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[LPF] The Curse of the Brown Auroch


First Post
Paskell allows the dialogue continue by itself and tries to see if he can make out the source of the woman's worries.
[sblock=OOC]Should be at F7 then since at the counter near the half orc

Perception: 1d20+7=20[/sblock]
[sblock=Paskell's Mini Stats]

AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 14/14
CMB: +0 CMD: 14
Fort: 0 Reflex: +7 Will: -1
Perception: +6
Initiative: +4
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Effect: Finesse

Used Items:

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Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia takes in the half-orc's appearance and nods slightly at the question.

"It would appear to likely be him given the description. Though I suspect the tale from his side to be different that what we hear from Trixie.

[sblock=OOC]Diplomacy: Gather Information (1d20+7=17)

I am flying out of town tomorrow, posting will be sporadic until I am settled back at work 25-26 Sep. I expect to have Internet access, but time to properly post IC might be another matter.[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +4 (6 with Mazi)
AC: 12 (16 w/Mage Armor) (Touch 12, Flat-footed 10)
20 Current: 20
11, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +4 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot

Weapon in Hand:
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 6/6

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +11
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
10 Current: 10
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +5
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +7, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)][/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Have a good trip perrinmiller! Post when ever you can, but I'm going to move on. [MENTION=6708444]Gordon[/MENTION] Heap, I'm going to have to place you where I think you want to be, if you don't send a coordinate update.[/sblock]


First Post
As the group talks to the barmaid, a small, thin elf enters the tavern and quickly approaches the bar. He steps in between Paskell and Samad to place a folded parchment on the bar top. The elf then turns and runs out of the establishment before anyone can engage him. On the folded parchment, an odd seal is seen in purple wax.

[sblock=Wax Seal]DSC02217.JPG[/sblock]

Flerg shifts uncomfortably and then wobbly stands to walk over to the bar. He places to hands on either side of the parchment to steady himself while he stares at the missive. He looks up at the group with a plea for help and furrows his brow, then his face twists in concentration as he musters the courage to pick up the letter.

With shaking hands, he breaks the seal and opens the parchment, leaving it on the bar top. Odd and foreign characters are crudely scrawled over the parchment. As you observe the writing, the characters begin to swirl and ribbons of purple smoke shoot from the parchment!


Multiple unnatural ribbons swirl violently around the tavern, knocking over chairs and dishes. The patrons begin screaming and running in all directions. The entrance door and windows all slam shut before anyone can run for safety. Most of the ribbons fly up the stairs and doors can be heard closing, followed by scuffles and desperate screaming from the rooms above.

Two of the ribbons stay on the tavern floor and begin to circle every quicker to form a dark disk that resembles some sort of magical portal. Out of this portal two pairs of large, decaying paws reach out and lift huge decrepit dog-like creatures from the unknown.

One of the patrons run for the door, only to be immediately mauled by the two beasts, leaving his body ripped to bloody shreds on the floor.



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Gorgon Heap

First Post
Lightfeather watches with mounting perplexity as the smoke flies about the place of its own accord. She gasps in horror when the beasts appear, but once they tear into an innocent man her reflexes take over and she instantly lets fly with an arrow, hoping the hellish monsters can be killed ...


[sblock=Attack]D'oh! Forget it. Nat 1.[/sblock]

[sblock=Grayn] Hey what did you use to make that map? It's freakin' awesome! [/sblock]


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia turns around to see the strange creatures, wondering if she recognizes them.

"Huh, don't you fella miss we stopped for holy water before we got here?"

[sblock=Crunch]Knowledge The Planes (1d20+4=22)
Initiative (Pirvinia & Mazi) (1d20+8=12, 1d20+2=5)
In the future, you can always roll Initiative for me. Asking for it always holds up the game otherwise since most people do not even include IC content.[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +4 (6 with Mazi)
AC: 12 (16 w/Mage Armor) (Touch 12, Flat-footed 10)
20 Current: 20
11, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +4 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot

Weapon in Hand:
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 6/6

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +11
18 (Touch 16, flat-footed 16)
10 Current: 10
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +5
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +7, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)][/sblock]


First Post
The two beasts look around the room with jaws dripping of gore and blood. Their sickly, dead gaze fall on the closest person which happens to be Privinia. They advance on her with jaws gnashing. Both sets of foul teeth find their mark, seriously injuring the sorceress and dragging her to the floor.

GM: All Players are up!


Beasts move to H6 and I6.

#1 Attack: 1d20+7=13
#1 Damage: 1d6+4=7
#1 Trip: 1d20+6=25

#2 Attack: 1d20+7=19
#2 Damage: 1d6+4=6
#2 Trip: 1d20+6=24

Save: 1d20+3=14

[sblock=OOC]I typically like to let everyone roll for initiative, at least for the first battle. It sets the pace and gets everyone's attention.[/sblock]

Initiative Order:
Privinia/Mazi - 7/20 - AC 12 - Condition: Prone
Paskell - 20/20 - AC 19
Samad - 23/23 - AC 17
Lightfeather - 30/30 - AC 17 [/sblock]

[sblock=Knowledge]Privinia doesn't recognize any planes these creatures are from, before being attacked. A Knowledge(Religion) check will be needed to know more of their background.[/sblock]

GM: If you would like to play along in the Roll20 map and save me a lot of time of remaking maps every round, here is the link: https://app.roll20.net/join/187396/oeu0NA Once you join the campaign, I will give you access to move your token.

Voidrunner's Codex

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