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Liberty (The heros of Mergovia)


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Jasper Conrad

During the boat ride to shore, Jasper casts mage armor.

Jasper finds himself tense despite the calm of the shoreline. He forces a deep breath as he surveys the burning city. "I will wait at the boat as well. I'm more likely to hinder you than help trying to sneak through the city. Try not to get in over your heads again." Jasper says with a wry smile. He then draws his dagger and stands next to the boat making his best attempt at looking imposing.

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Solomon smiles. The smaller the party the better. This is a scouting trip. "For now, let's head directly for the city. We may have to change our plan with circumstances. But that way, we should be able to stay on the same path. I'll move out front, but won't go so far as to lose sight of your torches. If I encounter something dangerous, I'll warn you. Dai, I suppose you can take Jasper's torch."

Solomon will move out. With his superior speed, he should soon be out of sight. He'll head towards the city, glancing back frequently to make sure the torch(es) are following him. He's not particularly worried about ambush yet. He'll keep his waraxe in hand. Since moving silently requires half speed, he won't worry about that yet. As his speed is greater than the others, he should be able to pause every 4 rounds or so, to stop and take a spot and listen check.


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The two elves leave some room to Jasper. "We should make some rounds, so that we could sleep a little. Says one of the elf, visibly happy that Jasper will stay around giving him more time to sleep.
"I can take the first round if you want" Says the elf in a somehow rude and selfish manner.

The half-orc quickly dissapears in the darkness of the night carefully walking along the shore using the woods as much as he can to conceal himself. (I will assume -10 to hide and move silently for moving at full speed. ) behind him Trolm and Dai follow carefully with their torch.

Solomon walks for about 25 minutes as he shortly pauses to observes his surroundings(spot 9+9 DC 10) He notices at least 200ft away the light coming from a few torches. He pauses a bit longer and notices that the torch are moving at a slow pace towards his direction (not necessarly directly towards him but in the opposite direction relatively to the river.) Solomon doubt that they could have noticed him if they need torches to light their way. (listen 17+7 DC25) The sounds of the river mixed with the wind in the trees prevent solomon from hearing anything comming from the group.

Behind him he can see Trolm and Dai torches about 200' feet behind. From their position they are probably unable to see their torches through the forest.


[sblock=ooc]Sorry about the slowness of my responses. There is an 'abscent' thread somewhere. I had intended to link it my games, but didn'e get the chance. Xavier would have suggested returning the boat to the ship if things got too dangerous on shore. A signal could have been agreed upon to bring it back.[/sblock]

DarkMaster said:
Xavier, heads back towards Valeria cabin, leaving the old Karn on the deck. "I'll keep the vigil, while you keep an eye on her. I hope for her that she has nothing to do with all that finishes the old men with a suspicious look on his face

As Xavier enters the hallway leading to her cabin. he can hear the priestress perform some kind of ritual song. The priestress doesn't sing very well but her voice is powerfull and can be heard through out the corridor. Xavier can't understand exactly what she says nor recognise her language. Xavier notices a few curious and nervous elf around the cabin. A few of them have their hands on their weapons and keep a nervous eye on her door, as if they were ready to jump on whatever could come out of the cabin. As Xavier approaches they seems to relax, the paladin's mere presence seems to reassure them.

One of them, close by, his back against the narrow wooden corridor wall whispers to Xavier. "Sir, you have any clue what is she saying? For some reason it doesn't sound good. I think we should intervene before we are all cursed"

Xavier smiles reassuringly at the crew. "I don't know what she is saying either, but you do well to remain vigilant around that one." Xavier indicates Valaria's door with a nod of his head.

Stepping over to the door, Xavier lifts the latch and pushes open the door.


First Post
Solomon turns and moves quickly back towards his friends. "Put out that light!" he hisses once he comes within eyesight. "A party approaches with torches. We will be able to see them approach, and avoid them. Hopefully we will be able to observe them too.

Solomon looks at his companions. Dai was unarmored and generally silent. What is Trolm wearing? Trolm may have to move further out of the way.


First Post
Xavier opens the cabin door. It reveals a similar simple cabin like his with a very narrow bed, a small wooden chest, a small desk with a chair. Valeria is looking outside through the small round window singning her song the best she can, which isn't very good. Her voice isn't that bad, she just has a hard time making it melodious.

As Xavier enters she pauses, turns towards the paladin and smiles visibly slightly shy.

"We all got to start somewhere if we want to get anywhere" She then notices a few curious elf in the door and suddenly realises that everyone around heard her. Her face (on which the tattoos are still hidden) turns to a deeper shade of red almost immediatly.

"I am sorry that I disturbed your sleep, I was simply praying Enirdnas. I often get carried away in my prayer and forget about my surroundings. I asked her to help your people understand the power of the stone.

She looks at the window with an angle towards the front of the boat towards the burning city and says on a lower tone. "The stones aren't far away, it is clear now that Uder is or was recently in that city"


OOC Trolm is wearing a MW studded leather(possibly magical).

As Solomon appears Trolm and Dai (Just making an assumption here Ferrix to speed up play) extinguish their torch. The three compagnion hide in a nearby bush and watch as the ligth gets closer (hide Solomon 13+10, Dai 18+3 Trolm 23).

When the ligths gets to about 60 feet they discern a men pulling a cart filled with 3 children. The two oldest are carrying a torch and a lantern is hanged to the front of the small cart. The men isn't wearing any armor but has a spear strapped to his back.

As the approach a few feet closer. They notices that the men's cloths are tainted with blood. Two of the child behind seems to be silently crying and their father who also seems sad tries to encourage them with comforting words. (spot Solomon 9+9, Dai 4+2, Trolm 15) Solomon notices that the men's spear seems to be covered with still liquid blood as if he very recently used it. He also notices some kind of leather armor poorly hidden under his cloth.


DarkMaster said:
"We all got to start somewhere if we want to get anywhere" She then notices a few curious elf in the door and suddenly realises that everyone around heard her. Her face (on which the tattoos are still hidden) turns to a deeper shade of red almost immediatly.

"I am sorry that I disturbed your sleep, I was simply praying Enirdnas. I often get carried away in my prayer and forget about my surroundings. I asked her to help your people understand the power of the stone.

She looks at the window with an angle towards the front of the boat towards the burning city and says on a lower tone. "The stones aren't far away, it is clear now that Uder is or was recently in that city"

"You didn't disturb anyone's sleep. But you did make them nervous. You make me nervous, to be honest."

Xavier glances over his shoulder and nods to the crew.

"I think everything is all right here. Please tell Karn where to find me if he needs me."

With that Xavier returns his attention to Valaria.

"Do you mind if I sit?"


First Post
Not for the first time, Solomon wishes he weren't a half orc. Sheathing his weapons, he steps forward. "Peace, friend." he says, approaching at a measured pace through the brush. "We seek knowledge of the fire in Domus."


First Post
The elf leaves the area without asking too much question, reassured that the paladin is taking care of the situation.

Valeria nods with a playfull smile at the paladin's request.


Seeing the three figures come out of the wood the men let the cart falls and swiftly slides his spear in his hand. As the light from his torch reveals their nature the men, his hand firmly grasped around his spear observe them slowly from head to toe. His eyes stops on Trolm. (diplomacy Solomon 14-1 + 2 (Trolm 16) +2 (Dai 14-1))

"I don't beleive your lies, you took enough already from me.

He gestures his spear in their direction "Now approach, you might bring me down but I will make sure to bring at least one of you with me" The kids behind him are crying, one of them jump down the wagon in the opposite direction. The men looks at Trolm with determined eyes and move the tip of his spear in his face to make sure he notices the fresh blood on its tip in the yellow light of the torches behind.

Voidrunner's Codex

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