D&D 5E Let's list the "broken" spells


Sleep isn't even remotely broken.

I agree, note that it effects anyone, and unless you are metagaming heavily the caster does not know exactly how many HP the fighter has vs the goblins swarming around him. A good spell at low levels but it should be if it costs a slot.

The necro thing as well, I understand that there is no mechanical limitation on it but this is a RPG, why would a DM let a player hang out in a graveyard for a week unmolested while they perform unspeakable acts before every adventure? Suitable corpses don't grow on trees and marching an undead horde through town seems unwise.

It is odd that some summons are in the 4e action economy and others seem to be in the 3e mold.

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I don't understand how Forcecage and Wall of Force got through playtesting, they're so obviously broken. Save-or-suck spells, without the save.

Falling Icicle

None of these spells are broken imo. OP, but not broken. There are lots of work arounds for all of them, yes mostly magical work arounds, but that is not a problem.

It is a problem when the large majority of creatures don't have those workarounds. Even creatures with magic aren't likely to have the exact couple of spells that will work (i.e. disintegrate).


It is a problem when the large majority of creatures don't have those workarounds. Even creatures with magic aren't likely to have the exact couple of spells that will work (i.e. disintegrate).

In terms of monsters, its never a problem - big spells should occasionally take out an enemy, they're a limited resource, and the DM just simply add more monsters... Against players, also not a problem, because if one player doesnt have the workaround, another one almost certainly will (spell, ability, magic item, whatever). And for those very occasional in betweens where a player might get taken out for a few rounds, or a combat.... well, that very rarely happens, so rarely it almost isnt worth worrying about - but I am glad it does happen, coz it keeps the game interesting.


Spells are as broken as the DMs allow them to be. Even the Glyph of Warding can be broken as hell if the players decide to use their down time to make a bunch of them.
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Falling Icicle

In terms of monsters, its never a problem - big spells should occasionally take out an enemy, they're a limited resource, and the DM just simply add more monsters...

Just because something's a limited resource doesn't mean that it's okay for it to be an automatic win. There's a reason the saving throw was invented.

Polymorph wasn't a problem when it require a system shock roll to survive. Wanna be a super powerful monster? No problem, just roll the dice of fate and see if you survive the process. :D

For Wall of Force, cast it surrounding yourself and cast away without fear of being interrupted by anything that can't get past it - which is most monsters.

The level of forcecage makes it extremely limited. You're using your only 7th-level spell slot to trap a monster; not something that's always the best tactic. Both it and wall of force just make a monster unkillable for the duration - which is not forever. They're going to get out and mess you up eventually.
The gold cost of forcecage should also not be ignored. This isn't 3e/4e where 1500 go just falls out of the sky each morning. Wizards and sorcerers only get limited numbers of spells, likely four 7th-level spells. Unless the DM is choosing to hand out high level spellbooks. There are a lot of really great spells you're sacrificing to learn forcecage.

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