D&D 4E Let's Talk About 4E On Its Own Terms [+]

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In my experience, this is a frequent necessity in using published 4e material.
From what I've looked through, it did seem like it was a hit or miss type situation with the modules/maps as a whole. Some would be pretty intricate and engaging, others, not so much. For opponents I usually found that giving one or two abilities (perhaps on a recharge or as a single encounter power) that really spoke to their concept, theme, and role in the encounter really helped pump up the tension, immersion, and coolness factor. I was also fortunate that I either caught wind of something or just got lucky to stumble into a design strategy that allowed me to make the BBEG fights really memorable, usually by treating the BBEG as multiple characters (with multiple initiatives in the turn order, each with different kind of actions) and by adding in some unique support creatures or environmental elements or challenges. :)

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Did you enjoy it though?
Yes, it was a very satisfying campaign overall. We became the Knights of the Saruun Kell. I've never read the modules, so don't know which parts he made up, which parts came from the Council of Thieves, and what came from the original Thunderspire game. I do know there were some amazing set pieces in both games, and the final battle in Council of Thieves was epic. And I was playing the original pre-gen half-elf Cleric that came with... some introductory module/book/tool. I think we ended at level 12 or so? If the 4e character tool hadn't gone away, I'd know...


Yes, it was a very satisfying campaign overall. We became the Knights of the Saruun Kell. I've never read the modules, so don't know which parts he made up, which parts came from the Council of Thieves, and what came from the original Thunderspire game. I do know there were some amazing set pieces in both games, and the final battle in Council of Thieves was epic. And I was playing the original pre-gen half-elf Cleric that came with... some introductory module/book/tool. I think we ended at level 12 or so? If the 4e character tool hadn't gone away, I'd know...

He did his job then;)


After Thunderspire, my DM said PoS was just that, a PoS ( :poop: ) and forked us into a Paizo AP - the Council of Thieves taking place in Cheliax (in Golarion). He made it work, but I'm sure with a lot of his own work...
Thunderspire Labyrinth! That was the name! I don't think we actually reached Pyramid of Shadows now that I think about it.


I love how 4e has an encounter building system that actually works. I think Mearls made a mistake with 5e in going back to a 3e D&D "single monster" base for 5e encounter building. 4e's assumption that the default encounter is one monster per PC works far better, naturally scales to any party size, and makes for better encounters.

I love how 4e has an encounter building system that actually works. I think Mearls made a mistake with 5e in going back to a 3e D&D "single monster" base for 5e encounter building. 4e's assumption that the default encounter is one monster per PC works far better, naturally scales to any party size, and makes for better encounters.

I feel like it was pointed out immediately during the playtest that the change in encounter building rules and eschewing scene-based balance for "balance" (lol?) at the adventuring day was going to almost surely create a clustereff for GMs to "solve" via Force or hackneyed shenanigans!

I also feel like that commentary received a deluge of "boo, hiss, 4e and anything related to its design is rubbish!"

Finally, I feel like its a shocking turn of events for those initial observations and predictions to have to have borne out!

But never fear. I'm sure this lesson will be properly memory-holed and we'll do it all again in the future!

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Anybody got experience with this one? I feel like the story sounds interesting. https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/121732/dark-legacy-of-evard-4e
Yeah, I played that season. It was pretty rough. A lot of fights involve shadows minions that, when they attack, they merge with your shadow and become a source of ongoing necrotic damage (2 I think it was), save ends. We lost our Blackguard in the first fight because they kept failing their save and there was nothing we could do about it.

That was the season my Death Cleric became infamous for not healing the Rogue- rather than use Second Wind, they would drop, expect to get healed, and immediately drop again. "Dumathoin gives the the power to save someone from death twice only. I am saving his blessing for someone who desires to live."

I took a lot of flack for that, but the way I saw it, if they wanted more healing, they could always play a Cleric!

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