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[LPF] Faith and Good Works


First Post
GM: Passageway is wide enough for two abreast. I'm assuming the Fury-Carak / Bren-Cythera arrangement unless otherwise noted. Perception checks as you move in.

Note: Assume Perception rolls do not include trapfinding bonus unless otherwise noted. I'll add it in for you if it applies. Can't be giving away secrets, you know.

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"I'll not lead us into any traps if I can help it."

Fury laughs and lightly claps Bren on the shoulder.

"Keep an eye on my back. I'm not too keen on the thought of those 'spawn coming up behind us."

He grins and ruffles Carak's fur.

"Looks like it's me and you, boy."

Once everyone shows themselves ready to enter the mountain Fury heads off down the passageway.

• Orlando Furioso •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 5 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +10

AC: 23 (16 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 56 Current: 56
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +3 Ref: +13 Will: +5

In Hand: rapier

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift[/sblock]


Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera grips her glaive with both hands and walks behind Carak, "We should be fine, just take your time."

"Hmm, I did not realize I was working on poety."

Carak pays better attention than before as the red-headed woman keeps her senses aware as well.

Perception (1d20+7=21) - Cythera
Perception (1d20+8=17) -Carak

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +8
AC: 24 (21 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 65 Current: 65
CMB: +10 CMD: 25 (26 vs. Sundering) Fort: +7 Reflex: +9 Will: +7
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 5/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 14/14 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation, Mending)
1st Level 4/4 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13), Vanish)

Initiative: +2; Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception: +8
AC: 16 (flat-footed 14, touch 12) HP: 13/13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5(6) Reflex: +5(6) Will: +1(2)[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


[sblock=OOC]Alright, I head out tomorrow for a few nights stay in the wonderfully small island of Saipan. Staying in a Pacific Islands Club hotel.

Last time I stayed at one of those places, they only had WiFi available in the lobby, but I was able to find a couch to sit and post some with my laptop. So I might be running silent and dark for a few days since the situation is unknown. [/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: Yep . . . making the rounds, tryin' to catch up.

Bren's look of embarrassment deepens only slightly, and is definitely mingled with relief, as he takes his place behind Fury and the little group descends into the ground.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Breninyr Hydref
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 Flat-Footed, 19 Touch)
HP: 56/56
CMB: +7 CMD: 29 (+9/31 vs Grapple)
Fort: +10 Reflex: +07 Will: +16

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +10

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Special Abilities: Advice (10/10 Rnds), Calming Touch (09/09), Channel Energy (10/10)
Special Abilities: Inspiring Command (09/09), Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Crushing Blow (07/07)
Special Abilities: Ki Pool (08/08)

Prayers Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Bless, Divine Favor, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Sanctuary
2nd Level: Bull's Strength, Prot from Evil (C), Prot from Evil (C), Shield Other, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Archon's Aura, Invisibility Purge, Prayer


First Post
The hallway leads into the mountain for about 80 feet or so. There are a few sets of steps up whose purpose seems to be keeping snowmelt out of the tomb more than anything else. Along the way, sconces are set with crystals upon which spells of continual light have been cast. However, age has dimmed the magics of many of the spells, and many of the crystals themselves have shattered, either from vandalism or from centuries of temperature variations. The light they now provide is dim, flickering, and eerie.

The hallway eventually opens into a hexagonal room about 60 feet across. A closed, immaculately engineered door is inset into the wall on the far, northwestern side of the room. The symbol of the Architect takes up most of the door, and a similar symbol is set in the floor in the center of the room. The east, west, and southwest walls of the room are dominated by arched entrances to dim hallways. The archways have been carved from marbles of various colors: rose for the eastern arch, green for the southwestern arch, and a gold-flecked variety for the western arch. From your current vantage point, you cannot see down these hallways. Lastly, a faded mural of a battlefield has been painted on the middle third of the northeastern wall.

Scattered around the floor are a dozen or so long-dead corpses clad in corroded armor. Most of the bodies have decayed down to bone, although scraps of dried, leathery flesh still cling to a few. Most are human, although there are not a few dwarves, as well. Similarly aged weapons and shields, also in poor condition, lie around the bodies.

The vibration, though still faint, is definitely stronger in here.

[sblock=GM]Knowledge:Geography and Sense Motive rolls all around. Roll Perception if you examine anything. Knowledge:Engineering or Disable Device if you examine the door. Knowledge:Religion if you examine the mural. Heal if you examine the bodies.

The armor and weapons are corroded and all but worthless. All of it will have the fragile quality if for some reason you choose to use it. You can find most types of basic armor, shields, and weapons if you so desire.[/sblock][sblock=Map]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Bren looks around the room, getting a general idea of the entire scene, before moving to the bodies lying scattered 'round the floor. "I'll take the bodies, if the two of you will look at the doors."

He kneels beside each body, doing a fairly thorough examination.

Once he's finished there he takes a long look at the mural as well, if one of the others has not examined it by that time.

OOC: Bren has no training in Knowledge: Geography so if the DC for that check is higher than 10 he's useless for it.

That last roll is intended to be a Knowledge: Religion and I don't have a +20 in that skill (Surprise! :D). The actual roll would be an 11.


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Breninyr Hydref
Initiative: +0
AC: 22 (22 Flat-Footed, 19 Touch)
HP: 56/56
CMB: +7 CMD: 29 (+9/31 vs Grapple)
Fort: +10 Reflex: +07 Will: +16

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +15, Sense Motive: +10

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Special Abilities: Advice (10/10 Rnds), Calming Touch (09/09), Channel Energy (10/10)
Special Abilities: Inspiring Command (09/09), Stunning Fist: Fatigue, Crushing Blow (07/07)
Special Abilities: Ki Pool (08/08)

Prayers Available
Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Bless, Divine Favor, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Sanctuary
2nd Level: Bull's Strength, Prot from Evil (C), Prot from Evil (C), Shield Other, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Archon's Aura, Invisibility Purge, Prayer
Last edited:


"Berserk, skirmisher, defender," mutters Orlando quoting from the writings of the Architect when he sees the three differently colored archways. "Question is: Is there a correlation, or am I just crazy? Oh, Cortessa smite me now! Only a crazy person would dance across the back of sheep or charge into a gang's pesh-den. If I were sane I would've stayed in Venza..." He trails off when he gets the feeling that Carak is giving him odd glances.

"Doors, yes. I can do doors."

Fury moves across the room being careful not to step on any of the bodies and stands in front of the door. He just looks at it for a short while then pulls out his tools and begins a thorough examination.

[sblock=Rolls]1d20=18, 1d20+13=14, 1d20+10=28, 1d20+19=22

Order of rolls above is: K (geography) (no ranks) 18; Sense Motive 14; Perception 28; and Disable Device 22.[/sblock]

• Orlando Furioso •

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 5 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +10

AC: 23 (16 touch; 18 flat-footed)
HP: 56 Current: 56
CMB: +6 CMD: 21 Fort: +3 Ref: +13 Will: +5

In Hand: rapier

Bard Spells
Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2
Spells Known:
1st: Expedition Retreat, Feather Step, Vanish
0-level: Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Sift[/sblock]


Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera is too busy trying to step on the remains of the dead to notice or recall much of anything.

"Do you suppose these are the remains of the men from 50 years ago when that man Arsenault mentioned was trying to gain access? Do you suppose the three cages are through these archways?"

Know: Geography (1d20+8=10)
Sense Motive (1d20+6=7)

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +8
AC: 24 (21 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 65 Current: 65
CMB: +10 CMD: 25 (26 vs. Sundering) Fort: +7 Reflex: +9 Will: +7
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 5/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 14/14 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation, Mending)
1st Level 4/4 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13), Vanish)

Initiative: +2; Senses: low-light vision, scent; Perception: +8
AC: 16 (flat-footed 14, touch 12) HP: 13/13
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 (19 vs. trip) Fort: +5(6) Reflex: +5(6) Will: +1(2)[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan

Voidrunner's Codex

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