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"Lesser Known" PC and Video Games?


The EN World kitten
Virtually no one knows the game, but Hybrid Heaven for the N64 had a great plotline. While it was meant for one player (the guy with the controller obviously) it would be child's play to adapt it to a larger-reaching campaign with d20 Modern (the hero in the game just screamed out Strong/Tough Hero).

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D20 Modern - Spycraft

I'd use Spycraft for almost anything over d20 Modern. I think, in fact, I'd be more likely to get out my hammer and modify Spycraft so far from its origins to be unrecognizable before I'd try and set something with d20 Modern. But that's me.

Unlike myself, however, who lacks Spycraft but surprisingly owns a copy of D20 Modern. :rolleyes: :D :p :cool:

Translating Ground Control is still somewhat difficult, I'm not sure what to do exactly with aircraft rules.

Not to mention the powered armour used by the I.N.D. and the Crayven Corporation... I think I may install the revised Star Wars rules, or just hop over to Silhouette altogether (but that's neither here nore there).

I personally would love to see Full Throttle D20. Man, I loved that game. Awesome music, great animation, fun puzzles. It had a wicked-cool setting which I borrowed liberally from when I used to play Deadlands Hell On Earth. You could strap on your night vision goggles and take out some Cavefish, you'd have a ready-made adventuring party with your motorcycle gang. I gotta get to work on this right now.


First Post
I figure it's probably a bit too well known for this list, but how about converting Half-Life to d20 Modern? It seems like an almost perfect fit, imho.

Start everyone off at 4th level. Put them in a location that isn't the base from Half Life, so it doesn't overlap the game, except in general theme (other-dimensional aliens invade earth). Voila!

I'm thinking a remote research base in S. America that gets caught in a cross fire between American troops (the type that don't "exist", if you know what I mean) and some resistance fighter types. Then suddenly the aliens start popping up and all hell breaks loose in the ensuing chaos. Just a thought...


First Post
XCOM would be cool! It's really tailor-made for a ground-level (not command) game, and the latest in the series, Aftermath (still in development) is apparently focused not on XCOM at all but on some survivors after the world gets conquered by aliens, and they have to run around getting weapons, surviving, researching alien tech and the like.

That sounds pretty good for a campaign to me.

Just for the record, XCOM games are (so far as I know) strictly PC (or Amiga), possibly because of their focus on micromanagement. I still remember getting annoyed in the first game when Nigeria cut its funding... they'd been subverted by a nearby alien base, but eh... happy days.

Now for my contribution, I'd enjoy Alice (by American McGee, film possibly by Wes Craven forthcoming). That was sooo twisted, and the weapons were cool. Jack-in-the-boxes with a pyromanic twist, a vorpal blade as your primary weapon... wait, that's not really d20 Modern territory. Instead, what about Uplink? It'd require a bit of tweaking to both the setting and the rules set, but that game was mad fun.


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XCOM on Playstation

I used to have X-com for the Playstation.

As for games that would make good conversions to d20M -

the Jagged Alliance series
the Fallout series

C. Baize

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Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge

For D20 Future, I submit the following:
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun: Firestorm
Starflight II
Sentinel Worlds
Starcraft: Broodwar
Wing Commander I, II, III, IV
Wing Commander: Privateer
Death Trak


First Post
Aw, c'mon. Let's get old school.

d20 Infiltrator: As Johnny "Jimbo-baby" McGibbits, you pilot a chopper behind enemy lines, bluffing enemy jets or dogfighting your way out of trouble, then sneak through enemy compound, either making a ton of forgery checks or getting some quality use out of your knockout gas canister.

d20 The Last Ninja: Sure, the roleplaying game will be a bit harder without the weapons glowing when you get near them, but it's the first game to make the staff the badass weapon it was always meant to be. Also, watch players try to do flip-jumps across lava. That's a missed jump check just waiting to happen.

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