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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Memories of the Past


The Sisters' Grove

Zinnelis moved through the door before any of the others. Beyond was a simple stone hallway that curved slightly obscuring its endpoint. Light radiated from the hidden end providing dim light. However, a few steps in, by some magic of the doors of Underbridge he would guess, the walls crumbled away to nothing leaving Zinnelis at the edge of a forest.

It was a forest of death. Burnt trunks stabbed at low, gray clouds and smoke that swirled ominously and set ash to rattling on the forest floor. Ahead was a shattered grove, the site of a battle. The dead of an elven host sprawled on the ground, burnt and broken and lifelessly staring at the gray sky. Interspersed amongst the elven dead were dead monsters: dark fey, mutated animals, and worse.

In the center of this carnage is what appears to be a monument: some unholy construction of a vine-choked tree, and a statue. Or rather, a body. Limbs pierced it in several places, exiting from the body through eye-sockets, ears, and back, displacing bones, distorting its shape, and giving it the appearance of some dark angel. A small fire still crackled off to one side though the rest of the grove was bleak and still.

Back in Underbridge, Torgrimr spoke: "I don't think you want to go through that door."

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[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn walks in behind Zinnelis, and is drawn to the fire. She walks slowly and surely, taking care to avoid stepping on any of the fallen if possible. "We have to petition the Sister, whatever th-th-that means...."


Perception: [roll0]

Right hand:
Left hand: Bow

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 23/23 NL: 0
: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +2
CMB: 4 CMD: 16
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +7

Acrobatics: +10
Climb: +6
Diplomacy: -2
K. Arcana: +2
K. Local: +2
K. Nature: +7 (+9 travel in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
K. Religion: +2
Perception: +15
Sense Motive: +4
Spellcraft: +5
Stealth: +3
Survival: +12 (+14 in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
Wild Empathy: +1

Longsword: +5, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +5, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +4, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7
Arrows Available: 17/20
Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Domain: Burning Hands, Produce Flame
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist, Thunderstomp
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb

Game Notes: Received on loan: Thano's Classificiation
Wand of CLW: 4 Autumn, 4 Raktan, 1 Arradon, 1 Levanna
Bought 2 horses and 2 riding kits: 182gp
Healing gold: 45 from Raktan
Holding: The Heart of the Lady, 3 Cool Arrows
On horse
: pitons and hammer


Arradon Delgaran


Arradon quickly follows the others through the door. The smell of burning flesh fills his nostrils, it was unfortunately not an unfamiliar smell to him. The city around him burns, he feels the heat of it on his skin, his dark clothes stick to his sweat-covered body. Some survivors have holed up in a small building at the end of the block. His squad leader points to the building and hands him a torch. Arradon barely suppresses a shiver. It was war. He shakes off the memory and continues forward, yet a tinge of guilt remains at the back of his mind.

He kneels over one of the less charred dead and looks for some insignia or marking to identify them. He whispers a short prayer before he rifles through the corpse's pockets. "Hiro îdh, hanar."

"Find rest, brother."


[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]Arradon Delgaran
AC: 17 (13 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +3 CMD: 17

Fort: +2 Reflex: +7 Will: +1
Bluff: +9 Diplomacy: +8 Disable Device: +10 Perception: +9 Sense Motive: +5 Sleight of Hand: +8 Stealth: +10
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 2d8 (Dagger)
Hidden Blade: +2
Blade Sense: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Dagger)

Current Weapon in Hand: +1 Dagger, 1d20+8, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: Wand of CLW (1 Charge)
Last edited:


The Sisters' Grove

It is slow going for Autumn. The ground is covered in the dead, in discarded weaponry, and in burnt underbrush and trees. It makes for very difficult walking, picking her way through the devastation. Before she reaches the fire she can see that it has been tended: the wood in the fire has been deliberately laid and a macabre circle of blackened skulls rings the fire. A step or two closer and she notes tiny marks in the ashy ground surrounding the fire and it is a moment before she realizes that the marks are extremely tiny footprints. There is no indication that whatever made the footprints are still around.

The elven body at Arradon’s feet wears a tabard with a pair of trees entwined. A half-burnt banner a little further on has a similar symbol as the door to this place: a tree with an arc of stars above it. Another bears the stylized image of a willow by a body of water. All these are armorial bearings of elven hosts who reside in the Border Realms, also called the Twilight Realm, that links the Prime to the Other World.

The elf has very little in its pockets: a yellow-orange leaf, a few other nonconsequential items, and a small but elaborately carved fipple flute.

As Arradon and Autumn advance, Etan sinks to his knees and keens in despair. The sound awakens something and the monument that looms over the grove of battle stirs and creaks as the movement strains trunk and limbs. The limb-pierced face tilts ever so slightly to one side and the mouth gapes.

”Who?” The sound is long and drawn out; strained to near incomprehension. ”Who walks the Sisters’ Grove?”


[section]Autumn Foxfire - Natural Mystic

Autumn meekly offers up, "to-tot-to-to p-p-petition the Sister...."


Perception: [roll0]

Right hand:
Left hand: Bow

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet

HP: 23/23 NL: 0
: 14 FF:12 T:12

Initiative: +2
CMB: 4 CMD: 16
Fort: +4 Reflex: +3 Will: +7

Acrobatics: +10
Climb: +6
Diplomacy: -2
K. Arcana: +2
K. Local: +2
K. Nature: +7 (+9 travel in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
K. Religion: +2
Perception: +15
Sense Motive: +4
Spellcraft: +5
Stealth: +3
Survival: +12 (+14 in wild, avoid hazards, predict weather)
Wild Empathy: +1

Longsword: +5, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
C. Longbow: +5, 1d8+2, 20/x3, P, 80 ft.
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, P/S, 10 ft.
Fire Bolt: +4, 1d6+1, 20/x2, Touch 30 ft.

Firebolts Available: 7/7
Arrows Available: 17/20
Point-Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 ft.

Spells Prepared:
Domain: Burning Hands, Produce Flame
Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
Level 1: Expeditious Excavation, Obscuring Mist, Thunderstomp
Level 2: Flaming Sphere, Spider Climb

Game Notes: Received on loan: Thano's Classificiation
Wand of CLW: 4 Autumn, 4 Raktan, 1 Arradon, 1 Levanna
Bought 2 horses and 2 riding kits: 182gp
Healing gold: 45 from Raktan
Holding: The Heart of the Lady, 3 Cool Arrows
On horse
: pitons and hammer


The Sisters' Grove

The dark creature shuffles forward through the dead, pushing aside corpses and weapons and burnt wood with its trunk-like lower body. Its limbs quiver like broken wings as it lurches a few feet closer to Autumn.

"The Sisters are dead."



Arradon Delgaran


Finishing his cursory search of the elf; Arradon pockets the flute, fully intending to investigate it further. He looks up to see the foul creature shambling towards Autumn. In a split-second he makes his move. Dagger in hand, he moves to circle around the creature while it seems focused on the others.

Full Round Move

[sblock=Arradon Delgaran Mini-Stats]Arradon Delgaran
AC: 17 (13 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 34/34
CMB: +3 CMD: 17

Fort: +2 Reflex: +7 Will: +1
Bluff: +9 Diplomacy: +8 Disable Device: +10 Perception: +9 Sense Motive: +5 Sleight of Hand: +8 Stealth: +10
Initiative: +5

Sneak Attack: 2d8 (Dagger)
Hidden Blade: +2
Blade Sense: +1

Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Dagger)

Current Weapon in Hand: +1 Dagger, 1d20+8, 1d4+1, 19-20/x2
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Temporary items in possession: None
Items not currently in possession: None
Items depleted: Wand of CLW (1 Charge)


Zinnelis Laediril, Elven Ranger (Level 2)


Zinnelis nearly choked on the stench of death that greeted him as he left the fading passageway into the burned and broken forest, littered with the corpses of fallen elves and their monstrous foes in the aftermath of battle.

Their presence seemed to have awakened...something, as the broken and charred monument of limbs in the center of the clearing starts to move, and then to speak. It begins to approach Autumn, who is near some kind of fire.

As a precaution, Zinnelis slides along the side of the clearing, readying his bow.

“You say the Sisters are dead. What happened here?” he asked what he assumed must be the broken guardian of this place. It had not yet proved hostile, but he examined it, trying to determine what he knew about such a creature.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Action: Full round move and drawing bow.

[sblock=Zinnelis Laerdiril Mini Stats]Zinnelis Laerdiril
HP: 19/19 NL: 0
AC: 15 FF: 13 T: 12
Initiative: +5
CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Fort: +3 Reflex: +6 Will: +2
Perception: +9
Sense Motive: +2 (Favored Enemy +4)
Stealth: +7
Track: +8 (Favored Enemy +10)
Longbow::+5, 1d8, Crit: 20/x3, P, 100 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Arrows Available: 57; Cold Iron 55
Longsword: +4, 1d8+2, 19/x2, S
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Dagger: +4, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P
Thrown: +5, 1d4+2, 19/x2, S, P, 10 feet
Point Blank Shot: +1/+1 attack/damage within 30 feet
Favored Enemy: +2/+2
Favored Enemy: Magical Beasts +2

Spells Prepared

Armed: Longbow, Longsword
Conditions: None

Game Notes:
Light Horse(Daisy)(75 gp)(161/230 Heavy encumbered, speed 40, max Dex +1, Check Penalty -6)
Riding tricks: come, heel, stay
Bit and Bridle (2 gp)(1 lb)
Riding saddle (10 gp)(25 lbs)
Saddlebags (4 gp)(8 lbs)
Owe Autumn 95 gp

Voidrunner's Codex

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