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Lost Eberron 4E Style: Combat over, Level up!

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Lorn takes a cask of water and begins stuffing some of the dried foods in his pack.

The...the environment is mutable here.

He looked up toward the darkly looming remains of the keep as if to emphasize the point.

We might never see these provisions again, I'd suggest we take at least some of them. We can stow whatever is left.


Also we might do with a bit of resting up, regaining HP before we set off looking for more trouble. Hesh have any healing powers left before we rest?



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OOC: You can go ahead and take a short rest. Please post your stats after the rest.

The group divides up the loot, and takes what food and water they need for their journey. They pack the rest of it back in the crates and bury it in the sand in one of the shipwrecks. They further discuss what to do with Eliza's inscribed box before they begin the trek through the jungle, following the trail that was made.


First Post
Hay, Lorn, doncha have some sorta trick that lets you open that case safely? from a distance, maybe? You're the man with the tricks, ya know! I might blow the lock up if there's one, mind ya, but... suggestes Thormir.

ooc:maybe trying to open the case with mage hand? Thing is, I suspect there might either be a magic item that we can use in the upcoming battles (that will be there waiting for us, no doubt), or something that can reveal us something useful. So it could be worth it...


First Post
Lorn frowned as he studied the small silver box.

You saw how I opened the last chest didn't you?

The young wizard sighed, I've many a relative who could do this with no problem, but I've no talent for this sort of thing.

Despite his protest he continued to examine the container, once more trying to sense if there was any enchantment to it. After a short while he looked up again.

I still don't sense anything...why don't we just try this.

He pulled out his dagger tried to pry open the lid.


Spend a healing surge.

Arcana(Sense the Presence of Magic) (1d20+10=13)

Ata: Not a bad idea on the mage hand, but I don't have the thievery skill to back it up. I don't think it's strong enough to force open the box, and conjurations can't go through solid objects so no tripping it from the inside.

[sblock=ministats]Lorn Spellwright- Male Human Wizard 1
Initiative: +4, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 11
AC:18, Fort:12, Reflex:16, Will:14 -- Speed:6
HP:21/23, Bloodied:11, Surge Value:5, Surges left:4/7
Action Points: 1
Powers -
Magic Missle
Scorching Blast

Grasping Shadows
Staff of Defense
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere
Power Jewel (Must have reached a milestone today)


Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
Lorn senses no magic from the box or from the inside. The box and lock are very well made. Lorn has trouble using to his dagger to force the box open.

The Lost think if they want to open the box, it will require more significant force; it will probably damage the box and lock and depending on the contents of the box, could damage it's contents.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Hesh shakes his head. We get the key, we get Stellan and the girl. Or we get their corpses and kill whoever did this and then open the box. Lets not waste any more time.


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[sblock=ooc]I need what items of magic from the hoard you are taking with you. Unless Thormir has a better idea, the box remains as is, and you guys follow the tracks of the kidnappers. I can retro if needed, but for now, I'll move things on.[/sblock]

The Lost follow the trail of those that are assumed to have taken Stellan and Eliza. It runs parallel to the stream for a while and then you have to cross the water twice. Crude bridges of logs and rope have been made to assist in that task. The shadows of the jungle are deeper and darker than you think they would be. Strange animal calls echoe through the trees. A brief downpour wets the large leaves above you. The rain barely touches the ground around you though, and thunder once again rumbles. Abruptly you come to a clearing. You can barely make out the form of Stellan, tied to a sturdy post stuck into the ground. Several logs, serving as benches surround the shifter. An iron pot filled with bubbling liquid sits on burning coals near the shifter.

Stellan laughs off the threats of the hobgoblin, and it is clearly frustrated. Abruptly the sky clouds over, and thunder rumbles. Hooks grunts and speaks to the other goblins. "I don't like the change, but if we hurry we can make him talk," he says to the other goblins. "Help me with the bamboo," Hooks says.

Shortly after his captives disappear into the interior of the caves, Stellan flexes again and feels the ropes around him loosen. It was his chance to escape, but just when he thinks he may be free, he sees the rest of The Lost. They stand in the jungle of the path the goblinoids made.

OOC: Please place yourselves on the map: RS 27AC 29


  • The torture session, map start..xls
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Catching the eyes of his companions, Stellan winks and slips his hands out of their bonds. He gestures as if swinging a weapon, looking hopefully at the others. He then does his best to arrange his bonds to look like he is still tied, hoping to catch the goblins by surprise, already picturing the look on Hooks' face.

[sblock=ooc] If it works, I'd love to pull the classic "I'm not nearly as restrained as you think I am" bit. That way they won't suspect anything, and we all might get a good surprise round off.
By the way, did anyone bring the shiny axe for Stellan?[/sblock]

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