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Lost S04e10 01 May 08 - Something Nice Back Home


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Cor Azer said:
I figured it had something to do with her getting a "better deal" - specifically, if Jin wants her to take Sun and child on the helicopter, then he's likely going to help her later if she needs to stop the rest of the Losties from preventing her and Daniel from returning to the freighter.

That could be. I was thinking maybe she wanted the baby or something, but couldn't figure how that made sense.

I'm a bit more curious about Miles; he obviously came with Keamy and Co on the freighter, but wants nothing to do with them - I wonder if he meant Keamy and his men specifically, or is he referring to the freighter crew in all?

I think I buy his story about just being there to do his job. He knows that the others are there to kill anyone on the island that isn't part of the plan, and doesn't approve. He was hired for one specific job (something involving ghosts, presumably) and just wants to do it and go, but after seeing the carnage now he's not even sure about that.

I think to an extent both Daniel and Charlotte are in the same boat, so to speak (as is Frank). They're people that were hired to do something that fit in with their personal quests by some shady people and didn't think to look too closely at what the cost might be, particularly the cost in human lives, and are having second thoughts.

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First Post
Not a great episode. My only strong reaction was a big "what the...?" when they revealed that the mercs were are still alive. What, the smoke monster just felt like smacking them around a bit?

I agree about Kate too. She was a formidable character early on.


I liked the bit where Jin forced Charlotte to admit that she understood Korean. But after last week's episode, this one was pretty dang bland.

Something that a friend of mine pointed out, though: Jack gets his appendix out on the island this episode, with a pretty decent-sized scar as a result. Did he still have it at the beginning of the "flash-forward" when he was getting out of the shower? I didn't really notice, but my friend's wife is pretty sure there was no such scar. If so, is this an example of "magic island healing," or possible evidence of "the island is a nexus of alternate realities" theory, and "flash-forward future Jack" isn't the same Jack that got the appendectomy?



First Post
RangerWickett said:
I have a request for the writers of Lost.

Could you stop making Kate suck?

Kate lost all credibility way back in season one when she engineered a bank heist, double-crossed her fellow thieves, and then proceeded to lead Jack and Swayer through a long series of manipulations...all to get a little toy airplane.

While she's had some superficially competent moments, people need to wake up to the fact that Kate, when you get right down to it, has always sucked.


John Crichton said:
Lots of Kate hate here. I don't see it. She's part badass and part emotional cripple. Pretty simple stuff. Great character.

I agree with this. I think that's more the point but that's me.

As for the episode, I was also hoping for more with Locke and Jacob than this side. However, we do learn that Kate and Jack got together after returning to the main land. We also see the start of Jack losing it, to the first flash forward we saw, and why Kate didn't want to be there when he called.

I am hoping that, at some point, we can get a series writer to put together a book of how everything fits together. Or DVDs where we can see all of the flash backs and flash forwards in the correct order.

So, not a terrible episode to me and I do want to see more.



First Post
John Crichton said:
Lots of Kate hate here. I don't see it. She's part badass and part emotional cripple. Pretty simple stuff. Great character.

I like Kate most of the time, but I really don't like Kate/Jack. I just don't really like them together at all. Evangeline and Matthew have good chemistry, but they're just such a poor pairing in terms of how their relationship has developed. I can see- character wise- why Jack likes her (she's a problem waiting to be fixed) and Kate likes him (she longs for stability and comfort in her chaotic world) but it's a relationship that IMO has no future because it's based in dysfunction, and like I said- the two of them have such a history now of hurt and betrayal that I don't see how they can possibly feel remotely as if they are "in love". Lust, sure, but love? Eh.


John Crichton said:
Lots of Kate hate here. I don't see it. She's part badass and part emotional cripple. Pretty simple stuff. Great character.
Yeah, but lately she's been way more emotional cripple and way less badass.


Monster Junkie
Cor Azer said:
I figured it had something to do with her getting a "better deal" - specifically, if Jin wants her to take Sun and child on the helicopter, then he's likely going to help her later if she needs to stop the rest of the Losties from preventing her and Daniel from returning to the freighter.

Doc Jensen over at Entertainment Weekly has a theory that she's working for Mr. Paik, Sun's dad and Jin's former boss. That might explain the smile when Jin essentially gave her Sun and took himself out of the picture. ;)

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