Listen to the full Gamehole Con Panel from WotC's Mearls, Perkins, and Crawford

Much of the information which has filtered through here to the community has been from reports of snippets from the panel held by WotC's Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, and Chris Perkins. Now, the whole panel has been released in full by Gaming and BS RPG Podcast. It's a couple of hours long -- "Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games." Thanks to Sean P Kelley for the scoop!

Much of the information which has filtered through here to the community has been from reports of snippets from the panel held by WotC's Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, and Chris Perkins. Now, the whole panel has been released in full by Gaming and BS RPG Podcast. It's a couple of hours long -- "Recorded at Gamehole Con 2016, a tabletop gaming convention held in Madison, Wisconsin, this bonus episode features Mike Mearls, Christopher Perkins and Jeremy Crawford from Wizards of the Coast. This is the unedited seminar that they hosted. They discuss Volo’s Guide to Monsters, the differences in settings and the design approach to each one, field Q&A’s from the audience where someone asks about their own home rules that they use in their own D&D games." Thanks to Sean P Kelley for the scoop!


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Book-Friend, he/him
Giant lord plots in SKT actually beyond their capabilities to accomplish, so they are not time sensitive per se.

Design goal is to make each new AP different from what has been done in 5E so far.

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Multiverse as unified, single setting: no seperation between FR, Greyhawk, Ebereon, Athas, etc. Try to bring them all in, all the time.

I wouldn't say no separation, but instead minimal. Make it so travel between settings is made much easier (although it may be going to Athas is easy, but leaving isn't - otherwise that setting loses some of its uniqueness...)


Book-Friend, he/him
I wouldn't say no separation, but instead minimal. Make it so travel between settings is made much easier (although it may be going to Athas is easy, but leaving isn't - otherwise that setting loses some of its uniqueness...)

Going off of what they are saying, the core setting is "all of then, together," so Athas is to Greyhawk as Waterseep is to Baldurs Gate, different locales with maybe a harder travel plan.


I like the subclasses, personally; makes me wonder what the cleric domains coming out will be like (should be next week, since they seem to be going alphabetically).

I wonder if, like with the bladesinger breaking out of the sphere-specialist mold, we might see any cleric specializations defined differently than by the sorts of domains that we've seen so far..


Novel line hasn't been officially cancelled, but they have nothing to announced right now.

Races in Volo's guide were designed to be stereotypes that are aimed at the most likely fans of that race. So Tabaxi were designed for cat lovers and other would are realky into playing cat people, same with other races. Humans intended to be the ones who are diverse. They really did seem to try and make races very focused and specialized. Kobolds normally cowards, but service to the tribe can make them brave and their proud of their culture, Aasimar are tormented by Angellic Guides and are the Paladin archtype, Bugbears are basically male lions in big gobliniod form.

They actually called Tabaxi feline kender in personality which I don't think they were originally. Mike Mearls points out that Tabaxi names are very Maztica in convention, they are intended to convey a Aztec feel, I don't know if that comes through in practice.

I think that Bugbears and Tabaxi are closest of the races in temperment and personality, although Tabaxi are more curious and Bugbears tend to be more savage, with Tritons and Aasimar the next closest in personality.
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Book-Friend, he/him
Perkins, Crawford and [MENTION=697]mearls[/MENTION] all copped to not tracking XPnin their home games, just milestone leveling.


Book-Friend, he/him
Also, Survey results for Neo-Ranger were very positive, so it will be the basis for what appears in a book most likely.

Dire Bare

I have to say, recylcling old adventurers from other settings, not even FR adventurers and dumping them in the Forgotten Realms isn't cool and clever and I'm unimpressed.

To each his own. I find what WotC is doing very cool, clever, and I am impressed. Purchased everything so far and haven't been disappointed yet. If we do get a Tome of Horrors set in the Realms, I can't wait! Should be fun!

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