Leif's Homebrew 4E, OOC1

No problem at all and I'm sorry to hear that. :( Just thought I'd take a chance and see if you'd like to squeeze in a replacement. No offense was intended (or taken).

Just an FYI though, 4E and the official modules are built around five player parties, not four (DMG p. 57). ;)

Good luck!

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Nay, Ryan, Leif may be a softie, but Gnurly-Boo is the most tail-kicking little squeaky Gnome that you'll ever run across!
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Hmmm, danged if you aren't right! I would swear that I read somewhere... well, nevermind. Oh, shoot! I'm terrible at saying, 'no.' Make a character using the rules in post 1 of the RG (http://www.enworld.org/forum/plots-...th-edition-game-rg-recruiting-now-closed.html) and we'll go from there. (As you observed before, you'll be taking Rhun's spot....)
I view it less as 'taking' and more as...okay, yea, there's no other way to really spin it. :)

I had a hankering for a good-aligned shadar-kai swordmage (assault) bouncing around in my head. I can toss something together by the end of the day for you to look at.

renau1g said:
*Psst* Gnomes are [not] normal anymore ;)

:o Oh, yeah! hehehe

FYI: I'm a gnice, gnormal, gnatural 3.5 Gnome, NOT one of those gnasty, gnucklehead 4.0 Gnomes!
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I had a hankering for a good-aligned shadar-kai swordmage (assault) bouncing around in my head. I can toss something together by the end of the day for you to look at.
Come on with it, then! The RG awaits! (Link in post 72.)

(Oh, yeah, you said the END of the day, not the middle. :"> Ooops.)
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Come on with it, then! The RG awaits! (Link in post 72.)

(Oh, yeah, you said the END of the day, not the middle. :"> Ooops.)
My employees aren't cooperating by taking up my time this afternoon. I may need to extend that to "by this evening." :D

And for the record I'm very much pro-human, "normal" races nearly to exclusion. This is me going outside of my comfort zone with the shadar-kai. (Who, technically, are human.)

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