Listen to the full Gamehole Con Panel from WotC's Mearls, Perkins, and Crawford

Much of the information which has filtered through here to the community has been from reports of snippets from the panel held by WotC's Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, and Chris Perkins. Now, the whole panel has been released in full by Gaming and BS RPG Podcast. It's a couple of hours long -- "Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games." Thanks to Sean P Kelley for the scoop!

Much of the information which has filtered through here to the community has been from reports of snippets from the panel held by WotC's Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, and Chris Perkins. Now, the whole panel has been released in full by Gaming and BS RPG Podcast. It's a couple of hours long -- "Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games." Thanks to Sean P Kelley for the scoop!


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Dire Bare

Games Workshop was churning out a lot back in the day too, but I think it has as much to do with the economy as anything nowadays. I remember when there was a Games Workshop official store in a lot of major cities... but I digress.

I was thinking of roleplaying games, but looking back, I DID say "tabletop games", which of course includes RPGs and miniature wargames (and more stuff too). But GW works well in the conversation also! I would say that GW's current output, as far as multiple game lines, was greater in the past, but it feels to me that they are putting out more product for their main games, the Warhammers! And, they are starting to bring back some of their "specialist" games on a limited basis (BLOODBOWL!!!). The number of GW retail stores seems to wax and wane, but they are still opening new stores, we just got one in my area, Boise, Idaho!

Bottom line with GW, IMO, is that they do have a relatively tight focus on Warhammer (fantasy & 40K), and a somewhat smaller focus on their Lord of the Rings game.

I said they killed them off, I stand by that. They had to kill them off to funnel down to one setting which they could focus on.

Well yeah, I think we are in agreement there. We might disagree on WHY they "killed off" settings other than the Realms. IMO, they didn't stop non-Realms support to focus on licensed "transmedia" opportunities (film, video games, novels, etc), but rather to simply focus on the game itself.

I'm not asking for much at this point, just would be nice to add in stuff about Dark Sun, Greyhawk, Mystara and Dragonlance.

To be fair to WotC, and as I'm sure you know, in the 3 core books they have a very even mix of references for the many classic settings. Of course, the Realms gets a bit more support with pantheon and human ethnicities, but still overall very even. Even in Volo's Guide there are plenty of non-Realms references, despite the book being "set" in the Realms with Volo and Elminster.

The only strong support the Realms get in 5E is in the adventure paths and SCAG (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide). Which is significant, surely. But each adventure path was also EASY to adapt to any other similar "standard" D&D fantasy setting like Mystara, Greyhawk, or Dragonlance, or your homebrew. And SCAG had a nice appendix adapting the character options to the other classic settings.

If WotC feels they must focus on one setting, choosing the most popular setting is the only logical choice. However, we get the best of both worlds with the references and conversion guidelines for other classic settings. The knee-jerk reaction of some fans, "What?!?! The Realms AGAIN!?!?!" is getting beyond tiresome to me and I would just ask those folks to realize, it isn't about you. It's about what's best for the community and the game at large. Grow up, basically.

I would be ecstatic if WotC decided to publish some Mystara focused products . . . or really, products focused on ANY classic setting other than the Realms. I love the Realms, but I also love all of the other classic settings equally as much, with Mystara being my fave of the faves. But I realize that WotC can't cater to my special snowflake needs and has to look at the health of the game overall, and splitting the focus between multiple settings is, well, unwise.

What I really want WotC to do is to open up the DM's Guild to all classic settings and products. Give the fans the opportunity to design and share the kind of products they want that WotC can't afford to do themselves. And with the DM's Guild just going POD (Print-on-Demand), you could even potentially get those products in physical form for your bookshelf!

EDIT: Cleaned up some stray sentence fragments.
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So Halaster and Undermountain is next.

The barriers between worlds are weakening so we can, eventually, expect... Planescape!

I'm hearing people inferring that Undermountain and Halaster are going to be explored in an upcoming adventure from Wizards. Is there a quote from an article or from the Gamehole Con Panel that suggests this? Or is it just unfounded but fun speculation?


Book-Friend, he/him
I'm hearing people inferring that Undermountain and Halaster are going to be explored in an upcoming adventure from Wizards. Is there a quote from an article or from the Gamehole Con Panel that suggests this? Or is it just unfounded but fun speculation?

Nothing solid; the only real hint (other than the involvement of Pendleton Ward, and how his influence will make sense) is Perkins saying the next AP starts off open ended and sandbox, but narrows down into a traditional old school dungeoncrawl experience.

That can mean just about anything; but a detailed Waterdeep sandbox, ending ina crawl into Undermountain would be in keeping with WotC style and IP goals, while matching the minimal amount we know.

Could also fit Tomb of Horrors, or maybe a Feywild AP. Very vague, not much to go on.


First Post
A revamped tomb of horrors is going to be hard to pull off. I was never satisfied with any derivatives except for the original.

Dire Bare

Paizo and Pathfinder has a ton of books and they are planning Starfinder as well.

Paizo does put out a lot of product . . . for ONE game line (soon to be two game lines). Although even they have slimmed down as they used to have a novel line, board games, and magazines (not just Dragon Mag and Dungeon Mag).

WotC should licence out the settings they don't have plans for right now, like Mystara, Ravenloft (I doubt they're going back to Ravenloft any time soon to do it right), Darksun, etc...

They tried that during the 3E era with decidedly mixed results. Sovereign Press (Margaret Weis' company) took on Dragonlance while Sword & Sorcery Studios (an imprint of White Wolf) took on Ravenloft. Each line had some stand-out, stellar books . . . but each line also had more than a few clunkers (IMO).

With classic PDFs being made increasingly available on the DM's Guild, now with POD options, I really would rather WotC NOT revisit these settings, or license them out, except for possibly some crunchy options for PCs and DMs.


Paizo does put out a lot of product . . . for ONE game line (soon to be two game lines). Although even they have slimmed down as they used to have a novel line, board games, and magazines (not just Dragon Mag and Dungeon Mag).

They tried that during the 3E era with decidedly mixed results. Sovereign Press (Margaret Weis' company) took on Dragonlance while Sword & Sorcery Studios (an imprint of White Wolf) took on Ravenloft. Each line had some stand-out, stellar books . . . but each line also had more than a few clunkers (IMO).

With classic PDFs being made increasingly available on the DM's Guild, now with POD options, I really would rather WotC NOT revisit these settings, or license them out, except for possibly some crunchy options for PCs and DMs.

Some settings, living settings, need a proper update, like FR, its needs a FRCG as alot has changed, bit little has been detailed outside the Sword Coast and static settings need to have their mechanics flushed out.

Dire Bare

Some settings, living settings, need a proper update, like FR, its needs a FRCG as alot has changed, bit little has been detailed outside the Sword Coast and static settings need to have their mechanics flushed out.

I don't think we need a giant campaign guide to the Realms, as awesome as the 3E version was. But, we do need something. I'm still confused over exactly what changed with "The Sundering".


First Post
I'm hearing people inferring that Undermountain and Halaster are going to be explored in an upcoming adventure from Wizards. Is there a quote from an article or from the Gamehole Con Panel that suggests this? Or is it just unfounded but fun speculation?
I was at gameholecon and played in the D&D open.The adventure involved going into undermountain. Halaster Blackcloak was also featured in the adventure!


Book-Friend, he/him
I was at gameholecon and played in the D&D open.The adventure involved going into undermountain. Halaster Blackcloak was also featured in the adventure!

Yeah, that was at Origins, too; they said that the Open might be made available at some point, but I think that was more as DMsGuild material.

But an Undermountain AP at some point is one of the plausible candidates, so who knows?

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