[section]The party quickly snaps into action! Seros takes his due diligence to quickly throw on his armored coat and shout his warning cry. Drayvin rides forth drawing his studded club as he does so. He takes a large swing at the giant bat-bug, but merely slaps it in the wing, failing to fell his foe. Caius has significant more luck, however, as he quickly grabs his bow, draws an arrow, and let's it fly straight threw the flying monstrosity. It falls into the bog from whence it was born.
As for Sylvain, he furrows his brow in disappoint as the failure of his masterwork blade misses the nimble swamp creature. Fhanna is able to grab her spear and hop off the wagon towards the offending beast that Sylvain missed so spectacularly. Archimedes darts in ahead from ahead the trail and comes to rest on her master's shoulder.
The remaining beasts begin to close in further. The one nearest Sylvain and Fhanna tries to escape, but Fhanna's quick reactions leave a giant hole in it's 'sternum' and it falls to the ground dead.
The insect from the rear circles about to a more forward position. The bug to the west makes it's way towards the Giselda, the horse! It lands on it's flank and driving it's leg into it's sides, than viciously shoves it's stinger deep into the skin. The horse cries out in pain, and begins to buck into the air. It won't be long until she decides to get up and go herself!
s1: Tries to move, dies from Fhanna's AoO
s2: Dead
s3: Double move north
s4: Move to horse, touch attack horse 1 (
Success!) -1 CON damage to horse
s5: alive and kicking
s6: Move towards horse
h1: starts bucking, about to take off
All: Handle Animal DC10 to prevent h1 from trying to run. Handling an animal takes a standard action. Anyone can attempt this check, even if untrained.
Deepthought: Drayvin killed the one you went to, so I had him go to the nearest one.
Kahless: You still got one!
For Archimedes, I took the starting location from the traveling formation map. Plus handling the wagon to stop could have been an action too, but I gave you guys that one.
Sylvain: Thanks for the horse idea (makes more sense anyway, unarmored animals)
Archimedes: 10/10 hp
Caius: 20/20 hp, bow, unarmored
Drayvin: 14/14 hp, terbutje
Fhanna: 21/21 hp, spear
Seros: 10/10 hp, unarmed
Sylvain: 15/15 hp, longsword
s1: 6 damage taken
s2: 5 damage taken
s3: 0 damage taken
s4: 0 damage taken
s5: 3 damage taken
s6: 0 damage taken
h1: 0 damage taken, 1 CON damage
h2: 0 damage taken
h3: 0 damage taken
Entire Party is up for Round Two!