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[LPF] Through the Looking Gate

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
reserved for round 2, now active . . . . .

Vincenzo is intrigued by his misses, "Most interesting. This requires some other tactic.

Move action: Improved Feint bluff [+13]
[now I get a good roll *sigh]
Standard Action: Attack +13 [1d6+7]
1d20+13=31, 1d6+7=9, 1d20+8=10, 1d8+7=11
[oops, second attack ignore, plz]
1d20+13=20, 1d6+7=10 not a confirmed crit, unless feint: flatfooted ac is a hit.

"Ha ha! ha-ho! attack perry feint dodge stab dodge"

5' move then Lunge attack: -2 to ac this round

HP:xx/79, AC: 21[lunge 19] AC Touch: 16, AC Flat-Footed: 16
Adjustments: if using lunge, then -2 to a.c.
Fort: +8, Reflex: +5, Will: +4
Initiative: +2
Weapon in hand: Rapier [off hand empty]
Rapier : Attack: +13/+8 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) + Magic (2) + Weapon Focus (1) + Class (1)]
Damage: 1d6+7 [Str +2, wpn spec +2, magic +2 snglton +1] [crit: 18-20/*2] [type: P]
Long Bow: Attack: +10/+10 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) Dex (2)]
Damage: 1d8+2 = [Str (2) ] [crit: 20] [type: p]
Long sword: +11/+6 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) + Mwk (1) + Class (1)]
Damage: 1d8+3 = [Str (2) + Class (1)] [crit: 19-20/*2] [type: slash]

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First Post
Maui rumbles a growl and Taniwha ducks around the back of the eidolon a moment before Tasanto moves into attack, snapping at its heels to distract the magical wolf.

[sblock=OOC] All good. I am relieved to hear that the wolf isn't going to finish Maui off (as you could if you were to direct more than one attack at him).

Taniwha takes 5ft step to flank with Tasanto after his full round attack. [/sblock]



Don't worry if you fall to red numbers. Galandra has the sacred touch trait and can stabilize you as a standard action.

Also, she still has one entangle spell! 9o9[/sblock]


Ouch! So that's what it feels like to get struck by lightning. No way I can take another hit like that. I could die here ... I'm not ready to.

Menik nods thanks to Galandra as she heals him, though he's still weakened. He switches places with her.

Maybe that thing will go away if the gate is sealed. Best bet now, I think.

He continues chanting, concentrating on saying the right words.

[sblock]spellcraft = 28
I'm not 100% sure on the current map but Menik is now one square away from the south wall.

[sblock=mini stat block]

AC 17 (touch 13, ff 14) w/mage armor, hp 9/32
Init +3, CMB +3, CMD 16, Fort +3, Reflex +5, Will +5; Perception +7 (low-light vision), Stealth +8

att longsword +3 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +3 (1d4+1, 19/x2)

force missile (Sp): (1d4+2, as magic missile, 8/day, 3 used)

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

spells prepared:
Level 0: light, message, prestidigitation, disrupt undead (35', +5 RTA, 1d6)

Level 1: mage armor (cast), magic missile& (1d4+3,1d4+1,1d4+1) (x2) (cast 2),
chill touch (5 touches; 1d6 damage + 1 str damage (Fort part DC 16)
or undead panic 1d4+5 rounds (Will neg DC 16)),
ear-piercing scream& (45', 4d6+2, daze 1 rnd, Fort 1/2 DC 17 + no daze) (x2)

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+1, 5 min),
flaming sphere&~ (3d6+2, Reflex neg DC 19, 150' range, 5 rounds),
blindness/deafness (Fort neg DC 17) (cast),
toppling magic missile& (1d4+3,1d4+1,1d4+1; trip +10)

Level 3: haste (5 targets, 5 rounds),
halt undead (Will DC 18 neg, 3 targets, up to 5 rounds),
fireball& (7d6+2, Reflex half DC 20, 20' radius, 600' range) (cast)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), periscope, pearl of power (1st level) - used
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Deuce Traveler

Lem takes a step and attacks the beast, swinging with a flurry of blows. "Hey there, creature! Why don't you go run off and play somewhere else now?"

Make a five foot step and attack.
Two attacks, normal damage followed by fire if contact made.
1d20+10=24, 1d6=5, 1d6=3, 1d20+10=22, 1d6=3, 1d6=1
24 to hit on first attack, 5 normal damage, 3 fire damage. 22 to hit on second attack. 3 normal, 1 fire damage.

HP:26/32, AC: 23, AC Touch:21, AC Flat-Footed: 17
Fort: +5, Reflex: +10, Will: +8
Unarmed Strike: Attack: +10 = [BAB (3) + Dex (5) + Size (1) + Weapon Focus (1) + Amulet (0)]
Damage: 1d6+1d6 fire, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option
Flurry of Blows: Attack: +10/+10 = [Monk(5) + Dex(5) + TWF (-2) +WF(1) +Size(1) + Amulet (0)]
Damage: 1d6+1d6 fire/1d6+1d6 fire, Crit: 20/x2, Special: Stunning Fist Option
Ki Pool: 1/4

Updated Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/46498/52b59233eedfd


First Post
One of Maui's claws, and one of the sword strikes from Vincenzo's thrusts barley make it past the eidolon's magical armor, and into the creatures flank.

At that moment, Menik finishes his casting of the ritual, and a low *hum* emanates from the gate. A wave of magical energy courses through all 6 rune stones on the gate, and the gate, which was last showing a view of bright light, flickers out like a light. Almost immediately, a large explosion of magical energy escapes from the gate, and Menik and Galandra have to react quickly or risk falling on their backs. You each feel the wave wash over you, but nothing different seems to happen.

It does, however, seem to effect the eidolon. It flinches greatly, but stands back up and glares at Lem, who comes up and starts swinging at the creatures face. The first punch decks the creature in the jaw, much to the surprise of everyone there, while the second one gets the creature right in the kidney.

The monster goes into a display of savage swipes. The first claw reaches out to Maui, and almost gets underneath the neck for a kill attack. Maui's quick reflexes prevents the attack from getting deeper, and Maui just has a deep wound now instead of bleeding out.

The second claw is equally as terrifying. Lem almost does not see the claw coming in from the side, striking for the side of the halfling. Lem is able to shift his body inches enough that the blow merely takes a chunk out of the halfling.

Tasanto, guessing correctly that the monster's jaw would be coming for it, dodges deftly out of the way and prepares for a viscous counter attack.

[sblock=Round 3]
Lem was in Mika's spot, so I had to do some map shifting around to get everyone to fit into the same room.
@jbear : Since Taniwha was adjacent to Tasanto, he couldn't get into full flank quite yet. However, he WAS in flank with Lem after his 5' shift,. Tasanto is now in flank with Maui .

Lem's attacks actually did hit, since the Mage Armor got dispelled seconds before due to Menik / Galandra. So you got that going for you guys. Which is nice.

Menik/Galandra: DC 15 Reflex save or fall prone.

Creature: Tasanto: 1d20+9=21, 1d6+1d6+10=16, Maui: 1d20+9=25, 1d4+10+1d6=17, Lem: 1d20+9=29, 1d4+10+1d6=15

Miss on Tasanto, Crit Threat on Lem (Ouch...)

Crit Confirm:
1d20+9=21, 1d4+10+1d6=16 DOES NOT CONFIRM. That was way to close.

You guys are up. Finish it.

4 legged creature(Eidolon): 40/6? AC: 24

6/6 Spellcraft Checks Completed: GDW shatters the Mage Armor on the Eidolon.

Round 2 of Resilient Eidolon

Nysys 28 28/29
--Tasanto 52/52
Menik 17 9/32
Lem 23 10/32
Galandra 17 50/52
Vincenzo 20 43/79
Maui 16 01/56:
Taniwha 22 50/50


Updated Map
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A wave of energy from the gate knocks Menik back onto his ass.

He scrambles to his feet, and steps in back of Galandra so he can see the foe. Finally free to join the combat, he silently screams.

[sblock]ear-piercing scream vs eidolon; 19 damage + daze 1 round, Fort DC 17 half + no daze[/sblock]


[sblock=mini stat block]

AC 17 (touch 13, ff 14) w/mage armor, hp 9/32
Init +3, CMB +3, CMD 16, Fort +3, Reflex +5, Will +5; Perception +7 (low-light vision), Stealth +8

att longsword +3 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +3 (1d4+1, 19/x2)

force missile (Sp): (1d4+2, as magic missile, 8/day, 3 used)

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

spells prepared:
Level 0: light, message, prestidigitation, disrupt undead (35', +5 RTA, 1d6)

Level 1: mage armor (cast), magic missile& (1d4+3,1d4+1,1d4+1) (x2) (cast 2),
chill touch (5 touches; 1d6 damage + 1 str damage (Fort part DC 16)
or undead panic 1d4+5 rounds (Will neg DC 16)),
ear-piercing scream& (45', 4d6+2, daze 1 rnd, Fort 1/2 DC 17 + no daze) (x2) (cast 1)

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+1, 5 min),
flaming sphere&~ (3d6+2, Reflex neg DC 19, 150' range, 5 rounds),
blindness/deafness (Fort neg DC 17) (cast),
toppling magic missile& (1d4+3,1d4+1,1d4+1; trip +10)

Level 3: haste (5 targets, 5 rounds),
halt undead (Will DC 18 neg, 3 targets, up to 5 rounds),
fireball& (7d6+2, Reflex half DC 20, 20' radius, 600' range) (cast)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), periscope, pearl of power (1st level) - used

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure

OOC: I guess the feint failed last round?

Vincenzo lunges over Mila as the leapord sneaks into the empty spot between the wolf like creature and the single handed fighter.
The venzin fighter with holds his witticisms and concentrates on hitting the eidalon

1d20+13=14, 1d6+7=9, 1d20+8=21, 1d6+7=13

HP:xx/79, AC: 21[lunge 19] AC Touch: 16, AC Flat-Footed: 16
Adjustments: if using lunge, then -2 to a.c.
Fort: +8, Reflex: +5, Will: +4
Initiative: +2
Weapon in hand: Rapier [off hand empty]
Rapier : Attack: +13/+8 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) + Magic (2) + Weapon Focus (1) + Class (1)]
Damage: 1d6+7 [Str +2, wpn spec +2, magic +2 snglton +1] [crit: 18-20/*2] [type: P]
Long Bow: Attack: +10/+10 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) Dex (2)]
Damage: 1d8+2 = [Str (2) ] [crit: 20] [type: p]
Long sword: +11/+6 = [BAB (+7/+2) + Str (2) + Mwk (1) + Class (1)]
Damage: 1d8+3 = [Str (2) + Class (1)] [crit: 19-20/*2] [type: slash]
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Satin Knights

First Post
A quick riposte to the wolf's attack comes close to drawing blood. But, Tasanto swings a heavy claw and rips into the side of the wolf. Although the second claw cannot get through, Tasanto sinks his teeth into the wolf's neck. Sparks fly and blood flows.
[sblock=actions]AoO due to it missing me: AoO unarmed attack (1d20+8+2=23) missed by one
full attack: Claw attack + flank (1d20+10=29) hits for claw damage + shock (1d4+4+1d6=13)
2nd Claw attack + flank (1d20+10=15) failed
Bite attack + flank (1d20+10=26) hits for bite damage + shock (1d6+4+1d6=9)
22 damage if it takes electricity damage, 15 if it has electricity resistance
[/sblock][sblock=Tasanto Nysys' Mini-stats]
Half-elf Tasanto ....(inactive)
HP 58/58; AC 13+4, Touch 12, FF 15; Init -2, Low-light vision, Move 30'
Fort: +7, Reflex +3, Will +12, CMB +5, CMD 17
Perception +15, Sense Motive +14,

Unarmed Strike +6, d6+1+d6 shock, Stunning Fist 2/day

Lucerne Hammer +7, d12+1 with 10' reach
Handbo +6, d6+1 (in haversack)
Dagger +6, d4+1
Sling, +2, d4+1
.......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

Cattaur Beast Nysys ........... (active)
HP 52/52 real, 28/29 temp, AC 24+4, 16 Touch, 22+4 FF; Init +2, Darkvision, Move 40' Mage Armor 5 hrs
Fort: +8, Reflex +9, Will +14, CMB 8, CMD 24, Evasion
Perception +23, Sense Motive +14

Claw/Claw +8, d4+4+d6 shock (10' reach)
Bite +8, d6+4+d6 shock
Unarmed Strike +8, d6+6+d6 shock, on first strike of the round (usually kick, sometimes elbow)
Unarmed Strike +8, d6+4+d6 shock, on subsequent strikes in the round
Stunning Fist 3/day
MW Cold Iron Lucerne Hammer +9, d12+6 with 10' reach
Handbo +8, d6+4
Dagger +8, d4+4
Sling +7, d4+4 ......... Sling Bullets 9 Normal

.,,,..Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Jolt, Guidance, Umbrella
.,,.,,...Summoner 1st Lvl: 3/4 remaining; Expeditious Retreat, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Mage Armor, Shield
.,,.,,..Summoner 2nd Lvl: 1/2 remaining; Haste, See Invisibility
Summon Monster II:
5/5 remaining; std action SLA summon, (6 min), celestial eagles
......,,.......Consumables: 1 Alchemist's Fire, 3 Cure Light Wounds potion, 1 Enlarge potion
....,,.........Consumables: 15/22 days trail rations, 1 anti-toxin, 1 anti-plague
....,,.........Consumables: Scroll of Summon Eidolon and Scroll of Lesser Eidolon Surge loose in haversack
....,,.........Consumables: (44/50 charges) Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
.....,Anytime Free Action: Fused Link, move HP from real to temp to keep cattaur alive, used down to 2 real
........ ......Swift Actions: Enter Snake Stance or Dragon Stance
..If Snake Stance Active:
.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.Free Action: A missed attack on me provokes an AoO with an Unarmed Strike
.......Immediate Actions: AC or Touch AC = d20+14 against one strike
.......Immediate Actions: if hit on unarmed AoO, spend immed to make second unarmed AoO attack
If Dragon Stance Active:

..Ignore Difficult Terrain: Ignore terrain on charge and charge through allies
....First Strike is harder: +2 damage to first unarmed strike
...........dragon resolve: +2 saves vs Sleep, Paralysis and stunning effects
...............Conditionals: +1 damage when flanking from dirty fighting trait
Effects: Snake Stance on,Dragon Stance on, Swift action available, AoO 2of3 available, AC 28, Mage Armor 4.5 hrs
In hand:


First Post
Blood pouring from his wounds, Maui-Tiger continues to wail upon the eidolon, oblivious to the fact that the magical wards around the creature had been weakened. Taniwha likewise continues with his attempts to tumble the creature and rip out its guts.

[sblock=OOC] Maui and Taniwha full atk.

Invisible Castle is down atm. Will post rolls when it gets back up (Feel free to roll for me if you like).

Taniwha +13 1d6+5/1d3+5/1d3+5
Maui +15 2d6+8/2d4+8/2d4+8

Voidrunner's Codex

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