LOVING the new Punisher series

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For possible villians there is The Barracuda and a group of "Punisher-wanna-bes" that mimicked him.

Many low level villians from the heroes could appear or be the cause of mischief. Tinker, Mad Thinker, Pychoman and others

Just seen the first episode.

The violence was a bit wince-inducing. I loved the way the episode was almost a self-contained story, and even the bad guys were well-developed. You got to know everybody involved.

If the rest of the series is that good, I'll be very happy.

Paraphrasing a co-worker of mine after watching the first episode: At first I thought 'when is he getting to the punishing' and then I thought 'finally' and then 'hey, it's okay, you made your point, could you please tone down a bit now OMG FRANK... !' :)


I obviously know that it's "The Punisher", so it's going to end in a bloodbath, but the first two episodes are proof that you can do a good comic book series without it being constant bullets and 'splosions. A *little* violence can go a long way.


41st lv DM
For possible villians there is The Barracuda and a group of "Punisher-wanna-bes" that mimicked him.

Many low level villians from the heroes could appear or be the cause of mischief. Tinker, Mad Thinker, Pychoman and others

Maybe for a season 2. But there's nothing but normal elite military/elite ex-military bad humans with normal names in this season.
In fact if Karen Paige, the one detective, & Karen's editor weren't in this the only marvel links would be the title logo, the skull painted on his kevlar, & NYC.

Nothing but "normal" bad guys with "normal" motives ($) getting shot, stabbed, beaten/broken, & killed throughout a good story.


A suffusion of yellow
Okay my apologies to Netflix, I may have been hasty in my assessment of the first episode.
I've just finish episode 7 and while the pacing is still slow, the story themes running through this show are very good. I'm looking forward to th next few episodes

Maybe for a season 2. But there's nothing but normal elite military/elite ex-military bad humans with normal names in this season.
In fact if Karen Paige, the one detective, & Karen's editor weren't in this the only marvel links would be the title logo, the skull painted on his kevlar, & NYC.

Nothing but "normal" bad guys with "normal" motives ($) getting shot, stabbed, beaten/broken, & killed throughout a good story.

Other than being big and having a high pain threshold Barracuda is a normal too, indeed most of Punishers core villains are just mundane pyschopaths with no/limited powers.
Not sure who could be a season 2 villain and its kind of a bummer they've already had him face off against Daredevil.
Finn Cooley was the mad Irishman in DD2, maybe he could comeback disfigured from his injuries and with a love for explosives. He teams up with Barracuda to hunt Punisher down and DD does a cameo trying to stop the carnage...
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Two episodes in and I'm loving it.
Great cast/characters, strong backstory/plot elements, impressive action and violence and the pacing is perfect so far.

Sadly I agree with others here, the Marvel series have really been poor of late, they do show a glimmer of genius in some places but overall fail. Hopefully The Punisher rescues the multi-series from this downtrend.


Dances with Gnolls
I am happy with it so far. If I can generally hope certain characters don't die that early in a series, then I find the character development is on point.

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