Lost works from this forum

A few years ago enworld experienced a crash that ended with a lot of very interesting creations disappearing seemingly forever into the void. It just so happens that I have at least 5, maybe more of those creations printed in hard copy format. I think it's entirely a shame those beings were lost so I'm going to repost them as those works were awesome. I believe most these were Belzamus' original works, but I may be wrong, so all effort and credit goes to the original posters.

They are mildly altered for use in my campaigns and updated for Pathfinder, but they should be 90% the same as they were.

I hope you guys enjoy and can use these beings for your campaigns.
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"Lady of the Wave Eternal, Disciple of Forever, Star-Sister, Heart of the Circle, High Convoker, Daughter of Avinion, Akasha-Born”


The woman before you is appallingly majestic to look at. Her hair falls in torrents of prismatic fire, her eyes are blazing sun-stones. She is garbed in a gown of splendorous jewels, each agleam with some resplendent inner flame. She holds her staff of absolute power, it's entire length throbbing with unrealized potential. Her breath upon you befalls like solar winds. Gales of arcane energy encircle her, whipping and gyring for miles in siroccos of rainbow hue. Beyond any doubt, you know that this woman, this elder goddess, IS magic, that her eyes look upon eternity, that the secrets of all knowledge unfold within her mind. For she is Ysrahl, Star-Sister of Zoratain, and Highest Lady of the Elder Lords.

First One Divine Rank 54
Huge Outsider (Extra-Planar)

Hit Dice:
260d100 (Wizard 260) +26,780 +14,040 +5,200 (x8) (576,160 hp)
Initiative: 163 (109 dex, 54 Divine)
Speed: 1,200 feet
Armor Class: 934 (+300 Armor, +303 Deflection, +109 Dex, +54 Divine, +60 Insight, +54 Luck, +65 Natural) 825 Flat Footed, 569 Touch
Base Attack/Grapple: 260/ 697
-Melee Touch:
+697 (54d1000 +1,884d4 Force +1884d20 Cosmic damage) (99,116 average) and Gaze (624d4 Force +628d20 Cosmic damage; Will for 1/2 damage DC 790) (14,976 damage)

-Sceptre of the Akasha (+50 Light Mace): +747 (20d20+78, +50, +65 Arcane Strike, +54d1000 +1,884d4 Force +1884d20 Cosmic damage) (99,709 damage)

-Cosmic Force Ray: +697 Ranged Touch 21,600 feet (1,294d4 Force +1,294d20 Cosmic damage) (31,056 damage)

Full Attack: 8 attacks+ 2 Gaze +2 Ray, or 2 Spells (ranged) + 2 Gaze +2 Rays

Special Attacks: Alter Reality, Divine Aura (21,600 ft) Double Magic Portfolio, Integrated Class Features

Special Qualities: Antedivulian Ancestry, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Firmament, Cosmic String, DR ∞/4N, Divine Bonus +54, Immortality, Divine Immunities (Immune to Natural and Supernatural Effects), SR 426, Spell Reflection, Cosmic Might, Starflight

Saves: Fort +671, Ref +439, Will +468
Abilities: Str 162 (+78), Dex 229 (+109), Con 216 (+103), Int 540 (+265), Wis 243 (+116), Cha 616 (+303)

Skills: Omnicompetent, All skills are at 317+ relevant ability modifier.

Feats: (Metamagic): Arcane Strike, Weapon Finesse, Automatic Metamagic Capacity (120), Chain Spell, Consecrate Spell, Empower Spell, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Immediate Spell, Masterful Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Prodigious Spell, Quicken Spell, Repeat Spell, Sanctify Spell, Sculpt Spell, Split Ray, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Theurgic Spell, Twin Spell, Widen Spell

Epic Feats: Legendary Archer, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Infinite Deflection, Intensify Spell, Epic Toughness, Plastic Soul, Sixth Sense

Divine Abilities: Adjuration, Cataclysmic Spell, Dire Spell, Far Sight, Heavenly Body, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Obviate, Superior Combat Casting, Learned Spell Immunity, Spell Absorption (7), Nescient, Resonating Spell, Telluric Effect, Telluric Spell, Third Eye, Transient Spell, True Seeing, Unyielding Damage Reduction, Weapon Breaking, Seventh Sense (54 rounds)

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Apostasy, Cosmic Effect (6), Dolorous Spell, Inner Eye, Innocence, Learned Ability Immunity, Omega Spell, Perfect Charisma, Slipstream, Spell Amplification, Thelemic Damage Induction (4), Time Dilation, Ultima Spell

Transcendent Abilities: Devastating Spell, Sophism, Unreal

Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Environment: The Crystalline Eyrie of the Akasha (Aravoth)
Organization: Solitary, or with Orichacum Golems, Zorotain, or in the presence of Time Lord Avinion or Akashic Inhabitants
Challenge Rating: 374
Effective Class Level: 558

Possessions: Sceptre of the Akasha

Combat: Lady Ysrahl uses her immense magical prowess to annihilate would be attackers. She is fond of permanently flinging foes into another dimension with an epic casting of Reality Maelstrom, trapping foes permanently into the atmospheres of random planets with her Far Sight power combined with Nailed to the Sky. She isn't against simply blowing her foes to oblivion with any spell she chooses as all of her spells resist immunity and spell resistance and deal incredible damage, all of which is considered pure divine damage and deals d100's of damage.

Spellcasting (Sp): Ysrahl knows all spells, and may cast an unlimited amount of spells per day. Her spells have no cap and have all dice increased to d100s. All damage she does with spells is considered Divine damage and bypasses any immunity, though elemental secondary effects still apply (fire spells ignite or do double damage to cold subtype creatures etc). (Thus a Fireball cast by Ysrahl deals 422d100 Divine Damage (42,200 damage). Her Spells are not subject to Spell Resistance or Magic Immunity and function even within Dead Magic.

Cosmic Might (Ex): Deal a maximum of 20d20 base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated.

Double Magic Portfolio: Ysrahl Gains the following abilities:
-Spell Reflection: Ysrahl automatically reflects 2 spells per round

-Sheep's Strength: -108 to Strength Score

-Fly's Endurance: -108 to Constitution Score

-Greater scion of Magic: Ysrahl gains a +108 Competence Bonus on her Caster Level, DCs, and Spell Resistance

-Perfect Summoning (Construct): Any Construct Summoned by Ysrahl has +200% HD

-Divine Magic: Ysrahl ignores any Spell Resistance or Immunity to magic

-Superior Force Effect: See Below

-Spell Absorption: Ysrahl absorbs 2 spells per round recovering 10hp/ level of spell level of the spell absorbed

-Cosmic Imperfection: Ysrahl's Cosmic String can be defeated by 2 items in the universe

-Enlightened: Ysrahl knows and has access to all spells

-Ensorcelled: Ysrahl has infinite spells per day

-Legendary Intelligence: x2 Intellect

-Living Magic: Ysrahl's Magic, Spell Like, and Supernatural Abilities function even in Dead Magic

Uncanny Force Effect/ Cosmic Effect (Su): Ysrahl can bend pure magic force and powerful cosmic energies to her will assaulting foes with terrible potency: 21,600 ft, numbers presented are presented for purposes of abrogation or nullification. DC 790 if applicable

Beam (Ray) 1,256d4 +1,256d20. 21,600 ft range

Blast 628d4 +624d20, 21,600 ft range/ 675ft. Standard action DC 790/half

Blood 314d4 +314d20, Melee Free action when struck DC 790/half

Breath 1,256d4 +1,256d20 1,300ft. cone, 5,400ft line, Standard action DC 790/half

Hand 1,884d4 +1,884d20 Melee Touch or Unarmed Strike

Immolation 1,884d4 +1,884d20 21,600 ft radius blast, DC 790/half

Storm 314d4 +314d20 21,600 ft radius, DC DC 790/half Free -

Strike 314d4 +314d20 Melee Weapon (bonus) Free -

Wrath (Gaze) 628d4 +624d20, 675ft cone DC 790 Will/none

Adjuration: Once Per day Ysrahl can summon 520 hd of allies, none of which can be greater than CR 184. She typically uses this to summon 2 Force Collosi or 4 Orichalcum Golems, all of whom have double hit dice which does not count towards her abovementioned CR limit

Nessient (Ex): Ignore all parameters for any feat

Alter Reality (Su): 1/round as a free action Ysrahl may duplicate any spell up to 129th level or any epic spell with a DC of 620 or lower. Caster Level 314, DC 670 + Spell Level

Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 (3) days.

Antediluvian Ancestry: Ysrahl is among the mightiest beings in the Universe and one of the strongest Sidereals, equaled only by Zoratain. The Blood of Splendor exalts her entire being. She gains the following benefits:

-Able to take Spell dependant Metamagic Divine, Cosmic, Transcendent and Omnific Abilities as Feats as long as she meets the other required prerequisites.

-Extra Hit points equal to her Divine Rank x her Hit Dice

-Her Hit Dice are inflated by her Divine Rank for purposes of calculating her Effect Powers

Apostasy (Ex): Ysrahl is beyond alignment, and Immune to all alignment based effects

Cosmic Consciousness: Ysrahl's senses extend out to the border of the current plane she inhabits

Legendary Charisma: Charisma is doubled

Legendary Intelligence: Intelligence is Doubled

Heavenly Body, Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Cha Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs, Divine Rank to AC, Luck Bonus

Cosmic Firmament: Ysrahl is always considered in her Divine Realm

Cosmic String: Ysrahl can only be destroyed by a being of Divine Rank 54 or higher, or those with her Cosmic Imperfection, otherwise if destroyed she simple regenerates in 1d10 rounds

Innocence: Ysrahl cannot be harmed by an opponent unless she has already made a hostile action

Learned Ability Immunity: After being affected by an ability from an opponent Ysrahl becomes forevermore immune to that ability from that specific opponent

Obviate: Illusions cease to function in Ysrahl's Divine Aura (21,600 ft)

Slipstream: Ysrahl is immune to temporal effects and cannot be undermined by time travel

Seventh Sense: Ysrahl can redo 54 rounds of actions per day

Sophism: By Making a Will Save (DC = opponent's ELC) to avoid any attack

Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls

Spell Absorption: Ysrahl can absorb 7 levels of spells per round storing up to 260 spell levels in this fashion which she may later release as a swift action applying up to 120 levels of metamagic to the spell or spells released

Spell Amplification: Ysrahl adds 120 extra levels of Metamagic to any spell she casts

Elusion (Ex): Ref save to avoid any damage

Spell Reflection: Ysrahl reflects any Spell that fails to overcome her Spell Resistance applying 120 levels of Metamagic to it.

Thellemic Damage Induction (Ex): Ysrahl can only be hurt on every 4th attack. All other attacks, the opponent takes the damage they would have dealt and sunder their own weapon.

Time Dilation: Ysrahl exists outside the Timestream and two rounds of action in any given round

Unreal: Ysrahl cannot be affected by Magic from her universe besides 1 spell/ ritual.

-Class Features: Pathfinder Wizard: 52 bonus feats, Well Prepared, Universalist School: Hand of the Apprentice (30 ft melee attack range), Metamagic Mastery (1 free metamagic feat applied to spells 126/day)


Sceptre of the Akasha:
Ysrahl wields a coruscating blindingly brilliant staff crowned in prismatic fire, a gift from the Time Lord Avinion, her father, to her. Within it is contained the very essence of power. The Sceptre of the Akasha has the following properties:

-It may be used to deliver a melee touch attack dealing 1d1000 Omnific damage per Divine Rank of the wielder
-It doubles the radius of the weilder's Divine Aura
-It doubles the power of any Effect ability used
-It is also treated as a +50 light mace
-It channels energy through it's strikes as a melee touch instead of as a strike for purposes of Effect powers
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Thanks to Omeganian, he found the thread that Avinion was on! The link I was looking at was broken. So that's awesome.

This is however an updated version of Avinion using Pathfinder stats, I've been using for my campaign, so I'll leave it up nonetheless.

Time Lord Avinion

"The Eternal One, The Transcendent, Highest in Lordship, Steward of the Will Divine, Perfected Imperfection”


You stand atop the uttermost Pinnacle, a singularity of existence, where all dimensions overlap, the wellspring of dreams which ever flows into Creation. Beyond you is the Black Eternity, yawning in malign nothingness into infinite, endless horizons. And yet.... there is something else, something BEYOND, both detached and intrinsic to every dimension; a Throne lording over the Firmament itself. Unfathomably massive, pervading all that is, and all that is not; and that throne is NOT empty. Though YOU, Cosmic Lords without equal--- are driven to your knees in reverence. One Instant it's a silvery dragon, it's infinite wings each a mirror, the next an orb of coruscating radiance, a universal star shooting forth jets of prismatic fire. Again it shifts before your eyes, now a gaping void of crushing sorrow, weeping tears of fire. Now a dessicated corpse, dressed in tattered robes, head surmounted by a broken crown. It continues to shift before your eyes, and you begin to realize that the being before you exists beyond Time, beyond even Eternity itself, and that you are beholding it in all it's many aspects. What strikes you most poignantly however, is that it... DIES. Before your eyes, this glorious, Eternal being, dies, over and over again, devoured by cosmic nightmares. Wracked with sublime agony, it cannot help but afflict you with the eschatolic visions that torture it so. And you realize, in that instant, that the greatest curse of all, the paramount doom of the undying, is to REMEMBER...

Time Lord Rank 1 (Monad) Divine Rank 200
Macro-Tiny Outsider (Extra-Planar)

Hit Dice:
∞+ 1000d1000 +420,000 +20,000 +200,000 (x1000) (∞/ 1,640,000,000 hp)
Initiative: 620 (420 dex, 200 Divine) Always Acts First
Speed: Superluminal (5,621,108,587 feet)
Armor Class: ∞/ 1,925 (+∞/ 845 Deflection (Cha), +420 Dex, +200 Divine, +60 Insight, +200 Luck, +250 Natural) 1,510 Flat Footed, 1,675 Touch
Base Attack/Grapple: 1,000/ 2,040
-Melee Touch: Expression of Power + Ultima Effect +Antimatter Effect:
+2,040 (9200d1000 +9,200d20 +18,200d4 x4 +enemy HD x4 d100s,) (37,811,200 average +720,000 damage for 200 rounds +4x opponent's HD in d100s) and Gaze (3200d1000 +3200d20 [repeats for 200 rounds] (13,155,200 average +256,000 damage for 200 rounds +4x opponent's HD in d100s) Will for 1/2 damage DC 1,330

-Slam+ Expression of Power + Ultima Effect + Antimatter Effect + Force Effect (x2): +2,040 (1000d1000 +420 +200, (9200d1000 +9,200d20 +18,200d4 x4 +enemy HD x4 d100s,) (38,811,820 average +720,000 damage for 200 rounds +4x opponent's HD in d100s) and Gaze (3200d1000 +3200d20 [repeats for 200 rounds] (13,155,200 average +256,000 damage for 200 rounds +4x opponent's HD in d100s) Will for 1/2 damage DC 2,400

-Expression of Power + Ultima Ray +Antimatter Ray + Force Effect (x2): 2,040 6200d1000 x4 (24,800,000)6,200d20 +12,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (25,491,200 Damage +496,000 damage for 200 rounds), Line of Sight/ 161,600 ft. Ray

Full Attack: 12 attacks+ 3 Gazes +3 Rays, or 3 Spells (ranged) + 3 Gazes 3 Ray

Special Attacks: Alter Reality (337 Spell Levels), Divine Aura (All Creation/ 161,600 ft), Intrinsic Portfolios, Integrated Class Features, Summon Neutronium Golems

Special Qualities: Antedivulian Ancestry, Cosmic Consciousness (All Creation), Cosmic Firmament, Cosmic String, DR ∞/6N 1,000,000/-- , Divine Bonus +200, Immortality, Godly Realm, Divine Immunities (Immune to Natural and Magical Effects), SR 1,210, Spell Reflection, Omnific Might, Starflight

Saves: All Saves ∞ (Cha)/ Fort +1,547, Ref +1.547, Will +1,547
Abilities: Str 850 (+420), Dex 850 (+420), Con 850 (+420), Int 1,700 (+845), Wis 850 (+420), Cha 1,700(+845)

Skills: Omnicompetent/ Maven, All skills are at 1,203+ relevant ability modifier.

Feats: (Metamagic): Arcane Strike, Weapon Finesse, Automatic Metamagic Capacity (328), Annihilating Spell, Cataclysmic Spell, Dire Spell, Dolorous Spell, Devastating Spell, Doomsday Spell, Chain Spell, Consecrate Spell, Devastating Spell, Dire Spell, Doomsday Spell, Empower Spell, Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire), Energy Substitution, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Heighten Spell, Immediate Spell, Intensify Spell, Masterful Spell, Maximize Spell, Metamagic Freedom, Omega Spell, Omega Spell, Persistent Spell, Prodigious Spell, Quicken Spell, Repeat Spell, Resonating Spell, Sanctify Spell, Sculpt Spell, Split Ray, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Surpassing Spell, Telluric Spell, Thamaturgic, Theurgic Spell, Transient Spell, Twin Spell, Widen Spell, Ultima Spell, Unreal Spell, Widen Spell

Epic Feats: Legendary Archer, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Infinite Deflection, Epic Toughness, Plastic Soul, Sixth Sense

Divine Abilities: Heavenly Body, Heavenly Mind, Heavenly Soul, Heavenly Spirit, Obviate, Perfect Initiative, Superior Combat Casting, Learned Spell Immunity, Nescient, Telluric Effect, Third Eye, True Seeing, Unyielding Damage Reduction, Weapon Breaking, Seventh Sense (200 rounds), Quantum Effect, Far Sight

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Apostasy, Inner Eye, Learned Ability Immunity, Legendary Charisma, Slipstream, Spell Amplification, Thelemic Damage Induction (6), Time Dilation, Unearthly Reach, Unearthly Effect

Transcendent Abilities: Dead Zone, Divine Nullification, Edifying Presence, Utter Eye, Invincibility, Intrinsic, Transcoporeal, Transfinite, Transmortality, Transtemporal, Transversal, Ultimate Effect (6), Antimatter Effect (6), Unreal

Omnific Abilities: Akashic Immolation, Omnipersonal, Omnipresent, Infinite Charisma, Omnific Toughness

Alignment: Beyond Alignment
Environment: The Crystalline Eyrie of the Akasha (Aravoth)
Organization: Solitary, or with Orichacum Golems, Zorotain, or in the presence of Time Lord Avinion or Akashic Inhabitants
Challenge Rating: 1,666
Effective Class Level: 2000

Combat: Lord Avinion, Time Lord of the current Cosmos you inhabit is a nearly indestructible foe. His Expression of Power makes short work of most attackers, and he uses that as his most basic attack. Simply appearing before gazing upon and laying his hands upon his foes, obliterating them with a flash of Omnific power and a powerful Antimatter explosion. If a foe proves to be particularly difficult to fight, he'll follow this up with either multiple uses of his melee touch or switch to unarmed strikes taking advantage of his Omnific Might and Melee touch in concert striking 12 times with three gazes and three rays fro his 3rd eye. If a foe is capable of surviving even this, or against multiple attackers, he'll use his magic or Effect Powers, allowing his storm to obliterate all who dare oppose him and using his magic to stun and capture foes making them helpless against his assaults. If truly pressed he will repeatedly use his Omnific/ Akashic Immolation, killing himself and both blasting his foes with supernova force and also obliterating their very essence from ever have existing, and he himself reforming seconds later fully healed. He then deals with survivors one on one if possible or again uses his storm and magic to hold foes while his aura/ storm does it's job.

He relies on his Damage Induction, and Invincibility to keep himself safe from most attacks that could get around his insane defenses, but also has infinite health due to his Omnific Toughness ability and Infinite Charisma which gives him an impenetrable AC, so unless his Charisma is Abrogated it's impossible to strike him, however unless his Omnific Toughness is Abrogated it's impossible to hurt him, so it's nearly impossible to defeat him one on one. Even his saves are infinite due to his "Heavenly" suite of divine abilities coupled with his Infinite Charisma. Those who do actually find a means to strike and deal damage to him find all the damage they've done to him revisited upon themselves and if someone actually destroys him, his power tears pages from their very existence obliterating Hit Dice and punching holes in their very history.

Spellcasting (Sp): Avinion knows all spells, and may cast an unlimited amount of spells per day. His spells have no cap and have all dice increased to d100s. All damage he does with spells is considered Divine damage and bypasses any immunity, though elemental secondary effects still apply (fire spells ignite or do double damage to cold subtype creatures etc). (Thus a Fireball cast by Avinion deals 1200d100 Divine Damage (120,000 damage). His Spells are not subject to Spell Resistance or Magic Immunity and function even within Dead Magic.

Cosmic Might (Ex): Deal a maximum of 1000d1000 base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated.

Akashic Immolation: Avinion obliterates 37 Divine Ranks upon his destruction, he uses this with Transmortality to obliterate any would be attackers and simply return to life.

Divine Nullification: All opponents within Avinion's Divine Aura lose all Divine Abilities

Intrinsic Portfolio: Avinion can switch to any portfolio he wishes at any time. However he usually, like his daughter, uses a Double Magic Portfolio. He gains the following abilities:
-Spell Reflection: Avinion automatically reflects 2 spells per round

-Sheep's Strength: -108 to Strength Score

-Fly's Endurance: -108 to Constitution Score

-Greater scion of Magic: Avinion gains a +108 Competence Bonus on His Caster Level, DCs, and Spell Resistance

-Perfect Summoning (Construct): Any Construct Summoned by Avinion has +200% HD

-Divine Magic: Avinion ignores any Spell Resistance or Immunity to magic

-Superior Force Effect: See Below

-Spell Absorption: Avinion absorbs 2 spells per round recovering 10hp/ level of spell level of the spell absorbed

-Cosmic Imperfection: Avinion's Cosmic String can be defeated by 2 items in the universe

-Enlightened: Avinion knows and has access to all spells

-Ensorcelled: Avinion has infinite spells per day

-Legendary Intelligence: x2 Intellect

-Living Magic: Avinion's Magic, Spell Like, and Supernatural Abilities function even in Dead Magic

Expression of Power: Treated as an Effect power, dealing 6x Cosmic Firmament Modifier d1000 of Omnific Damage, this appears like the Time Lord has created a new star upon the point of impact and in fact actually will create a real sun if the Time Lord so chooses, this replaces melee and ranged attacks if better and avoids all mundane or magical defenses and cannot be negated though Learned Ability Immunity, Thelemic Damage Induction, or similar damage blocking powers. Miss chances due to concealment, armor class, or other abilities work properly.

· Beam 6200d1000 x4 (24,800,000) Divine Damage, Line of Sight/ 161,600 ft. Ray, No Save

· Blast 3200d1000 x4 (12,800,000) Divine Damage, 161,600 ft. Range, 2,525 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Blood 1200d1000 x4 (6,800,000) Divine Damage, Ref Save (DC 2,400) Negates

· Breath 3200d1000 x4 Divine Damage (12,800,000), 2,525 ft. Cone or Line of Sight/ 10,100 ft. Line, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Hand 9200d1000 x4 (36,800,000) Divine Damage, Melee Touch, No Save

· Immolation 9200d1000 x4 (36,800,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Storm 1700d1000 x4 (6,800,000) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Strike 1700d1000 x4 (6,800,000) Divine Damage on each attack

· Wrath 3200d1000 x4 (12,800,000) Divine Damage, 2,525 ft. Cone, Will Save (DC 2,400) Negates

Uncanny Ultima Effect/ Antimatter Effect/ Force Effect (Su): Avinion can assault foes with terrific antideluvian forces, pure magic flows at his fingers and tremendous lingering cosmic energies epoxy themselves to foes burning them to ash, antimatter makes foes literally explode with their own power dealing damage based on their own energies: These abilities can stretch to the ends of creation itself or if abrogated 161,600 ft, numbers presented are presented for purposes of abrogation or nullification. DC 2,400 if applicable

· Beam 6,200d20 +12,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (496,000 Divine Damage [+496,000 damage for 200 rounds] +195,200 Force) (691,000 Damage), Line of Sight/ 161,600 ft. Ray

· Blast 3,200d20 +6,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (256,000 Divine Damage [+256,000 damage for 200 rounds] +99,200 Force) (355,200 Damage), All Creation/ 161,600 ft. range, 2,525 ft. Radius, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Blood 1,700d20 +3,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (136,000 Divine Damage [+136,000 damage for 200 rounds] +51,200 Force) (187,200 Damage), Ref Save (DC 2,400) Negates

· Breath 3,200d20 +6,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (256,000 Divine Damage [+256,000 damage for 200 rounds] +99,200 Force) (355,200 Damage), All Creation/ 161,600 ft./ 2,525 ft. Cone; or Line of Sight/ 10,100 ft. Line, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Hand 9,200d20 x4 +18,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (720,000 Divine Damage [+720,000 damage for 200 rounds] +291,200 Force) (1,011,200 Damage), Melee Touch, No Save

· Immolation 9,200d20 x4 +18,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (720,000 Divine Damage [+720,000 damage for 200 rounds] +291,200 Force) (1,011,200 Damage) Divine Damage, affects All Creation, Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Storm 1,700d20 +3,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (136,000 Divine Damage [+136,000 damage for 200 rounds] +51,200 Force) (187,200 Damage), All Creation/ 161,600 ft. Ref Save (DC 2,400) for ½

· Strike 1,700d20 +3,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (136,000 Divine Damage [+136,000 damage for 200 rounds] +51,200 Force) (187,200 Damage) Divine Damage on each attack

· Wrath 3200d20 +6,200d4 +enemy HD x4 d100s, x4 (256,000 Divine Damage [+256,000 damage for 200 rounds] +99,200 Force) (355,200 Damage), All Creation/ 161,600 ft./ 2,525 ft. Cone, Will Save (DC 2,400) Negates

Godly Realm: A Time Lord’s Godly Realm encompasses All Creation (the entirety of one whole universe, the observable universe is roughly 50 billion light years in radius thusly in my campaign ‘All Creation” is a 50 billion lightyear radius). Any enemy facing him from within suffers a -200 Divine Penalty on Armor Class and all rolls as cosmic forces of unspeakable potency prevent them from harming the Eternal One

Unearthly Reach (Ex): Your reach is equal to the range of your divine aura,

Unearthly Effect (Ex): All Effect powers ranges are increased to the range of your divine aura. Lines and ray effect powers have a range equal to line of sight. This coupled with Cosmic Consciousness gives effect power ray and lines Infinite range. (This allows a Time Lord to strike foes across the vast emptiness of the Pleroma which spans many trillions of ‘Creations’ in distance)

Nessient (Ex): Ignore all parameters for any feat

Alter Reality (Su): 1/round as a free action Avinion may duplicate any spell up to 337th level or any epic spell with a DC of 2,903 or lower. Caster Level 2,047, DC 1,900 + Spell Level

Starflight(Sp): Can reach any place in the multiverse in 3d20 minutes.

Antediluvian Ancestry: Avinion is the father of Ysrahl and Zorotain and the God of all Sidereals. He is a being from outside this Cosmos coming from a much older, much more alien Cosmos.

He gains the following benefits:

-Extra Hit points equal to his Divine Rank x His Hit Dice

-His Hit Dice are inflated by his Divine Rank for purposes of calculating His Effect Powers

-Effect Powers deal equal dice with Expression of Power dice

Apostasy (Ex): Avinion is beyond alignment, and Immune to all alignment based effects

Cosmic Consciousness: Avinion's senses extend out to the border of the current plane he inhabits

Legendary Charisma: Charisma is doubled

Heavenly Body, Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Cha Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs, Divine Rank to AC, Luck Bonus

Cosmic Firmament: Avinion is always considered in His Divine Realm

Cosmic String: Avinion can only be destroyed by a being of Divine Rank 200 or higher, or those with His Cosmic Imperfection, otherwise if destroyed he simple regenerates in 1d10 seconds.

Learned Ability Immunity: After being affected by an ability from an opponent Avinion becomes forevermore immune to that ability from that specific opponent

Obviate: Illusions cease to function in Avinion's Divine Aura (All Creation)

Dead Zone: Avinion can evoke a Dead Magic Zone within his Divine Aura (All Creation) that prevents the functioning of all Magic and Supernatural abilities without impeding his own

Slipstream: Avinion is immune to temporal effects and cannot be undermined by time travel

Seventh Sense: Avinion can redo 200 rounds of actions per day

Invincibility: By Making a Fort Save (DC = opponent's ELC) to avoid any attack

Utter Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls, while any opponent within your Divine Aura rolls minimum. Inner Eye allows for basic rolls and Evil Eye has no Effect against this ability.

Spell Amplification: Avinion adds 337 extra levels of Metamagic to any spell he casts or reflects

Spell Reflection: Avinion reflects any Spell that fails to overcome His Spell Resistance applying 337 levels of Metamagic to it.

Thellemic Damage Induction (Ex): Avinion can only be hurt on every 6th attack. All other attacks, the opponent takes the damage they would have dealt and sunder their own weapon.

Transcorporeal: Avinion cannot be physically injured by any matter native to (His) Creation

Transfinite: Avinion’s Divine Rank is inflated by the Divine Rank of the most powerful opponent within his Divine Aura (All Creation)

Transmortality: Avinion cannot be permanently destroyed by any means, he is truly beyond mortality

Transtemporal: Avinion exists outside the Timestream and can do three rounds of action in any given round, acting from the future, present and past simultaneously

Unreal: Avinion cannot be affected by Magic from His universe besides 1 spell/ ritual.

-Class Features: Pathfinder Wizard: 250 bonus feats, Well Prepared, Universalist School: Hand of the Apprentice (30 ft melee attack range), Metamagic Mastery (1 free metamagic feat applied to spells 500/day)

-Avinion has access to the same Throne as the other Time Lords outlined previously found here The Highest of the High, the Mighty Time Lords made manifest

-One Artifact is used for his Antidiluvian Ancestry ability

-He has given up his last three Artifact slots to gain quadruple the allotted Divine Abilities.

-His Throne of Time is a free artifact given to him as a symbol of his authority over his own Creation.

-Summon Neutronium Golem, Omnific Might, and Starflight are abilities I have given to all Time Lords and so not appear in the manuals
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Xanou the Sundered

"The Dead Eternal, The Fallen One, The Shattered God”


You see a humanoid seemingly carved from shimmering crystal standing before you. It looks towards you with hollow, dead eyes that flash with colors indescribable. You meet it's gaze and something feels wrong, as if it's looking directly into your soul. Suddenly, you feel connected to this.. thing. Sadness. Anger. Confusion. Joy. Happiness. Rage. Any and all emotions all take you at once. You feel absolute madness, and then terrifying unyielding power begin to overtake you.... it's then that you realize that this being, is beyond a god, but also less, incomplete perhaps, or something far worse, and yet not mortal either, it's something else, but whatever it is, you made a mistake coming here.

Fallen Time Lord Rank 0 (Sundered) Spiritual Growth Rank 240
Macro-Tiny Outsider (Extra-Planar)

Hit Dice:
1200d1000 +24,000, +536,000 (x1000) (1,760,400,000 hp)
Initiative: 576 (420 dex, 240 Divine) Always Acts First
Speed: Superluminal (5,621,108,587 feet)
Armor Class: 1,980 (-128 size, +500 Crystal Bracers, +446 Deflection (Cha), +328 Dex, +354 Natural, +240 Divine, +240 Luck) 1,652 Flat Footed, 1,126 Touch
Base Attack/Grapple: 1,200/ 2,526
-Crystal Edge +400 Longsword:
+3,346 Melee (Always Hits) 4800d1000 +5884, +300d6 Chronal Damage, +600d6 Disintegration, Drains 300d1000 Experience Points, 12 Negative Levels and Slows the target for 240 rounds (4,809,604 Damage) 12-20/x4 Crit

-Crystal Shard +200 Longsword: +3,146 Melee (Always Hits) 4800d1000 +4884, Drains 7 Divine Ranks (Akashic Effect) per hit (4,804,004 Damage) 12-20/x4 Crit

-Thrown Meteor: 2,215 Ranged 1200d1000+ 958 Bludgeoning, 120 ft wide aoe, 5120 ft Range Increment (up to 10 increments) (1,200,958 Damage) x2 Crit

Full Attack: Each sword has 240 attacks and always hit, (so 480 total attacks/ round) Xanou still rolls to see if he Crits, however, or 4 Meteors, or 4 slams (meteor damage can be used as a stand in for slam attacks)

Special Attacks: Akashic Breath, Transversal, Alter Reality

Special Qualities: Dimensional Mastery: Unreal, DR 5,300/-, Fast Healing 6,000, SR 1,450, Undead Traits

Saves: All Saves Fort +1,289, Ref +1.617, Will +1,494
Abilities: Str 1288 (+639), Dex 666 (+328), Con -, Int 403 (+196), Wis 411 (+205), Cha 904(+447)

Skills: Omnicompetent/ Maven, All skills are at 1,443+ relevant ability modifier.

Feats: Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Greater Weapon Focus (Longsword) Greater Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Improved Critical (Longsword), Improved Initiative, Perfect Two Weapon Fighting, Power Attack,

Epic Feats: Blinding Speed, Epic Potency, Epic Weapon Focus (Longsword), Epic Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Greater Power Attack, Power Attack Mastery, Exceptional Deflection, Reflect Arrows, Infinite Deflection, Epic Toughness, Plastic Soul, Sixth Sense, Superior Initiative

Divine Abilities: Greater Critical, Greater Crit Multiplier, Perfect Initiative, Superior Power Attack, Uncanny Weapon Focus, Uncanny Weapon Specialization, Seventh Sense, Chaotic Mind, Chaotic Body, Chaotic Soul, Chaotic Spirit

Cosmic Abilities: Abrogate, Inner Eye, Nebulous, Slipstream, Unearthly Power Attack, Unearthly Weapon Focus, Unearthly Weapon Specialization, Slipstream, Legendary Strength, Legendary Charisma

Transcendent Abilities: Ultimate Weapon Focus, Ultimate Weapon Specialization, Transversal

Omnific Abilities: Akashic Breath

Alignment: Insane
Environment: The Shattered Sanctuary, The Pleroma (Muzaloth)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 1,560
Effective Class Level: 2200

Combat: Xanou is the Undead manifestation of the 9th Dimension, destroyed by Xochipactli. Xanou manifests as a humanoid carved of supernal crystal, wielding two swords and a pair of gleaming bracers made seemingly of the same substance. His gaze is full of transcendent madness and death, yet inspires insane awe in mortals, immortals and Sidereals alike.

Xanou heavily relies upon his insane, nearly unmatchable combat prowess. As a Sundered, he is but a shadow of his former self, the corpse of a dead Eternal, but a dead Aeon is still a truly terrifying nearly unbeatable foe to almost all opponents. Not even full Time Lords approach unless necessary as his power is strong enough even to stall or in the right circumstances possibly even kill one of them.

As a Fallen Aeon, Xanou loses nearly all of his divine abilities including all Portfolios, any Divine Artifacts (They retain the items but can no longer manifest them if the items are destroyed) or equivalent abilities or extra divine abilities they may have had and Starflight. They also lose all portfolios, all divine immunities, all spell like abilities granted via divinity and their Time Lord Damage Reduction is reduced from 1,000,000/-to 5,000/- (house rule).

Sundered do retain a single Dimensional Mastery ability, in this case Unreal, and a single Omnific Power, in this case Akashic Breath, they may have had (if any, Alter Reality, and retain Omnific Might.

A Sundered also becomes mortal again, however they are driven entirely insane, once they die, their body returns to life as an undead, though many Sundered may not even acknowledge the shift.

Xanou, being entirely Insane, may attack for no reason, any reason, or none. He may also be helpful or entirely passive.

Omnific Might (Ex): Deal a maximum of 1200d1000 base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated.

Akashic Breath (Su): Xanou obliterates 30 Divine Ranks with a Ref DC 1,744 negates, 12,100 ft line, or 3,025 cone

Transversal (Ex): Xanou's reach is infinite, extending anywhere on the plane he currently inhabits.

Unreal: Xanou cannot be affected by Magic from His universe besides 1 spell/ ritual. (Self Devouring Rebuke: See Below)

Inner Eye: Always rolling maximum on all dice rolls

Godly Realm (remnant): Xanou's shattered universe still exists, shattered and destroyed, it can be freely entered and Xanou gains no particular bonus for entering it save that his Unreal ability still works within it's confines

Unearthly Weapon Focus (Ex): Xanou needs only to hit touch attacks with his longswords

Unearthly Weapon Specialization (Ex): Xanou's Longsword damage is multiplied by his crit multiplier (x4)

Ultimate Weapon Focus (Ex): Xanou never misses with longsword attacks (still rolls to crit)

Ultimate Weapon Specialization (Ex): Xanou gains 240 (1/5th level) attacks with each longsword/ round

Unearthly Power Attack (Ex): Deal 8 points of damage extra for -1 attack bonus (factored in, Pathfinder rules)

Nebulous: Xanou is inherently an indistinct being; all effects abilities or attacks directed at him have a 75% chance of failure

Alter Reality (Su): 1/round as a free action Xanou may duplicate any spell up to 9th level or any epic spell with a DC of 1,850 or lower. Caster Level 1440, DC 1,744

Insane: Xanou is insane, thusly he is simultaneously affected and not affected by any alignment based ability. Alignment altering effects fail, and alignment based damage is based upon Xanou's current mental state.

Slipstream: Xanou is immune to temporal effects and cannot be undermined by time travel

Seventh Sense: Xanou can redo 240 rounds of actions per day

Legendary Charisma: Charisma is doubled

Legendary Strength: Strength is doubled

Chaotic Body, Soul, Spirit, Mind: Add Cha Modifier to Saves, Attack Rolls and DCs, Divine Rank to AC, Luck Bonus

Greater Critical: Critical Hit chance is at 13-20

Greater Critical Multiplier: Critical hit damage is at x4 (x16 with Unearthly Weapon Specialization)

Undead Traits (Ex): An undead creature possesses the following traits:

-No Constitution score. Undead use their Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when calculating hit points, Fortitude saves, and any special ability that relies on Constitution (such as when calculating a breath weapon’s DC).

-Darkvision 60 feet.

-Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms).

-Immunity to death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.

-Not subject to nonlethal damage, ability drain or energy drain. Immune to damageto its physical ability scores (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength), as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects.

-Cannot heal damage naturally, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works.

-Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).

-Not at risk of death from massive damage, but is immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points.

-Not affected by Raise Dead and Reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and True Resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead.

-Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep.

-Class Features: Pathfinder Fighter: 600 bonus feats, Bravery +240 vs fear or morale, Weapon Training +300 attack and damage with Longswords, Veteran of Endless Wars +120 to attack and damage rolls, Armor Mastery +300/- DR


-Crystal Bracers: These bracers are made from fragments of the Great Wall of Kuvatchim, the Diamond Realm of infinity. They are indestructible and immune to disjunction. They can be stolen however, and are treated as Bracers of Epic Armor +500

-Crystal Edge:
This weapon, an infinitely sharp fragment of the Great Wall, is a +400 Longsword that slices away a bit of the target's soul inflicting 12 negative levels per hit. Utterly indestructible it can neither be disjoined nor sundered, and any successful disjunction or sunder attempt that would destroy the item simply sends it flying from Xanou's hands. In addition, it cuts through time itself, unleashing a chronal strike dealing an addition 300d6 temporal damage which repeats itself and stacks with repeated hits for 240 rounds, breaks apart the atomic bonds of a foe dealing 600d6 points of disintegration damage, dissolves memories draining 300d1000 Experience points per hit, and slows the target for 240 rounds.

-Crystal Shard: This heavy blade, an infinitely heavy fragment of the Great Wall crushes Cosmic and Transcendent spirits into oblivion. It is an indestructible, undisjoinable +200 Longsword that which drains 7 divine ranks as per the Akashic Effect ability from any creature struck.

Epic Spells:

Self Devouring Rebuke

Spellcraft DC: 360
Components: None
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 400 Miles
Target: Six Creature none of which can be any more that 300 feet apart
Saving Throw: Will Negates (-150 penalty)
Spell Resistance: Yes (-100 Penalty)

Seeds: Afflict DC 14, Destroy DC 29, Unlife (reverse Life seed) DC 27. Factors: No components (+4 DC), Quickened Spell (+28 DC), Increase Constitution Penalty to 250 (+496 DC) Change Penalty to Ability Damage (+2 DC), Increase Damage by 1500d20 (+1500 DC) Increase Range to 400 Miles (+50 DC), -125 to Target's Save (+250 DC), -100 to Target's Spell Resistance (+200 DC), change target to 6 targets within 300 feet of one another (+60 DC) change damage dice to d20s (+50 DC), Change damage to Vile Damage (+50 ad hoc), Backlash Damage 2400d6 (-2400 DC)

This ultimate attack spell is the remnant echo of the massive attack with which Xochipactli destroyed the Great Wall of the 9th Dimension and set upon the Supreme Being. Only the mightiest cosmic entities can master this dreadful incantation which is fed by the caster's own lifeblood. The caster does not move or speak, but is racked by a monstrous, torturing pang as a searing shaft of void-dark blightfire from cold unholy stars shines down upon the chosen victims. The targets take 250 Constitution Damage if it fails it's save which is at a -125 penalty and 1,500d20 points of semi-permanent Vile Damage of which no save is allowed, if this spell kills the victim it permanently destroys them leaving only a trace of black burning ice behind which may spontaneously reanimate as a Shadow of the Void advanced to appropriate level of the victim, and they can only be brought back to life via a True Resurrection cast by a caster of higher level than the caster of this spell. This will kill nearly any creature who is not Transmortal. The caster takes 2,400d6 points of unblockable backlash damage for daring to unleash this power.

This spell, as mighty as it is is only a pale shadow of the one used by Xochipactli

This spell when used by Xanou deals 2500d20 damage and 500 Con Damage (+1,500 DC)
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The Sundered

(Not from a previous post, just something I was inspired to flesh out from Xanou)

Aeons (Time Lords) and above, Monads, Duads etc, that through one means or another find themselves stripped of their power are known as The Sundered. Utterly insane and many times undead, the sundered are mortal beings with the remnant power of Time Lords, the last vestiges of a being once all powerful brought to their knees. Orphaned and alone these beings drift in the Pleroma wracked by endless pain and unable to escape The Sundered exist as Omnific pariahs, lost to both Time and Fate, floating endlessly, their shattered universes infested with Chronovoid dragons and enterprising Sidereals and any other Cosmic scavengers looking to siphon easy Quintessence from the rotting corpse of a dead Eternal.

Sometimes other Aeons or would be do-gooders go out of their way to help these alleged victims and all too often the mad and often times violent tendencies of the Sundered make themselves known and the remnant power these terrifying beings still have make itself all too known.

Most Demiurges and Time Lords know that due to the Fallen's unpredictable nature and inherent danger, it's better off to let the Sundered simply be, some Demiurges and Aeons however, see the Sundered as a rich source of Quintessence, easy, alone, and vulnerable, waiting to just be gobbled up and thusly capitalize on The Sundered and their seeming fragility, but many Demiurges and Time Lords meet a bitter end trying to pluck that "easy" meal.

Gained: Sundered is a template that can be applied to any Time Lord or above creature, hereafter referred to as the "base creature". The creature's type and size return to whatever they happened to be prior to ascension, or for Time Lords who were always Outsiders, their type remains unchanged however in any case it gains the "Augmented" subtype.

-Hit Dice: The Hit Dice of a Sundered remain the same, as does it's x1000 multiplier or higher if High Lord and above

-Speed: A Sundered's speed remains Superluminal, however it loses any Starflight capability it may have had unless it's a native power to base race of the Sundered Time Lord

Armor Class
The base creature gains a Deflection bonus to their AC equal to their Charisma Modifier, this remains unchanged

-Divine Bonus: They also gain a +1 Divine bonus to their AC for every 5 HD they possess, (minimum +200)

-Natural Armor Bonus: The base creature gains an amount of Natural Armor bonus =1/4 the Sundered's Hit Dice, this remains unchanged

Special Attacks:

-Integrated Class Features: You gain class features equal to 1/2 your HD for any racial HD you may have, this remains unchanged.

-Spell Like Abilities: The base creature loses any spell like abilities they may have gained from any level of divinity they may have once had, this applies to any portfolio spell like ability as well

-Expression of Power: The base creature loses this ability and any use of this ability

Special Qualities:

-Omnific Might (Ex): A Sundered Aeon's dimming Omnific power allows it to deal a maximum of their HD d1000s base damage with virtual size categories for any unarmed or weapon strike unless otherwise stated and 1d1000 minimum damage for any melee or ranged attack if their strength or virtual size categories are too low to deal more than a single dice of damage.

-Damage Reduction: Equal to 1/2 their HD x10 /-

-Divine Bonus: The base creature gains a Divine Bonus equal to 1/5th their hit dice on AC, Attack Rolls, all Checks, DCs, Initiative, Saves, and SR.

-Spell Resistance: Gain an SR equal to 10 +HD +Their Divine Bonus.

-Mortality: A Sundered is by definition an Aeon who has lost their Immortality, or even their Transmortality. As such, unless they use their Dimensional Mastery to take Transmortality, they are considered a Mortal being with all the frailties and drawbacks that has with it. Their divine senses return to the baseline creature's. They must breathe, eat and sleep. They're no longer immune to natural or magical effects etc. This may very well kill the Sundered outright depending on where it was sundered to begin with.

A Sundered's soul however has no place to go when their body dies, however, and they spontaneously raise as a Necropolitan Template - Necropolitan of equal level. This change takes 8 hours upon their death. They wake up feeling as if they fell asleep and, unless raised or resurrected, remain that way indefinitely, though many Sundered remain this way on purpose as they're generally more effective as an undead than a living being.

-Divine Immunities: A Sundered loses any Divine, Cosmic, Transcendent or Omnific immunities it may have acquired. Immunities from base racial abilities or abilities coming from a non divine or other specified source work normally (subtypes etc)

-Divine Artifacts: A Sundered loses it's ability to summon any divine artifact is may have once had, those artifacts now also can be permanently destroyed if disjoined. The Sundered may still use it's old gear, but that gear can be taken, stolen, destroyed or sundered like any normal artifact.

For Immortals who instead chose more divine abilities or special abilities rather than artifacts, those Divine Abilities (chosen by dm if not differentiated) are lost. A Sundered only has 200 Divine Abilities total (esoteric powers and converted feats notwithstanding)

-Dimensional Mastery: The Sundered retains some small measure of the power it once had and thusly keeps a single Dimensional Mastery of it's choice (Evil Eye, Transfinite, Transcorporeal, Transtemporal, Transmortal, or Unreal)

-Omnific Power: A Sundered keeps a single Omnific Ability it may have had, if it has no Omnific Abilities at the time of it's sundering, It can keep. single Transcendent Ability instead

-Portfolios: A Sundered loses all access to any Divine Portfolio it may have had including all spell like abilities, all immunities, and any granted power including the ability to grant spells or any ability to tap quintessence from worshippers.

-Saves: The base creature adds it's Divine bonus to all Saving Throws, this remains unchanged.

-Abilities: Add +2 to all ability scores for every 5 HD the base creature possesses.

-Skills: The base creature gains it's Divine bonus to all Skills

-Quintessence: A Sundered does retain 10% of it's Quintessence in the form of Power Points (See Page 17 of the IH Ascension guide) equal to an Outsider of appropriate HD.

This Quintessence can only be taken if the Sundered is killed or if the Quintessence is siphoned away. If this Quintessence is somehow removed, the Sundered loses all quintessence related abilities, and reverts back to being a basic mortal or outsider, including all Dimensional Mastery and retained Omnific abilities, and all Spiritual Growth, and lose all but their basic racial abilities and class levels.

If the now basic being regains Quintessence equal to the amount lost they can regain their Sundered Aeon status and regain their lost powers, however, though they can gain Quintessence, they cannot reclaim full divinity unless they regain the actual Quintessence, their Quintessence, they lost. The sundered quintessence will be in the form of a powerful Omnific Quintessence Elemental known as a Nova Elemental.

if they can achieve this, they can regain their Aeon status in full; if that elemental is either destroyed or devoured by another eternal or otherwise eternally lost, they can never regain their lost power, but they are free to Ascend from scratch again, if they are fully mortal with no Spiritual Growth they will have to go through the whole Divine process regaining Quintessence from 1 QP.

If they're still a Sundered Aeon when this happens they'll only need to regain Quintessence as if they were a Stage 3 Demiurge to become an Aeon once again.

-Alignment: The process of being transformed into a Sundered leaves the base creature permanently Insane. They can act generally as they did in life or as an Aeon, but alignment based effects and abilities affect them based upon their moods, this is up to the DM. This cannot be undone through any means besides a messianic being of at least equal level to the Sundered altering their alignment or the Sundered regaining it's lost power somehow.

-Challenge Rating: Equal to 2/3rd's it's ECL

-Effective Class Level: Equal to twice it's total Hit Dice -10% for each artifact lost
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That guy isn't lost, they're still on the Khorvanis thread.
Oh really? I couldn't find him, the Avinion thread I looked at was broken, check it out, if you go down about a third down the page to where I linked both Avinion and Xanou from back in 2012, the link doesn't work for some reason. I just assumed they were lost.

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Okay I just found it! Thank you!!

Either way, that's the Avinion I use for my campaign, it's a little different but generally the same, I just updated it for Pathfinder.

Thanks for the heads up Omeganian! I linked the original posting above. I really appreciate it!
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I also found the OG Xanou, The Great Wall is Broken [Immortal NPCs]

I'm sorry for the confusion everyone, I thought these both, Avinion and Xanou were lost, along with Khorvanis, Baalzoth, The Sun and Eerahim. I had made Pathfinder versions of all of those years ago for use in my campaigns as I use Pathfinder rules and though they're similar to 3.5 they do have some fairly large differences at higher levels, mainly Feat progression of every 2 levels instead of every 3 and extra class features which at a certain point make a significant difference.

I planned on reposting all of those as I just didn't want them to be lost forever as, you know, that would really suck. My postings of Reim, The Time Lords, Actoshen, the Hyperboreans and several others come off the inspiration I took from these earlier posts, so Khisanth The Ancient and Belzamus, and anyone else I forgot, I apologize for reposting your stuff modified without asking first, I literally just thought the pages were gone and the printed versions I have were the ones made to be Pathfinder friendly.

We all work so hard on these creations, to lose them due to some bs server crash is totally unfair and makes us all lose out on some very interesting ideas and useful tools especially for super high level campaigns.

If I find anything else, like Ysrahl that's legitimately lost I'll repost it. Khisanth or Belzamus, if you read this at some point and you're okay with me reposting the other Pathfinderized printouts I have, I'd like to share them, otherwise, I guess I hope you guys enjoy what I have posted already, please check out the original Avinion and Xanou posted above, and the links to the other beings I mentioned are above as well.

Thanks everyone!
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