Listen to the full Gamehole Con Panel from WotC's Mearls, Perkins, and Crawford

Much of the information which has filtered through here to the community has been from reports of snippets from the panel held by WotC's Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, and Chris Perkins. Now, the whole panel has been released in full by Gaming and BS RPG Podcast. It's a couple of hours long -- "Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games." Thanks to Sean P Kelley for the scoop!

Much of the information which has filtered through here to the community has been from reports of snippets from the panel held by WotC's Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, and Chris Perkins. Now, the whole panel has been released in full by Gaming and BS RPG Podcast. It's a couple of hours long -- "Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games." Thanks to Sean P Kelley for the scoop!


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Someone on 4chan figured out what the next one is going to be and posted it there and on reddit.

Also note that space key does not work in the reply box on enworld for some reason for me, but everywhere else. Copy/pasted this to make it work.

I've gotten it to work, but it's a very odd solution. Effectively you cannot use the spacebar if it's the last character in a block of text, but if it's not the last character, it will register. So put a period down, and start inserting your text before the period.

As for the bard colleges, they're neat from a story perspective, but rather wordy from a mechanical perspective. Could use some trimming.
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Juomari Veren

Someone on 4chan figured out what the next one is going to be and posted it there and on reddit.

Given the trend between this week's and last 's, I would guess that this UA a week deal will last 12-13 weeks; one for each class to chum the waters with new archetypes, with that 15th level mystic playtest that was mentioned when the news first came out included towards the end. Hopefully it gives way to a very hefty new sourcebook.


On the note of this panel specifically, One of the things Mearls mentioned (somewhere in the Q&A session) was a complete revamp of the mass combat rules. He talks about how for the most part it's been given a level of abstractness, with the idea of the PCs serving as a spotlight to certain situations, referencing the battle of Helm's Deep from Lord of the Rings as what he was trying to capture.

Someone on 4chan figured out what the next one is going to be and posted it there and on reddit.

Also note that space key does not work in the reply box on enworld for some reason for me, but everywhere else. Copy/pasted this to make it work.

Interesting, the fey-based college there mentions eladrin, so I'm guessing we'll be seeing them updated in some way in the new rules book. Whether it will be the pre-4e version, the 4e version, or some combination of the two remains to be seen.


Given the trend between this week's and last 's, I would guess that this UA a week deal will last 12-13 weeks; one for each class to chum the waters with new archetypes, with that 15th level mystic playtest that was mentioned when the news first came out included towards the end. Hopefully it gives way to a very hefty new sourcebook.

I like the subclasses, personally; makes me wonder what the cleric domains coming out will be like (should be next week, since they seem to be going alphabetically).

Bad Fox

First Post
One interesting tidbit that stands out for me: when Chris Perkins briefly discussed an upcoming adventure that he's working on. He only talks about it in vague terms - that it starts as a sandbox, but eventually narrows down into a more dungeon-style experience.

Mike Mearls also talks about upcoming products, and how Wizards is looking to create some experiences that capitalize on nostalgia and ensure that multiple generations of players can experience variants of iconic stories (think in terms of what they did with Princes of the Apocalypse and Curse of Strahd).

If you take these two statements together, then the idea that Perkins is working on a revamp of an old classic doesn't seem unreasonable. If this is the case, then you can make some informed guesses as to what adventure it might be...

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