Starfinder Little House In The Vast

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Make sure the dead get proper funerals," Sobec says bluntly as he grabs Hesala by her shoulders and with the help of the medic, carries her out of the buggy and inside the building.

Apparently the vesk clings to some of the practices of his people, because he says to Zchavvirt, "You know Vesk funerals?"


the magical equivalent to the number zero
OOC: Hehe, as far as official lore goes, I have no clue. :) So I'll improvise, assuming that Sobec knows these things.

"Blood," Sobec says, as if it's obvious for anyone with half a brain. Then he remembers that his companions are not vesk, and with a softer tone continues, "A funeral pyre; a spoken list of the deceased accomplishments in life, insofar as they are known; two items that were essential to the fallen vesk; and of course plenty of, err,"

He hesitates, avoiding eye contact. The scales around his cheeks seem to darken somewhat.

"Physical comfort," he finally adds, quietly.


"I will, ah, see what we can throw together," says a distinctly uncomfortable shirren sheriff. "We will pick up the bodies in a couple of hours, once we have a chance to get the surviving cretins processed." Gistelle shifts for a moment at 'cretin' and Brill snorts, but they are soon being led inside the building. As they disappear inside the young woman turns her head once more to give you a dark look. But then she is gone. "That ship is not likely to be going anywhere soon. Do you have plans for what you will do while you are in the area?"

"Yeah, we were not aware of the ship's condition when it was given to us," Zyzzy says. "This is partly why I asked about rewards for the bandits and the return of the vehicle. We will need to earn some credits if we wish to get that ship off the ground ever again."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"Got more trash?" Sobec asks in his low voice. "Or anything we can make enough credits to buy what we need?"


The sheriff once again seems to be overcome by some measure of discomfort. "Ordinary work is not likely to net you the resources you need to make that ship into something spaceworthy again," says Zchavvirt. "This is a farming community. Our business is mostly in keeping the real economy of Pan supplied - mining, salvage, and archaeology. And, ah, there has not been much salvage around here for a few years... and no mining or archaeology."

"I do not suspect you folks are the farming type, but off the top of my head if you wanted to make a few extra credits for expenses you might try signing up for escorting our upcoming food shipment to one of the larger colonies. Or you could ask around town to see if anyone has other odd jobs you could do."


"A food shipment? Hmmm." Tara thought about it, and nodded. "If the food shipment gets hijacked, people will starve. I think that's the job we ought to take."

Voidrunner's Codex

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