy I can see before we start. For real. Mowgli, if you can't do anything else, EMAIL me a pdf, and I'll make the bloody ENWorld post for us poor, underprivileged humans who can't do your computer voodoo.

Patience, please, oh great and mighty GM! I said I'd get it up this weekend! renau1g posted a helpful partial sheet from Wordpad that will give you some of the info.

I have no idea how much role-play we'll be in before we get to the stuff we need crunch for, but surely much of the first day or so of posting will be spent getting us together, giving out descriptions, etc?

For purposes of that stuff - he's a singer and drummer (a small drum slung at his belt - think Native American medicine drum and you'll have a good picture). He doesn't advertise his race; he sticks pretty much to a public persona of a youngish human (maybe a very small amount of elven blood). He's from the Beastlands and has been making his living as a travelling musician, using his wits and abililties to survive on the road.
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