It's pretty clear you were being tongue in cheek with sarcasm over the thought experiment but I think this all started because someone inexperienced asked how the old editions played it makes some details relevantAmateurs!
Clearly you would take Touch of Healing feat to get everyone to 50% HP then use Wand of Lesser vigor, 11HP vs 5,5HP on CLW for a charge of wand for full HP.
Somewhere along the line 3.5 added some "reserve feats" that allowed someone (spellcasters only?) to gain some form of a minor but notable at-will ability provided they had an unspent spell slot with a spell meeting the requirements for the feat.
Touch of healing required a cure wounds spell prepared & gave you the ability to action restore 3hp*that slot level up till the target was at half health. Because PCs died at zero or -10 hp it was uncomfortable to be at half health for long periods of time, either you were a lower HP class & topping you up from incidental stray wounds so you didn't get ganked trivially before anyone could react was the point of that spell/wand or you were a tank type with tens of HP if not a hundred+ HP & the group didn't have time to wait around for several minutes recovering while waiting for a random/wandering/"you've annoyed the GM" to reset or drastically eat into those gains. Spellcasters & the martials they often buffed were also unlikely to be thrilled about standing around waiting for their buffs to expire for that small gp savings too since the losses could ultimately cost more from the resulting more difficult/dangerous fights