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[LPF]Something's Cooking


Fulgrim pays no regard to the burn on his arm and shrugs aside the blow from the strange creature. With the barely standing Vincenzo across from him Fulgrim grips the haft of his axe firmly and makes another arcing swing towards the creature.


My hit points should 20/32 due to rage. Also, Fulgrim has DR 1/--; not sure if you've been subtracting it or not.

Maintain Rage, Power Attack using Guidance (+1), Flanking (+2).

Attack -- 1d20+10=26
Damage -- 1d12+10=11


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Fulgrim Ironforge
Initiative: +3 (+5 when underground)
AC: 17 (16 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 28 (32 due to Rage) Current: 20
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +6 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Damage Reduction: 1/--

MW Greataxe +6 (1d12+4/20/x3)
Special: Power Attack for -1 to hit, +3 damage (to above)

Current Weapon in Hand: Great Axe

[sblock=Fulgrim, Raging]
AC: 15 (14 flat-footed, 9 Touch)
HP: 32 Current: 20
CMB: +7 CMD: 16 Fort: +8 Reflex: +1 Will: +3

Damage Reduction: 1/--
Rage: 9/11

MW Greataxe +8 (1d12+7/20/x3) and
Special: Power Attack for -1 to hit, +3 damage (to above)


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First Post
Ni moves even with Tamarel, conjuring another Celestial Dog out of the remains of the first one as he does so. Both the dog and Lu attack simultaneously, laying into the strange beast.

[sblock=Actions]Ni moves to D8, summons a Celestial Dog with Weapon Focus (Bite) at B12 (I assume the other one was killed?)
Dog attacks; I borked on the attack roll, modifier should be +6 (forgot +2 from flank)
Lu: Full attacks (+2 Str, +1 BAB, +2 Flank). The d20 roll labeled "Lu Claw 1 Damage" is actually that claws attack roll.[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2
HP: 9/9
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15)
CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +2
Perception: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 8/9
- 0: Infinite
- 1: 2/2

HP: 8/11
Eidolon AC: 16 (FF: 14; Touch: 12)
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +0

Natural Weapons:
- Bite:
+3, 1d6+2
- 2 Claws:
+3, 1d4+2[/sblock]
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
There is a slight distant look in vincenzo's eyes as he struggles to remain cognazant.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Vincenzo's link
Initiative: +2
AC: 16 touch: 12 flat footed: 14
HP: 22 Current: 22
BAB: +2
CMB: +4 = [BAB (2) + STR (2) + Misc (00)]
CMB: +6 to Trip*
CMB: +7 to Disarm*,***
CMD: 16 = [10 + BAB (2) + STR (2) + DEX (2) + Misc (00)]
CMD: 18 vs Trip**
CMD: 19 vs Disarm**,***
* +2 to CMB for Disarm and Trip (Improved Disarm Feat, Improved Trip Feat)
** +2 to CMD for Disarm and Trip (Improved Disarm Feat, Improved Trip Feat)
*** +1 to CMB/CMD Disarm and Bluff to Feint (Deceptive Strike)

Fort: +4
Reflex: +2
Will: +1
Resistance:[/COLOR] none

Current Weapon in Hand: +1 ivory handled Rapier (off hand is always empty as per style of fighting)
Attack: +6
Damage: D6+2



OOC: The spurt damage is fire damage, Fulgrim, so the DR doesn't come into play, but it does spare you one hit point from the actual hit.

Fulgrim's axe swing digs deep into the golem, and both it and Vincenzo drop to the ground as steaming hot pasta sauce once more sprurts out in all directions.

OOC: Fulgrim (C, 10) 16/32
Lu (D, 10) 7/11
Ni (C, 4) 9/9
Sauvressa (B, 10) 18/20
Temarel (B, 8) 16/16
Vincenzo (C, 12) -1/22; dying

CR 3 Berserk Calzone Golem 800 xp total/200 xp each[/sblock]
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Fulgrim watches as the hot pasta sauce spurting creature falls to the ground from his axe blow. He lets his great axe rest on the floor as his one hand still holds the haft. Sweat beads up on his saved head, pasta sauce running through his beard. It takes a moment for him to come back into focus and realize that Vincenzo also fell.

"Vincenzo's hurt!" Fulgrim calls as he moves to the fallen fighter's form. Fulgrim looks over the wounds of the fallen and kneels attempting to deliver what first aid he can. No stranger to the blood of battle Fulgrim tries to do what he can.


Come out of Rage. Fulgrim is fatigued for 4 rounds.

Heal (First Aid to stabalize) -- 1d20+1=15


[sblock=Mini Stats]
Fulgrim Ironforge
Initiative: +3 (+5 when underground)
AC: 17 (16 flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 28 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +6 Reflex: +1 Will: +1

Damage Reduction: 1/--

MW Greataxe +6 (1d12+4/20/x3)
Special: Power Attack for -1 to hit, +3 damage (to above)

Current Weapon in Hand: Great Axe

[sblock=Fulgrim, Raging (Inactive)]
AC: 15 (14 flat-footed, 9 Touch)
HP: 32 Current: 32
CMB: +7 CMD: 16 Fort: +8 Reflex: +1 Will: +3

Damage Reduction: 1/--
Rage: 9/11

MW Greataxe +8 (1d12+7/20/x3) and
Special: Power Attack for -1 to hit, +3 damage (to above)



First Post
Temarel looks shocked and....disturbed.

"Did...did we just slay a spaghetti monsters? And did it just burn vincenzo nearly to death? And?"

"Evil beloved."


Sauvressa places a marbled hand gently on Temarel's shoulder.



First Post
Ni shuffles over to take in the sight. "Well now....that's not something one sees everyday." Looking up at the others, he says, "Or is it? Again, I'm the new guy - perhaps dealing with edible golums are a way of life here?"

Lu, meanwhile, begins to gnaw tentatively at the pasta golums remains. The gnome inquires his eidolon: "How is it, boy?"


The downed golem actually tastes quite delicious, though Lu has to wait a second to let the flesh cool down enough to eat.

OOC: Is anyone doing anything other than eating your recent foe?



First Post
As Lu sets into his meal with fervor, Ni begins to take in their setting. "Say...wasn't there supposed to be a cook here? Hope all of his meals aren't like this." In between bites, Lu also scans the room.[sblock=Actions]Both are having a look around, taking in the general layout, how big the basement is, etc, and also seeing if they see/hear any suggestion of anyone else down here.[/sblock] [sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2
HP: 9/9
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15)
CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +1, Ref: +3, Will: +2
Perception: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 7/9
- 0: Infinite
- 1: 2/2

Eidolon: Summoned
HP: 7/11
Eidolon AC: 16 (FF: 14; Touch: 12)
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +0

Natural Weapons:
- Bite:
+3, 1d6+2
- 2 Claws:
+3, 1d4+2[/sblock]

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